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Fri Mar 28th, 2025 @ 6:17pm
Captain Mira Rodale
Name Mira Angelina Rodale
Position Commanding Officer
Rank Captain
Character Information
Gender | Female | |
Species | Trill | |
Age | 28 |
Physical Appearance
Height | 5'4" | |
Weight | 100 | |
Hair Color | Auburn (long to her waist.) | |
Eye Color | Blue (dark blue) | |
Physical Description | Short, slim and petite. One would almost think she couldn't knock you off your feet until she shows you other wise. Standard Trill markings. |
Spouse | Maj. Kolar sutai-Rasmehlier (deceased) | |
Children | Son: Kolar Rodale Lance (Trill/ human) | |
Father | Vanone Rodale, Trill, Successful business man (deceased) | |
Mother | Jana Rodale, Trill, Ambassador (deceased) | |
Brother(s) | Von Rodale Lox, Trill (joined), former Trill Council Delegate Lox being the name of her brother 's symbiont. |
Other Family | Uncle: Koban Rodale, Trill, Vanone's twin brother, married to Kaya Aunt: Kaya Rodale(by marriage), Trill, married to Koban Uncle: Eran Rodale, Trill, youner brother to Koban, married to Sheana, lives on Betazed with her, no children Aunt: Sheana Rodale(by marriage), Betazoid, married to Eran, no children Cousin(M): Doran Rodale, Trill, eldest son of Koban Cousin(M): Kaylor Rodale, Trill, second eldest son of Koban, Mika's twin brother Cousin(M): Mika Rodale, Trill, third eldest son of Koban, Kaylor's twin brother Cousin(M): Jorna Rodale, Trill, second youngest son of Koban, married to Ceta Cousin(F): Ceta Rodale(by marriage), Trill, married to Jorna Cousin(M): Ator Rodale, Trill, youngest son of Koban Cousin(F): Kiara Rodale, Trill (not joined), Starfleet Officer, only daughter and youngest child of Koban. Mate :Captain K’lar Rasmehlier of the USS Conqueror Uncle Thor Thorngard , human wife Helga |
Personality & Traits
General Overview | Traits: Tends to have way too much fun off duty. Because of her energy level she is always doing something to keep busy. Mok'bara, Dahar exercise, free rock climbing (because it fills a few needs. Pushes her body to its limits and fills the adrenaline junkie side of her psyche.) Spelunking for the same reason. Proficient in hand to hand combat training in many martial arts from around the Galaxy. Proficient with many hand weapons but excels in the use of the kar'takin, mek'leth, bat'leth, d'k tahg and Trill daggers. Target practice has always been a favorite pass time as is playing Vulcan lute and reading . One of her only sit still activities. She is a joined Trill because of a choice she made to keep her memories on the alien ship Eden. Personality: Very open-minded, good-natured and fun loving. Likes Intercultural exchanges with other species and challenges. Best not to dare her, she will more they likely take you on it just to prove you wrong. |
Strengths & Weaknesses | She has very little fear of death in fact in her off time she seem to court it way to much. That in its self can be a strength and weakness. Being so opened minded about other beings let's her see things far differently then most people view them and has added her in first contact situations. | |
Ambitions | To get thought the next day. after the traumatic experience of being marooned on a hostel planet for 4 years and that her mate is MIA, listed as dead.. To get by she pours herself into her work and playing to hard. Giving her no time to think. Just rebuild her life | |
Hobbies & Interests | Mok'bara, free rock climbing. Pushing her body to its limits and being an adrenaline junkie Spelunking , hand to hand combat training in many martial arts from around the Galaxy. hand weapons :kar'takin, mek'leth, bat'leth, d'k tahg Trill Daggers, music and reading. |
Personal History | Youngest of 2 children. Parents killed in an accident on Trill. They were killed then a bomb when off in their shuttle. She was 7 at then time. Has one older brother who is a joined Trill (they don't get along) Mira was raised by a family friend on Betazed and traveled alot for his work. Ambassador M'Niras /Caitian |
Service Record | Before going to Star Fleet Academy, she studied diplomatic training (diplomatic relations) and worked as a diplomatic aid for Ambassador Janxa of Trill. She enrolled in the program to become a joined trill and had passed all the tests needed to do so. But after seeing the change in her brother, she decided it was not what she wanted. She left Trill that night and signed aboard a commercial freighter, Eclipse where she served as an Pilot/ Communications Officer; she transferred to Risa worked in security then transfer to Earth , where she finally decided at the urging of her cousin Kiara Rodale to enter Star Fleet. There, she chose Communications as her major in Bridge Operations' branch. Academy: Graduated from Star Fleet Academy at age 23 in Bridge Operations' branch. Took courses in various languages. fluent in Federation Standard, Betazoid, Klingon, Romulan, Vulcan, Andorian, Bolian, Ferengi, Orion, Gorn, Trill, Risan, Bajoran, Benzites, etc total 34. Is a natural linguist. Majored in communication systems, starship sensors, damage control procedures, and ship allocations. Can pilot shuttles and is very proficient with small weapons. Major/Minor Area(s) of study: Major: communication systems and first contact situation Minor: starship sensors and damage control procedures, bridge operators Previous Assignments: -Starbase 10- Aug. 10, 2378 Lieutenant Junior Grade Expertise: Chief Communications Officer October, 2378 - Promotion Lieutenant Nov. 27, 2378 - Promotion Lieutenant Commander March 1, 2379 - Transfer and Promotion -Deep Space 15- Expertise: Executive Officer July 4, 2379 - Promotion Commander Jan 1 2382 - MIA 2386 - Found, Rejoined Starfleet as Chief Operations officer USS Chuck Norris as Lieutenant Commander. Jan 2 2387 Promoted to Commander Feb 26 2387 became a joined Trill. March 7 2387 Promoted to Captain Awards and Commendations: Special Operations Ribbon Commendations: None. Reprimands: None. Honors and Decorations: November 27, 2378: Starfleet Cross January 11, 2379: Distinguished Service Award July 18 2387: Federation Peace Medal |