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Test phase 5

Posted on Mon Aug 26th, 2024 @ 5:18pm by Captain Mira Rodale
Edited on on Mon Aug 26th, 2024 @ 9:53pm

Mission: Deep freeze
Location: Neva
Timeline: Present

{Mess Hall, USS Chuck Norris}

Two hooded figures stood in the room with the group. One raises his hand and froze the program. "Interesting while the Klingon's mind has not been able to erased. He can be manipulated. He truly believes that a Q would come at his beck and call."

The other one nodded. "The Captain has changed far more then we could have hoped for. Without her memories to fall back on she will follow the male she is chosen and not lead."

The other nodded " We still need to know more." He circled the group. Watching everything. "Without the woman and his memories we can put the one called Lance in any situation with any woman."

The first one nodded " We haven't tried how he responds to his women in danger with his memories. We also need to test how the klingon would respond to his woman in danger."

The second nodded " he is to volatile. He need the danger to her to keep him in line and busy. "

The first nodded "the doctor has been very quiet. We need to bring her more into the test. We also haven't tested the engineer properly. This one is his." He pointed to the dark haired woman with short hair.

The second nodded. "And the setting?"

"The setting of the ship, made to many of the test subjects feel to comfortable." The first spoke then waved his hand the room cleared as if they had never been there. He looked down at the sleeping woman in the cryo chamber. "have the settings changed on the sleep chamber. We will see what lengths the males will go to if they want them back. The prize will be Mira, and Geneva"

The second nodded "and the doctor and children?"

"Leave the Klingon's child with him and his woman. The Boy? " There was a moment pause.

"Have him kept with his mother but keep Mira and and Geneva erased. "

"let both males know what has been lost. "
"And the doctor?"
"She wasn't fooled by the ship. She will have to be watched. We need to know what races to destroy and ones to take over."

"I will make it so" they nodded

{Faereyjar. Earth 1100AD}

Mira moaned as she rolled over. The fire had gone out again and it was cold in here. She snuggling next to jarl KeVin. Winter was seting in and there was much work that needed to be. She could hear her son running into the room and climbing up on the bed. Pulling him under the covers she hoped he would settle down to sleep a little longer. Since KeVin and her had said thier vows to each other he had preferred she slept in until he was ready to get up. "Mama did we go bye byes again?" her son's voice was solf as to not awake his father.

Mira sighed "of course not. Why would we leave here?" she wispered back.
"Mama ship all gone?" His little voice told her

Mira nodded feeling a strong arm wrap around her and pull her and Kolar closer. He kisses her neck "I am going to have to have a talk with Walker about changing the ship's environmental settings."
Then he stiffened "Void!" he sat up so quickly he took her and Kolar with him.

"Where are we? I sware if Montgomery is pulling a prank on us, I'll kill him."

Mira laughed. "No one would dare to pull a prank on you, my lord." she kissed his chest. That's when he noticed her hair was back in the braids she had worn at Christmas, when visiting her adopted uncle Thor.
"Mira, what is my name?" He remembered all of it. Did she?

Mira giggled "You my beloved husband, are jarl KeVin of Faereyjar." it was an odd question, but if he wished her to say his title, she would. Her hand cupped his bearded chin. "it's cold, the fire went out again."

Kolar's little face poked out of the furs. "dada ship gone? We go bye byes again to have fun?"

"Mira what do you remember of the ship?" Kevin asked her.

Mira lowered her long lashes to cover her eyes. She did that when she was trying to think of something to say. Then she looked up at him. "You have many ships in your feet husband what one are you asking about?"

"What in the nameless Void is going on?" Kevin asked letting a little bit of his frustration out. Mira pulled away thinking she had done something wrong so he pulled her closer "no kitten your are fine I am not mad at you. " his hand caressed her cheek. "I have my memory, you and my son this time but you don't have your memories. "

Mira frowned slightly "but I do remember you, our son and the tribe. I am not broken."

Mira melted into the hug he and her son gave her. "I should get ready for the hunt today if I am to bring back that elk you wish for dinner."

Kevin stiffened, "you do the hunting?" he wasn't sure it was a good idea to let her out of his sight. Mira nodded "I am the best tracker you have my lord." she seemed proud of the fact.

"Kevin just call me Kevin" he told her maybe if she uses his name she could remember.

Mira looked around cautiously to see if anyone was around "your wish is for me to call you KeVin." she looked so adorably confused he wanted to laugh.

"in front of other people? you wish me to be disrespectful?" Now she looked afraid. , " Are you not happy with me?"

"Yes, no I just wanted to hear my name coming from your lips." He told her then smiled as the tension left her body.
"keVin" she wispered.

Then she let out a carefree giggle that had kolar giggle. "I will start your morning meal." She told him smiling

Again that bad feeling came over him about her leaving his side. To many crazy changes had been made and he was remembering them all. VOID.

Captain Mira Rodale
CO USS Chuck


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