The Sim
This is an open role playing Star Trek sim set in the TNG/DSN/VOY era. Players of all types and styles are welcome.
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Fleet Awards:
July 2023:
- Best Post (Joint Post) - Capt. Paxton Beckett & Lt. Cmdr. Klesh Ezah, Daughter of Aklow & Lt. Awal Kronnelti & Lt. JG Betaras K’ner & Ens. Jack Keegan
Finding Sanctuary
”I love the Star Fleet personnel in a modern day angle. Well done!”
- Most Improved - Lieutenant Awal Kronnelti
“Lt. Kronnelti went from strength to more strength by adding great contributions to joint posts and successfully encouraging others to be more active.”
- Recruitment - Captain Paxton Beckett
“ He recruited two new members to the Chuck Norris through advertising and networking.”
August 2023:
- Genesis - Captain Michael Intermeezo
A New Threat
“A classic setup with the Chuck Norris defending DS9, and an action sequence to kick it off. Well crafted!”
September 2023:
- Genesis - Captain Michael Intermeezo
Down the Rabbit Hole
“Not your typical mirror universe mission. Great opportunities here!”
- Most Posts - Lieutenant Commander Mira Rodale
“For writing 30 posts.”
October 2023:
- Best Post - Lieutenant Kevin Lance
Q’s Last Temptation
”An interesting conversation with an old friend.”
- MVP - Lieutenant Commander Mira Rodale
”Described by her Captain as “a simming machine,” and who are we to argue? With her second consecutive month with at least 30 posts, she continues to display superior leadership in the XO role and engages other crew members with joint posts.”
- Most Posts - Lieutenant Commander Mira Rodale
“For writing 34 posts.”
November 2023:
- Best Post - Lieutenant Commander Mira Rodale
The End of Q?
”Not what I was expecting!”
- Most Posts - Lieutenant Commander Mira Rodale
“For writing 25 posts.”
December 2023:
- Best Post - Lieutenant JG Betaras K’ner
Something is Amiss
”This excellent post certainly wasn’t amiss!”
- Funniest Post - Lieutenant Kevin Lance
Tall Fat Man in a Red Suit
“Fat guy in a little coat… not quite!”
- Genesis - Captain Michael Intermeezo
Grazerite Extinguished!
“A great mission start!”
- Most Posts - Lieutenant Commander Mira Rodale
“For writing 37 posts.”
- Most Improved - Lieutenant JG Betaras K’ner
“The Chuck Norris’s CMO picked up the pace with both quality and quantity and has quickly developed into one of the ship’s most valuable crew members.”
USS Chuck Norris facts:
* The USS Chuck Norris is Star Fleet's only 24th century ship named after a living person.
* The USS Chuck Norris is the first starship with a roundhouse kick in its weapons arsenal.
* The USS Chuck Norris doesn't carry photon torpedoes. Opening hailing frequencies usually does the trick.
* Captain Picard was offered command of the USS Chuck Norris, but turned it down because he wanted to seek out new life, not kill it.
* The USS Chuck Norris broke the starship speed record. Its warp engines were installed the next day.
* The USS Chuck Norris rarely engages its engines. Its transporter range is the entire universe.
* Q once tried to appear on the bridge of the USS Chuck Norris. He's still in the brig.
* The USS Chuck Norris has never raised its shields. No one would dare fire on the Chuck Norris.
* The Borg tried to assimilate the USS Chuck Norris. Their collective consciousness now belongs to Chuck Norris.
* The USS Chuck Norris doesn't have a life support system. It doesn't need a crew.
* The USS Chuck Norris launched on Monday. The Q continuum surrendered on Tuesday.
* The USS Chuck Norris doesn't use phasers or photon torpedoes. Its roundhouse kick is much more effective, and instantly deadly.
The USS Chuck Norris was originally launched on January 2, 2012 under the command of Captain Dick Sprague. The ship won the Most Creative award at the 2014 Simulation Cup (aka Tournament of Simulations, ToS). See our Role Play Wiki page for more information about our history.
USS Chuck Norris Commanding Officers:
• Captain Dick Sprague
• Captain Aurther Winters
• Captain Paxton Beckett
• Captain Michael Intermeezo
• Captain Mira Rodale

Defiant class schematics