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Posted on Thu Aug 29th, 2024 @ 1:04pm by Commander Kevin Lance

Mission: Deep freeze
Location: BS Neva
Timeline: Current

{Wilds outside of Faereyjar}

Cravis awoke to the majestic landscape of the pasture lands to the east of Faereyjar gradually giving way to the protective mountains that formed the fjords leading to the sea. It was a sight that surprised him. He had expected to find himself in a dungeon. He tried to pull his arms into himself but found his wrists and ankles bound by ropes. In vain, the struggled against them.

“At last,” a voice said, “You are awake.”

Cravis turned his head to the voice and saw Kevin standing by a fire, sharpening a knife on a stone in his hand.

“Release me at once!” Cravis demanded

Kevin chuckled. “If it escaped your notice,” he answered, “you are not in a position to ask that.”

“I am a sworn representative of Jarl M’Niras,” Cravis shouted, “You gave me your vow of hospitality!”

“And you broke that vow when you abducted my wife and people,” Kevin replied pointing the knife at Cravis.

“What do you intend to do to me?”

“No, less than you deserve,” Kevin answered simply. He told hold of a bit of his beard and cut with the knife. It sliced easily and without resistance. Satisfied, he released the hairs and they were scattered by the gentle breeze coming in from the unseen sea.

Kevin had experienced removing the hide of a spemalot during his assignment to the diplomatic mission to Pyxis Alpha Five and boned fish on Earth. This time, however, his quarry would be alive and conscious. He approached Cravis with the knife in one hand and a cloth rag in the other.

Cravis’ eyes went wide with the realization of what Kevin intended. He opened his mouth to scream and Kevin jammed the cloth into his mouth so far that Cravis began to choke.

Kevin brought his lips close to Cravis’ ear and whispered, “This will go much easier for you if you don’t struggle. Or do. It makes little difference to me.”

Kevin remembered being a more merciful man in the past but those memories were fading to little more than a dream. From deep inside, another voice told him to embrace his true self.

He walked behind Cravis as the man struggled against his bonds. Kevin made a shallow cut across the top of the shoulder and began peeling back the skin as Cravis screamed in pain.


Commander Kevin Lance
Executive Officer
USS Chuck Norris


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