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The Village of Faereyjar

Posted on Tue Aug 27th, 2024 @ 6:38pm by Captain Mira Rodale & Commander Kevin Lance & Lieutenant Commander Awal Kronnelti & Lieutenant Tracey Walker Jr & Lieutenant Betaras K'ner
Edited on on Mon Sep 2nd, 2024 @ 8:17pm

Mission: Deep freeze
Location: BS Neva
Timeline: Current

{Faereyjar, 1100 AD}

Kevin sat in the high backed chair that served as a throne in the great hall twirling a sword on its point. A fire pit in the center of the hall did little to cut the chill of the morning. Around the hall were members of the Jarl’s host, talking amongst themselves, eating or sharpening swords. He recognized several of them as crewmembers from the USS Chuck Norris, and knew their names though the pronunciation was slightly skewed towards a Nordic accent. Much like Mira had called him Ke-Vin.

More worrying, however, was their complete ignorance of the Norris. Kevin could remember that he had been Executive Officer aboard the Federation vessel serving under Captain Mira Rodale, but the rest of the crew were as deeply wrapped up in the illusion of being Vikings as Mira been. So far only his son, Kolar, had shared memories of the ship.

All morning, he had been testing various theories that this was some holodeck program or other simulation. His outlandish behavior, talking to an unseen computer, had drawn curious stares from the village’s occupants. So far, nothing had proven true. It was as it seemed. They had been plopped down in a primitive Nordic village with most having their true memories replace by experiences of living as Vikings.

Lieutenant Walker entered the great hall, dressed in a grey rough spun tunic and brown trousers, a wolf’s fur cape pushed back to reveal a belt from which simple hand tools hung. A wooden mallet, chisel, small hand axe and the like. Kevin shouted a greeting and motioned for the Lieutenant to join him. “What can you tell me of the Chuck Norris,” he asked Walker as the man neared the throne.

"Chuck Norris?" Trace said, his brow furrowed. "It sounds like a foreign name, yet a might one, my liege. Perhaps later you can regale us with stories of this mighty hero." He said aloud.

Kevin pursed his lips. Was he the only one that remembered the truth? Or was he the crazy one.

Leaning in close, Trace whispered. "Not here, Commander, there are eyes and ears everywhere."

Kevin gave a short nod then proclaimed for all to hear, "Stories later. I have other matters to discuss with you."


Mira heard screeching coming from the kitchen area but before she could get thier there was a large crashing sound. "Zi-Mia what are you doing?" She asked sternly as she pulled her off a blond woman.

"She is the Jezabel that slept with Kevin" Zimia told her furiously.

Mira raised an eyebrow letting her go "What do you say Her name is not Jezabel?" Had her man broken his vows?

She eyes the blonde who is shaking her head no.

"I am Nim not Jeeze-Bel. And I swear my Lady I didn't I wouldn't... he is yours." the blonde told her.

Mira wasn't sure what to believe. After all he had done to claim her? Would he cheat? KeVin had blackmail, threatened war, and fought her father for her. Most of his wealth and land was his now because of their joining. If she left all of that and his son would go with her. She frowned. "And when had this happened?" She asked because if it had happened before the wedding, then she couldn't blame her mate.

"When we were in the mineds," Zi-Mia told her, dusting off her skirt.

"I see...." was her answer. When had KeVin and this woman been in a mined? Wait she had said we "is this We including you?"

Zi-Mia's eyes widened "you were there too."

Mira's hand went to Zi-Mia's forehead to see if the woman had a fever. "I do not know what mineds you speak of but if such a thing happened, the woman would meet with a timely accident. My male would find me needing to defend my honor." She smiled "if you can not work together then I will separate the two of you. Now get back to work."

"Yes, Lady," Nim replied before quickly withdrawing.

Glancing over Mira smiled at the huge elk she had brought back from hunting. It might have been the biggest one yet. Looking around to see if everything was back under control she went back to the great hall.

{Great Hall}

KeVin was talking to the blacksmith and a guard handed her Mira message. She frowned as she read it then rolled her eyes as she walked to KeVin. More to deal with.

She smiled but waited her turn to talk. Kevin stopped and held his hand out to her. Taking it, he pulled her closer "I brought back the biggest elk I have ever seen for dinner tonight." She told him. When she went to sit in the chair next to his, he pulled her onto his lap, then plucked the paper out of her hands "and what it this?" he asked her with a raised eyebrow.

"Oh lord Cravis and lord Brendis will be arriving tonight to talk about the horses you wanted to buy. My" he put a finger over her mouth to stop her. She grinned then said "love"

Ok, he thought, I can deal nicely with that title. He looked at the note but I was written in a script that he couldn't read. That didn't seem out of place. As he remembered, many Earth rulers from middle ages couldn't read. But the names of the envoys was vaguely familiar. Cravis? Brendis? Where did he know the names from?

He handed the note back to Mira and nuzzled her neck. "Do I really need more horses?" he asked as he gently kissed his way up to her ear.

"Perhaps not," Mira murmured as she reveled in the sensations, "but trade was part of the bride price that you negotiated, some say coerced, out of my father."

"Which one is your father?" Kevin asked with some alarm.

"Neither, silly," Mira replied, "My father is their liege. And you don't need to stop."

Kevin resumed nibbling on her delicate earlobe. Hadn't Mira told him that her parent had been killed when she was a child?

"Mira what do you know about the horses and the men bringing them?"

She had her eyes closed just enjoying being held by him, but she opened them at the question "You said you wanted war horses. That your men needed them for any war that might come our way. You said it would make are clan stronger."

Kevin nodded, "And the men?" She was quiet for longer then he would liked. "Mira?"

She sighed " Both are males that had asked for my hand. I think my father was having trouble deciding which one, then you showed up. I had refused both as is my right but my father thought it was time I married." she smiled "then I met you." But he knew all this.

Kevin nodded again, "What are their feelings about losing out on you?"

Mira frowned "I don't know. I assume they moved on and are with their wives now " she gave a little shrug. "they might try to overcharge you but hold firm on the price you want. Bringing them all the way home will make them willing to be reasonable."

Kevin sighed. His gut feeling was that he should turn the two foreign lords away but having allegedly initiated the trade for the warhorses, it would be suspicious if he did so. He gave orders to the guard who had brought the note. "Invite Lords Crevis and Brandis in to enjoy the warmth of my fire. Tonight they will be my guests at a feast honoring the hunting prowess of my Lady!"

A great cheer went up from the assembled oathmen in the hall.
Mira laughed, thinking it funny that he acted like she didn't go out with a few hunters a few times a week.

"You my husband are amazing. " She kissed him bring more hoots and hollers.

( training grounds )

The master of weapons stands a tall Klingon, shirtless littered with battle scars. He has a series of blades laying on a table ranging from pikes to great swords & in-between hatchets and his prized possession a well balanced hunting knife by his side.

a runner came informing Awal of a great feast honoring lady Mira & both Lords Crevis & Brandis.

Hearing this information he tells the runner Haf I will join my Jarl & lady.

{Great Hall}

By the time the elk was cooked, the tables had been out. Plates of food were stacking up everywhere.

Kevin sat at the main table. The two guests sat to the left side of him Mira brought a huge platter of food. Far more then what they both would eat. She took her seat on his right next to him. Servants brought their guest food after she had served him and he had taken his first bite.

Their weapons master was to sit on the other side of Mira. Then Walker near by. Kronnelti walked in decked out in leather and weapons. "Awal, my brother, it is so good to see you!" She got up and hugged him. Kissing his cheek then she returned to her seat all smiles until she looked over at Cravis. She swallowed hard and looked down at her food. Slowly, she moved closer to him. Kevin leaned down to whispered in her ear. "What is it love?"

She bit her lip then kissed him back. "I am not sure KeVin. Thoughts that I don't remember happening. Perhaps I am tired Love. I will be fine." She reached for her mead.

It happened all at once, or so it seemed. One moment the Jarl and the visitors were talking prices and the next...Walker awoke. It was morning, and the sun filtered through the glass windows of the great hall. Fires were out, their smoke filling the air and accentuating the sunlight streaming into the great hall.

All of the men stirred, looking around and wondering what had happened. It didn't take long for them to determine the women were missing.

{On the dirt road miles away}

Mira's eyes just didn't want to open. She felt sick, her head hurt and she was on something that was moving. A wagon? Just as she started to move a woman's voice whispered in her ear. "Don't move. Stay still we are all in trouble My lady."

She knew that voice. "Gen-EvA?" They had taken her to?

"Yes" was the solf reply "me and 6 others."

Mira fought not to panic. Seven woman for the horses?. They had offered all the horses her. Told KeVin that since he had an heir he didn't need her. She had stiffened until KeVin has placed a large hand on her leg giving it a little squeeze. "Perhaps you my little beauty should put our son to bed. I will be in shortly."

She had been worried until he said now and forever. Mira had stood kissed his cheek then her brother before gathering her son and taking him to bed. Lucky he had gone to sleep quickly with Vaytoc. She changed into a night shift and.... that was really all she remember until just now. Someone had to have drugged her prized sweet mead. How dare they. She tried to listen to what was being said by the men.

"I still want the girl. I was supposed to have her in the mined, but that damn klingon ended me."

"You and me both. I couldn't believe he was here too. I thought he would kill us both again.

"damit, I couldn't believe KeVin was Asgyr. I almost called it off. But we made off with the prizes. We keep winning, and they will let up keep the girl of our choice in every game." Cravis looked back at the sleeping woman, his little flower.
Mira could now feel the ropes that tied her hands and they all seemed tied together as well. That would make running difficult Who of thier people would betray them like this.

It wasn't long before they stopped and she was pulled from the cart by her foot. Mira landed hard in the dirt then pulled to her to stand "say the words!" he hissed at her.

What was this crazy man talking about? He back handed her hard. She fell to the ground and thought it best to just stay there. Maybe if they thought her weak it would make it easier to escape later.

"she is not going to divorce him. You saw her with him."
Cravis growled "she will!"

(Awal's hut)

Awal woke with what seems to be a headache. It was quiet, he looked around and couldn't find Dianna nor Venus anywhere.

He ransacked his hut frantically looking for his loves but nothing.

He ran out screaming at the top of his lungs which woke the village!

{ cart, dirt road }

Deena flexed her hands almost idly as she listened to the whispers. These changes could’ve been maddening but she was curious at the impetus for each.

The Captain was pulled from the cart and Deena could hear the scuffle outside. They would be easily handled if the Captain had her memories, but even so she was entirely submissive under that demure exterior. She let her mind relax, sensing K’ner in the distance, calm… Good.

Deena quietly set her foot down as she let her weight slide out. She could see Mira on the ground protecting herself as two men argued above her. The conversation was interesting to say the least. Who were these people and what was this game?

As she stepped away from the cart, she noticed two more men who started her way from the other side of the cart. The sneer on the first shifted to one of surprise, at his lack of ability to breathe suddenly, at the shock to his system, confusion.

His buddy didn’t see the snap of her hand but he noticed her movement as it seemed like she slowly reached around the first. It was neither slow, nor an empty hand, as her restraints flexed around the hand he’d thrown up, clocking him in the side of the head. Stars then darkness, she gripped his fur cover and eased him to the ground. The first man held no objection to being guided down as well, his own hands gripping and massaging his throat, trying to get it to work.

She turned back to the cart and stepped around it to see the troubled twosome now looking her way. Mira looked up from her position on the ground, ready to strike but probably not realizing it.

“Hey! Get back in the cart! You are my prop…”

The snarled command was interrupted by a face full of horned helm courtesy of her prev admirers. Deena stepped forward determining the other was the weaker one, and probably the loudest of the two.

“ I am no mere man’s property and I am bequeathed to another at any case. You are nowhere near worthy to serve me, much less call me an equal and demand my bond.”

Both men sputtered, the one with blood trickling from his nose. “Serve you?! You have been taken. We are the victors!”

Deena tilted her head slightly to one side, distracting from her slow progression forward. “Ah, you have neither taken me and my Captain, her crew, nor earned any prize. It is a lesson that you have coming instead, even if the Captain has deigned not to disable you herself. It is she that gifts me with that honor this day.”

Her calm, even tone belied her urge to end these two, but we needed to know what was going on, and somehow, these two dolts knew something. She was close enough now.


Captain Mira Rodale
CO USS Chuck Norris


Lieutenant Commander Awal Kronnelti
Chief of security and tactical
USS Chuck Norris


Lt Betaras K’ner
Hazard Team Combat Medic TL-B / CMO
USS Chuck Norris


Commander Kevin Lance
Executive Officer
USS Chuck Norris


Lieutenant Tracey "Trace" Walker
Chief Engineer
USS Chuck Norris


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