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If Mines Mine...What's Yours?

Posted on Thu Aug 29th, 2024 @ 1:04pm by Commander Kevin Lance & Captain Mira Rodale & Lieutenant Commander Awal Kronnelti & Lieutenant Tracey Walker Jr & Lieutenant Betaras K'ner

Mission: Deep freeze
Location: BS Neva
Timeline: Current

{Faereyjar Mines}

Kevin held his hand up for a halt a short distance from the entrance to the mine and the war party came to a stop. The pine trees were thick enough to provide a decent amount of cover if someone wasn't looking very closely and would allow the party to approach the mine on foot undetected.

Leaving the horses with his bannerman, Kevin advanced through the trees with Walker, Kronnelti, Chin and three oathmen that Kevin didn't recognize from the Norris' crew.

Awal kept Vay'toc close to him, they looked at each other as he put his finger to his lips ( shh ) Vay'toc lays down.

Waiting for Kevin's signal to advance they all wait hiding behind the trees.

The small clearing in front of the mine's entrance was deserted except for an unhitch cart.

An image of Mira being dragged to a room inside the mine pops into Awal's mind from Vay'toc. He relayed the information to Kevin.

Kevin nodded with mixed emotions. It confirmed that they had found where Mira and the other abductees had been taken. He scanned the clearing and satisfied himself that there were no sentients visible. Looking back towards Walker and Kronnelti, Kevin made the hand gestures for moving to positions either side of the mine entrance that he had learned in Star Fleet security training. He waited for acknowledgement of the orders.

stacked up on both sides of the mine entrance, they waited for an opportunity to get inside the mine.

Both Kevin and Awal heard muffled talking right behind the door then the door started to open ( heavy door noise ) as one of the men stepped outside to have a smoke.

without being seen Awal grabbed the man covering his mouth with his hand then gave the infamous Vulcan neck pinch knocking the man out then dragged off to the side.

with the door being open Kronnelti had vay'toc take a peak inside, an image showing just one other guard posted at the door with a long corridor before splitting off into two different sections.

Awal using hand signs interpreted it to Kevin.

Drawing a long bladed knife, Kevin stepped through the doorway into the gloom of the mineshaft. He had only a little trouble spotting the guard as he was highlighted in relief by a torch that guttered further along the corridor. Luckily, the guards back was to him and he did not notice Kevin as he strode quietly up behind him.

In a single, swift movement, Kevin grabbed the guard by the forehead and pulled back to expose the man's neck, then slid the knife across slicing open the arteries and larynx. The guard gurgled as he drowned in his own blood while Kevin released his hold and the body crumpled to the ground. A part of Kevin rejected killing the man but they had taken his love and without knowing how many they might encounter, he didn't want to leave anyone behind them that might revive.

The warparty stepped over the corpse and when they came to the split in the corridor, Kevin send Kronnelti with Vaytoc and two oathmen to the right while he led Walker, Chin and the other oathman to the left. Splitting his forces was not the best choice but would halve the time needed to find Mira and the others.

{in the cave}

Mira hands were wrapped around the bars shaking them, but they didn't move. "Who the hell puts bars in a cave?" This all had to have been planned for a while..

Mira put her hands over her face. Why was she panicked about being locked up? She spun around to look at ZiMia " You knew some of that madness Cravis spoke of."

Zimia looked uncomfortable but nodded "I have my memories of each of the 5 'games' we have been forced to be in. The first one we all had our memories. When something went wrong. The masters wanted to see what would happen if they changed the rules. You died badly the first 2 times. Your .....symbiont " Zimia pointed to Mira's stomach " is carrying all your memories. So when they would changed things on us or take your memories away it or I guess her name is Rodale would remind you. So they blocked that connection. You keep putting your hand on your stomach are you starting to feel her?"

Mira frowned but nodded so that was where the terror was coming from. She looked around the cell. KeVin and Kolar are real and really mine?" she asked just needing to know if anything in her life was real.

"yes the three of you are together and real." Zimia thought about telling her more but Mira had what looked like a seizure earlier and she didn't want to put any more stress on her."
Mira nodded seemingly able to deal with. "Ok KeVin will come for me."

( right tunnel )

Awal, Vay'toc and the two oathmen quietly walked down the path, thankfully Kronnelti was able to see what the big ass cat was able to see. He could hear a group of men laughing and mugs clanking together.

as they got closer Awal was able to see them playing cards, looks like a version of Texas hold'em.

they were able to get by the door without being seen, the corridor ended up coming to an end with a large door.

quietly opening it up Awal was in disbelief that it's just an armory so they hustled back and went down the other side catching up with Kevin.
sir the right side was a dead end with an armory, another image flashed it's Zimia with Mira and Cravis was standing over them both.

We must hurry said Awal, the corridor kept going for another half mile. Vay'toc stopped and his hairs started to stand with a low growl.

What is it boy asked Kronnelti? another image of two more men standing guard.

from a distance Awal sent two throwing stars into the necks of the guards dropping them both quietly.

[Left Tunnel]

As luck would have it, the two tunnels ultimately met back up, indicating that the the entire cave tunnel system was a large circle. He knew that because up ahead, two of the guards in front of him dropped with stars throwing stars sticking out of their necks.

Lance motioned for the group to move forward, which they did. While the time setting they were in didn't allow for firearms per se, Trace was quite accustomed with a weapon he did have access to - a whip.

Quietly, he uncoiled it and, brandishing a shortsword in his left hand, rounded the corner.

A grunt of surprise came from a third guard as Trace's blade slammed into his chest, driving into the heart. He jerked as he went limp, but managed to get out a strangled cry. A fourth guard, previously hidden by the flickering shadows, roused the others.

"What's going on here!?" Bellowed a man, who must be one of the leaders and captors. "Kill these men!" He shouted.

as the captain draws his sword Awal says Vay'toc kill him. He doesn't hesitate as the cat sprints then jumps on him forcing his sharp teeth into his neck and pulling it apart thrashing his jugular out.

several more men came running from behind the group but before they could do anything Awal picked up a longbow, threw the pack of quivers over his shoulder & started taking out the 4 remaining guards.

Kevin are you able to open that door while I finish them off? asked Kronnelti

{cage, mined }

Mira looked over at Deena they had put 3 woman in the cell with her. The others were in the other cell with Deena.

Cravis laughed hovering over her and Zimia after knocking them down. "You try my patience woman! you will recant your vows and pledge yourself to me. "
He hit her leg again with a stick making Mira cry out from the pain.

Geneva wanted a weapon! This guy was a Deadman he just didn't know it.

( Outside the room )

Vay'toc sent an image of Mira getting slapped with a stick and that didn't sit well with him, Kevin and the others are slowly getting the door open.

After dropping the last guard and running out of arrows Awal ran over and with all his strength he helped open the door.

Cravis looked over seeing the door open and yelled to the captain to immediately close it but no response. Awal slipped in with Kevin right behind him.

"Chin, get our people out of that cage," Kevin ordered.

Seeing Cravis Awal's eyes went blood red with rage, he prepared to throw his hunting knife but Kevin's hand on his wrist stayed him momentarily. "Cravis is mine," Kevin announced coldly.

Awal changed his aim to target a guard in front of Brendis. The dagger caught him in the throat and he collapsed to the ground. Awal was immediately in motion to engage Brendis.

Trace covered Chin's move to the door of the first cage, keeping the guards at bay with expertly aimed cracks of his whip.

Kevin let out a fierce cry as he closed on Cravis. His opponent's eyes went wide as the bearded blond giant loomed over him. Cravis drew his sword with barely enough time to parry the blow from Kevin knife.

Normally, the sword would have given Cravis the advantage but Kevin was already inside of the weapon's reach. It wall all that he could do to parry the thrusts and cuts of Kevin's knives. But several got past his defense and were beginning to take their toll.

Mira clung to Zimia but wiped the tears from her eyes. She had welts and bruise on her legs and arms. She had refused to give into Cravis's demands.

"what do we do?" Mira asked Zimia.

"Well if you were the captain you would have beaten the crap out of Cravis with Deena and had them all tied up when the rescue showed up. Mira looked wild-eyed at Zimia "Now?"

Zimia just smiled at her.

Mira was worried, could she ever be this other woman that Zimia talked about?

Cravis bled from the multiple cuts that Kevin had inflicted upon his body. His strength was ebbing and he was able to parry fewer of the blows from the knife. Although he had been able to score a couple of blows of his own, Kevin's attack continued unabated. There was only one option available to him.

Cravis dropped his sword. "I yield! For mercy's sake, I yield!" he begged.

Brendis was able to get a few punches in on Awal but that didn't do much to him as he was in a full on rage, seeing how screwed he was he tried to run but was too late as Kronnelti swung his ax decapitating Brendis.

his head hit the ground then his body. Awal still in a fit of rage looks over at Cravis then bellows out a klingon warcry before looking over at Mira being held by Zimia.

YOU, HOW DARE YOU PUT US THROUGH THIS, IF YOU VALUE YOU'RE LIFE THEN STOP THESE GAMES OR I WILL KILL!!!! screamed Awal before calming down and going over to Mira and asking if she was ok.

Kevin come hold your mate he said, if he moves an inch I will end his life just like i did to Brendis.

Mira trembled. She was scared but in alot of pain.
"He said they were working for the master. The master's are in control of everything. He has no control of anything."
She wasn't sure what was going on but that seemed important.
Zimia nodded.

"Tie him up," Kevin ordered his oathmen, "I don't want him to get away." The three men descended upon Cravis as Kevin turned to the cages that had been holding his people. He recognized Geneva, Sheridan, and Deena but he overlooked them all to catch a glimpse of Mira.

His expression soften when he found her, protectively held by Zimia, and the sight of the black and blue welts on her body brought tears to his eyes.

"Oh, Mira, my love," he grieved as he took her in his arms, "I will make whoever did this to you pay!"

"You just beat him in combat husband." Mira's voice broke "he wanted me to divorce you but I would not."

"My brave, loyal woman," Kevin praised, "Let's get you out of here and back to our son."

"Is he alright?" Mira asked, her voice full of concern.

Kevin smiled. "Hale and healthy and missing you, kitten. Vaytoc protected him well."

To Kevin, it appeared that Vaytoc almost preened under the compliment.

"Kronnelti, Walker. Find the draft horses and take our people back to Faereyjar," Kevin ordered. He looked towards Cravis. "I have some unfinished business to attend to."

"Aye si..." Trace started and then changed it to "Yes, my liege." And did what he was ordered, after he checked in on Geneva. She treated him like royalty, as was the custom of the time. but he ignored it.

As Trace escorted his woman to the cart, Deena walked beside them, helping another, and quietly relayed what she'd learned from Cravis about the construct they seemed to be in...

Awal nodded, lets go back home he said as he led the group to the horses and back to Faereyjar as Kevin stayed behind.

Mira winced as she picked up and taken to the wagon. She blinked away tears. as she settled back on the wooden cart.

Zimia frowned. "Why isn't he coming with us. "

"It isnt our place to question the jarl." Mira whispered to her. She had been worried since he was not taking her back home himself. At least her brother was here and so was Vaytoc. Her hand slipping into his fur as he laid next to her. "You found me and protected my son." he purred happily.

It took the same amount of time to reach home, the horn blew signaling the return as Kolar came running out mama mama with Dianna right behind him while holding Venus.



Lieutenant Commander Awal Kronnelti
Chief of security & tac
USS Chuck Norris


Captain Mira Rodale
CO USS Chuck


Commander Kevin Lance
Executive Officer
USS Chuck Norris


Lieutenant Tracey "Trace" Walker
Chief Engineer
USS Chuck Norris


Lt Betaras K'ner
Hazard Team Combat Medic TL-B / CMO
USS Chuck Norris


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