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Search party

Posted on Wed Aug 28th, 2024 @ 4:11pm by Captain Mira Rodale & Commander Kevin Lance & Lieutenant Commander Awal Kronnelti & Lieutenant Tracey Walker Jr & Lieutenant Betaras K'ner
Edited on on Mon Sep 2nd, 2024 @ 8:43pm

Mission: Deep freeze
Location: Faereyjar
Timeline: Current

{Faereyjar, 1100 AD}

Tossing the hut frantically looking for his wife and daughter, Awal ran out screaming for them.

{Kolar's bedroom, night time}

Vaytoc had taken to sleeping with the cub of his pack and things were different again. He wanted to run and stretch his legs but the smells were all wrong here. Mira had kissed her son good night then they had rubbed faces before she left. Vaytoc had laid his head on Kolar's chest and purred him to sleep. The room had grown darker the fire getting lower when he heard the door crack open slowly. It's wasn't anyone from his pack so they had no business in his domain. He gave off his most menacing growl.

"crap I think there is a wild animal in here."
"I was told this is the kids room. Just get the little brat so we can leave."

as they entered farther into the room Vaytoc charged. His teeth sunk in deep.

Cursing the other man left, slamming the door behind him.
Vaytoc dropped the dead man to the floor then licked his lips as he joined Kolar back in bed. The doors didn't open for him here like before. It was best to guard the youngest of his pack.

{morning, Kolars room}

Kolar's eyes widened at seeing a dead man in his room. "bad bad?" Vaytoc nodded. The little boy giggled mama and Mia always told him that this Toc eat the bad bad. But his door wouldn't open. He hit it a few times yelling. "Mama! Dada!"

{Great Hall, Morning}

A small gnome with a bloody great hammer was pounding on the inside of Kevin's skull and a parrot had voided its bowels inside of his mouth. Kevin let out a groan as he lifted his head to stare blurrily out at the hall around the dining table. The last thing that he remembered was dickering with Lord Cravis over the price for the warhorses. The man had ludicrously demanded Mira as part of the payment. No way that Kevin was going to agree that that, even he had wasn't emotionally attached to her.

Neither Cravis nor Brendis or any of their oathmen were still in the room. Around the great hall, Kevin's own oathmen were arrayed around the table some were unconscious and others with in various states that they were under the same physical distress as was Kevin himself.

The fire had died and the hall was cold and dimly lit, which was likely a good thing. Kevin mouth was dry in addition to being filled with a foul taste. He looked to the various mugs and drinking horn but none contained just water. He emptied one mug and stumbled to the door of the hall.

The bright morning sun blinded him, shooting additional daggers of pain through Kevin's head. Zefram Cochrane, he thought, what did I drink? He plunged the mug into a water trough outside the hall. He didn't dwell on the idea that horses used the trough as he withdrew the icy cold liquid and drank deeply.

A blood curdling scream pierced the morning calm. Kevin looked up to see Awal, stripped to the waist, running and frantically looking into the huts surrounding the great hall. "Kronnelti!" Kevin called out, "What in Cochrane's name is wrong?"

"Dianna and Venus! They are missing!"

A wave of panic broke over Kevin as he recalled sending Mira back to their quarters with Kolar. Cravis and Brendis were gone and Kevin's own men had been incapacitated. What if they had taken her and Kolar as well?

Then a cold, calculating voice took over. He was Jarl and the people drew strength from him. He could not be seen to panic.

Another voice said that while he wasn't Jarl, he was the senior ranking officer until he found his Captain. Again, he needed to be a rock of calm in a sea of chaos.

Kevin straighten himself up and ordered Awal to calm down. It only had a marginal effect on the Klingon but allowed him to focus on Kevin's questioning. "Where have you looked for your wife and child?"

He had checked his quarters and those on the way to the Great Hall.

Several of the oathmen exited the great hall accompanied by Walker, who held on to a pillar for support.

"We need to get a count of all our people," Kevin announce, "Kronnelti, take two warriors and search the armory, stables and training areas. Walker you take the docks and the fisher huts. The rest of us will search the kitchens, storehouses and the living quarters around the great hall. No one departs the village until we know who was taken."

Walker turned and head to the waterline. Awal still looked wild-eyed. "Kronnelti, do you accept my authority as Jarl?" Kevin asked sternly.

Yes he said, as he started to calm himself. He took the order and went off to look in the armory, stables & training area.

after what felt like two hours he came back to the great hall, Jarl Kevin looked up and Awal shook his head no.

as Awal sat down to gather his bearings something felt off. He noticed two pairs of footprints exiting the great hall in a hurry & so he got the attention of Kevin.

Come look at this he said, two pairs of footprints leading out in a hurry by the impact of the print. if they walked out the print would be light but they're heavy he said.

Kevin looked at the prints. "Cravis and Brendis unless I miss my guess," Kevin deduced. As he looked, he was brushed by Vaytoc.

Kevin looked to the beast but its expression was enigmatic. Awal, however, received an image of a smiling Dianna carrying Venus.


Kevin turned to the call. Walker was approaching carrying Kolar. Beside him Dianna carried Venus.

Awal immediately ran to his wife and child, engulfing them in a giant hug.

"Hey Cub!" Kevin smiled as he took Kolar from the engineer.

"Kolar was in your quarters with Vaytoc. I found her tied up in the meadery," Walker reported, "She says that she walked in on someone messing with the mead. They knocked her out."

"What the count" Kevin asked.

"Seven crew missing," Walker replied, "Captain Rodale, Dersch, Sheridan, Deena, T'Leia, Mariten and...Thorne."

Kevin looked to Walker at the mention of Geneva's name. "I'm sorry to hear that," he spoke softly.

Walker gave a short nod that hid whatever he might have been feeling.

"Where Mama, Dada?" Kolar asked.

"She went hunting, Cub," Kevin answered reassuringly.

"Toc ate the bad bad in my room." He told his Dada. Keven raised an eyebrow at the news.

"What's the plan?" Walker asked.

Kevin looked at Vaytoc. The cat had some sort of psychic connection to Mira. Maybe he could track here. "We go to get our people back."

{On the dirt road miles away}
lord Brendis smacked lord Cravis's arm "you just had to stop and get her to divorce him before we got them home!"

Deena had moved around the men, making them back up from Mira.

Cravis snarled. "She is a woman. I am not afraid of a woman!" With his hand, he motioned a few of the men to surround them."I have plans for all of you. "

Mira's hands were still tied, but even if she was free, what was she supposed to do?

Mira raised an eyebrow. Had they taken her son as well?

"Where is my son?" Mira asked.

"Your brat is in his room. Does he have a wild animal as a pet?"

Mira smirked

(Outside great hall)

Awal knelt down next to Vay'toc, can you some how send Mira visual or if she can show you where she is?

He put his head down in Awal's hand and the instantly got a visual of the men.

Good boy as he pats Vay'toc's head and gives him some meat, Kronnelti then walks up to Kevin.

I got a visual of the men, it's Cravis and his men said Awal.

Vay'toc sent Awal another visual of the ground, hoof prints. The horses were in a hurry as they tore up the ground going North - North East.

Awal told this to Kevin, he then tosses a leg to Vay'toc as a prize.

They so much lay a finger on her I promise I will kill them, revive them and kill them again then send them to hell as he snarls.

Vaytoc lifted his head to the wind. ~Mira~ he sent to Kronnelti. He had found the way she had gone. Did he hunt with them or on his own.

{On the dirt road miles away}

Deena's eyes narrowed as she got a good look at the Captain’s face. The whole side of her of her face was going to be deep black and blue. Who was going be more angered Kronnelti or Lance she wondered? Deena also saw anger in the woman's eyes but far too much fear to be fully the captain she needed right now.

Mira's hand went to her stomach. There was so much terror coming from..... Rodale? Who was Rodale. Why was she so terrified, and why could she feel it.

Mira's eyes met Cravis, and she felt Vaytoc's anger. "Where are you taking us?"

Cravis smiled "to your new home. With you by my side, I win it all."

Deena was curious once more. She had realized that this man, and at least a couple of the others were at the mine, now this, again, in this setting. Was this Mira's Q messing with them again? Surely not, since he had yet to make an appearance, and oh how he loved to make an entrance.

"Again with the game and winning. Just what is this game, and why do you think you have won? You seem to bumble about from what I can tell..." She'd positioned herself alongside Mira, running scenarios through her mind as the men shifted. Not all of them were so confident as the errant Cravis. They'd already underestimated them as females, and she could hear movement in the cart as the others had freed themselves. No doubt there were crew already on the way but this self-proclaimed lord seemed to not realize he'd kicked a hornet's nest, to use an old earth idiom.

Cravis laughed why not? None of you will remember when we make our next jump, not unless you please the master. That comes with a drawback as well. You see, you have all played the masters game. " He looked to Brendis."You think it's been 5 times now for them?"

Brendis nodded, "and time is very different here. When you think it's only a day, maybe it's been a year? And believe me, you have all had interesting lives." His smirk grew.

Cravis laughed "like that Kevin of yours. He has had many women while in here. He didn't mind one bit taking the next one handed to him.

Now, in the last game when we were on the mined? You were promised to me but that damn klingon got in my way."

Mira winced at what he was telling her. "We have a son together. KeVin and I."

"yea yeah and you will have one with me and probably Brendis as well. See, right now we aren't even here." He waved a hand in the air. "All this isn't real. None of it has been. All your memories are in planted in your brain. They need us to run their simulation. They need the energy our body gives off to run their ship." He laughed. "we are all batteries, and if you play the game, you can have anything you want. Your mine now. Next jump your Kevin will not even know who you are and be with someone else. "

Mira rubbed her bound hands on her chest. her heart physically hurt from the words he was saying "no, NO you lie" she backed up. none of this could be true. it couldn't be. She had to get back. Her bound hands went to Deena "please tell me he lies."

( horseback )

As Kevin & Awal gathered men and weapons he knew the direction the men took Mira.

Kronnelti had a special seat attached to the back of the horse for Vay'toc. He looked at Kevin and nodded as they set off in the direction Mira was taken. The journey would take several hours but they had to be swift.

speeding as fast as the horses can go, Vay'toc showed Awal a mined Mira was at. He got up next to Kevin & yelled " They are in a mined"

"Which way to the mineds?" Kevin asked the oathman carrying his banner.

"That way, my Lord," the oathman answered pointing towards the northeast. Kevin turned his horse in the indicated direction and spurred the animal into a gallop. His small host of seven, including Kronnelti, Chin and Walker, followed.

Awal had argued for taking all the available warriors but Kevin flatly denied his suggestion. A larger host would move more slowly and noisily. Time was of the essence and Kevin wanted the element of surprise.

He had left Montgomery in charge at village. Like Mira, the second officer was so deeply wrapped in the illusion that he accepted the charge without protest. He would keep Kolar and Kronnelti's family safe.

As the group thundered along, Kevin considered what they would find and how to deal with it. A mine would require a forced entry. The narrow confines would obliviate the use of crossbows, there only ranged weapon. Without phasers, the work would be close and bloody.

As the men rode on, Trace's mind wandered. His thoughts about what was coming were understandably close to those of Lance, that tactics were not in their favor. Most men in Starfleet were decent enough shots, but hand to hand combat was so rare in the real world that the practicality of spending time to get better at it was rarely warranted.

And of course, his mind wandered to Geneva. With her captured in danger, he could barely think of anything else. Yet, a small part of his mind was working on the problem. How had they gotten here, where were they, and more importantly, where was their ship and how did they get back to it. He had sought signs of a holoprogram of some kind, and had not seen anything that would suggest they were in one, but that was the most plausible explanation. Holographic technology was quite sophisticated at fooling the senses. As for the memory wipes, he couldn't quite explain that...but it indicated another player of some kind. Complete and total memory loss of an entire crew was one thing, and could be plausibly explained by some of the weirder scientific principles he was sure, but selective memory loss...he was certain there was a hand guiding what was happening to them.


Lt Betaras K'ner
Hazard Team Combat Medic TL-B / CMO
USS Chuck Norris


Lieutenant Commander Awal Kronnelti
Chief of security & tactical
USS Chuck norris


Commander Kevin Lance
Executive Officer
USS Chuck Norris


Captain Mira Rodale
CO USS Chuck Norris


Lieutenant Tracey "Trace" Walker
Chief Engineer
USS Chuck Norris


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