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Sun Oct 20th, 2024 @ 8:44pm

Commander Kevin Lance

Name Kevin Lance

Position Executive Officer

Second Position Executive Officer

Rank Commander

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Human
Age 29

Physical Appearance

Height 6' 1"
Weight 195
Hair Color Blond
Eye Color Blue
Physical Description Slim but muscular build, Kevin moves with a grace that belies his height. He maintains his uniform and personal hygiene immaculately, and could have been a recruiting poster model had it not been for his decidedly plain looks.


Spouse None
Children Son - Kolar Rodale Lance (Trill-Human)
Father Unknown
Mother Kathia Nutte
Brother(s) None
Sister(s) Corrine Nutte
Ashla Nutte
Other Family Unknown

Personality & Traits

General Overview Kevin is reserved to the point of being considered cold by most people who meet him. He is wary of new acquaintances and takes a long time to form personal bonds with other people. He has no mementos from before the academy and refuses to talk about it.
Strengths & Weaknesses Kevin's apprenticeship aboard a merchant ship has given him experience in a wide array of shipboard skills as well as an ability to quickly learn new skills.

Kevin's entire life and career in Star Fleet is based on lies and deception. He is mortally afraid that he will be discovered as an imposter and a fraud. This paranoia caused him to be slow to trust and quick to feel betrayed.
Ambitions To put as much distance between himself and the conditions of his birth by achieving rank, position, and wealth.
Hobbies & Interests Played Striker on Academy Thrusterball team
Parkour afficionado

Personal History Born on a poor planet on the rim of the Federation along the edge of Klingon space, Kevin was born with another name to a mother hopelessly lost in squalor. His life too would have been one of crushing poverty had he not stowed away on a merchant ship shortly before his eleventh birthday. He spent months hiding in the crawl spaces and amongst the cargo, performing odd maintenance and custodial task when the crew weren't watching. He was finally caught but rather than getting put off the ship, the owner kept him on as an apprentice. Over the next six years, he learned much about starship operations, maintenance, and piloting.

His career path changed when the merchant was attacked by Orion pirates. The lone survivor of the attack, rescue authorities mistook him for Kevin Lance, a passenger en-route to a Star Fleet induction center in order to be tested for attendance at the Academy. Assuming this new identity, Kevin was able to pass the entrance exams.

At the Academy, Kevin excelled at practical application of skills but poor academic performance doomed him to a commission in the Security division. He served on a smaller vessel after graduation, honing his skills as a tactical officer and proving his leadership ability at the head of smaller detachments. His commanding officer made note of his abilities in disciplines outside of security and he was frequently assigned additional duties in other divisions. Success as a jack of all trades led to superior evaluations and assignment to duties of greater responsibility.
Service Record Attended Star Fleet Academy. Graduated in bottom quarter of class. Commissioned Ensign, Security Division.

Assigned U.S.S. Polkan (Centaur-class)
Security Officer
Promoted to Lieutenant Junior Grade
Assistant Security Chief

Reassigned to U.S.S. Independence (Achilles-class)
Chief Tactical Officer

Reassigned to Federation Delegation to Pyxis Alpha
Security Attache
Promoted to Lieutenant

Reassigned to U.S.S. Chuck Norris (Defiant-class)
Chief Flight Control Officer
Promoted to Lieutenant Commander
Second Officer
Executive Officer
Star Fleet Commendation Medal
Promoted to Commander