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What happened

Posted on Mon Aug 26th, 2024 @ 4:26am by Lieutenant Betaras K'ner & Captain Mira Rodale & Commander Kevin Lance & Lieutenant Commander Awal Kronnelti & Lieutenant Tracey Walker Jr
Edited on on Mon Aug 26th, 2024 @ 10:56am

Mission: Deep freeze
Location: USS Chuck Norris
Timeline: Present

{USS Chuck Norris, XO quarters.}

"Oh, by all that is holy turn that alarm off," a woman's sleepy voice mumbled by his side. What was making that noise? He sat up slowly and looked around. Where was he? and who was the naked woman intertwined with his body? Her spots were very intriguing. "I don't think I know how to."

The woman opened beautiful dark blue eyes and blinked up at him she seemed surprised at seeing him, then licked her lips. "Oh...." she looked around ." Hmm, where are we?" she asked him timidly. "And this may sound silly, but do we know each other?." she asked, pulling the sheet up a little more. What had just happened?

A child came running out of the room next door and laughed at seeing them. "Mama, dada, we home!" he squealed and came running to them happy.

The woman grasped at seeing the little boy. He was clearly a mix of the both of them. " Well, I guess that answers the question on us knowing each other." she looked a little worried probably because she was as clueless as he felt.

She reached for a tee shirt and slipped it on from the size it was probably one of his.

She smiled at the boy. "Hi sweetie, do you know my name?."

The little boy laughed. "Mama!"

The women raised an eyebrow "Oh OK. I guess he is too young to know our real names, " she said gently. "Do you know my name?" she asked him hopefully.

The man shook his head. He didn't even know his own name. He had absolutely no memory of anything prior to awaking in bed with the woman with the lovely spots and beautiful blue eyes.

He didn't recognize the child anymore than he did the woman. A glance at his reflection in the mirror confirmed the relationship as the man was able to identify common features that the child shared with himself.

When he turned back the woman was out of the bed wearing an oversized shirt. The man tried not to stare at her toned legs with the spots running along the outer side of her thighs and calves. "I don't remember you. Hell, I don't know where we are at. I don't even know my own name." He arose from the bed and began looking for something to wear.

She nodded, looking around. The first thing she opened was clothing locker. Gray overalls? She smiled. "His and hers. They look to be our size." She handed him the bigger set. Then, she slipped her legs into the suit and pulled it up her hips. "It looks like a ship we are on, but I don't feel the engine vibration. Maybe we docked or landed. " she walked over to a console and started to see if she could find any information. "This can't be right. Everything is blank."

Her worried eyes met his. "How could there be nothing in the files?"

"Want milk, mama." the little boy told her.

Mira nodded "Ok we are going to have to see what we can find, little guy." What was the kid's name! oh, by all that was holy, she felt scared. Then a huge black cat came out of the room. Mira's eyes widened as the little boy clearly knew the animal and hugged him. Ok, so it wasn't a threat it was a pet then. She felt a thought. ~companion~

"Why doesn't this place have viewports?" She needed to see outside.

"Might be an interior cabin if this is a ship," the male replied. He finished putting on the grey jump suit that the female had offered and began to look at the collection of memorabilia on a shelf over a small desk.

Walking to the door, the kid came out of she read the small plaque. "Captain." she looked back at the man "Well that must be you." she told him. Then she looked inside it was just a bedroom with toys. She did find a tank top her size and quickly changed with her back to the male. Coming out to the sitting room, she looked at the two doorways on each side of the room. " You think it's safe to open them, or are we in the only part of the ship with breathable air?"

Kolar frowned. "Mama milk." he turned around and walked out the door to her left. Cursing, she followed him. "Hey, you get back here."

"That solves the question of breathable air," the male muttered to himself as he took a framed holoimage and followed the child and female from the bedroom.


The man looked down at the spanner in his hand, and scratched his head. How had that gotten there? For that matter, who was he? He was on a ship, that much was clear, but which ship and where? He had a lot of questions, but no answers.

( Kronnelti's quarters )

Waking up from a long nap Awal got up holding the back of his head. He remembered being hit by Kevin but he wasn't himself when it happened.

Spike jumped on the bed rubbing himself on Awal while whimpering, he gives him head pats I missed you too buddy.

Dianna came out of the shower with Venus, Dada she yelled as she was put down. Hey my baby girl he said as he picked her up giving her a hug.

He looked at Dianna, do you remember anything?

She shook her head yes as she started to get dressed.

I just don't want to talk about it she said.

Awal got up off the bed and told her he's going to check on Mira.

He leaves and walks two rooms down and chimes for entry.

{Mess Hall, Deck 2}

The little boy led the Captain and the female down one level and to a larger room with several tables each surrounded by chairs. A single occupant was in the room. A tall, dark-eyed woman with short black hair. She looked as confused as the Captain felt.

The little boy ran to a wall with small alcoves. "Milk, pease," he asked. A soft glow appeared in one of the alcoves and when it faded there was a small covered cup with a white liquid. "Mama! Helf!" the boy demanded.

The shorter female took the cup and handed it to the boy who began to sip on it with vigor. "At least he knows what to do," the Captain observed.

The female nodded, "He's a smart one."

The Captain nodded to the short haired woman. "Good day."

"Hello," the woman replied rather guardedly.

The Captain walked up to the shorter female and said, "I think that my name is Kevin."

The female with spots rose from the squat that she had assumed to hand the little boy his prize. "Did you remember it?" she asked.

"No," Kevin replied, "but I found a trophy in the room that we awoke in to a Kevin Lance, Number 17, Star Fleet Academy Thrusterball Team. And there was this." He showed her the framed holoimage that he had taken from the room.

It showed a group of twenty-two young men and women wearing protective gear of some sort. The caption read "Star Fleet Academy Thrusterball Team, Galactic Champions, 2378". One of the individuals was a younger, beardless young version of the man she had awoken with. The number seventeen was emblazoned on the chest piece that he wore.

Mira nodded "that does look like you would look younger. She watched the other woman not recognizing her. She tossed her long auburn curls over her shoulder. "I wonder what else this thing can do." So she said "Two coffee one with cream and sugar the other black. "

As the cups appeared, she took the one with cream, humming her pleasure at the first sip. "This is really good. I wonder what else it does."

"How did you know how I drink my coffee?" The man asked her. The dark blue-eyed woman frowned. "I am not sure..." she had a brief memory of him teasing her about putting cream and sugar in her coffee. Something about her being sweet already. She smiled. "I had the oddest moment of déjà vu. You teasing me about not drinking it the proper way black." She laughed. Delighted with the memory.

Another big man walked in relaxing at see her but frowned at her man. "You beat the crap out of me!" He pointed to her baby's daddy.

Commander Kevin Lance I don't blame you for hitting me and how are you feeling Captain Mira Rodale? Asked Awal

Kolar ran up to Awal aunki up. Kronnelti picked up Kolar, Venus wants somebody to play with he said.

Mira's eyes widened "he is the captain not me." He had gotten Kevin's name right. "I can't be captain." Her name was Mira Rodale? She looked to the woman with short hair"do you remember anything?" She shook her head no. How does this guy remember her. She wondered.

None of you remember what happened? Huh

I am Lieutenant Commander Awal Kronnelti your chief of security and tactical. Kevin Lance is your commander and navigates the Chuck Norris.

He takes out his padd and pulls up a video of Mira Rodale being promoted to captain and shows both of them.

Mira frowned "how did you get that? When I checked the computer it was blank." She took her son from Kronnelti. She felt like the little boy would just dissappear on her. So she held him tight. Then her eyes went to....Kevin's. Trying to see what he thought of all this.

Kevin brows were furrowed in concentration and his eyes darted back and forth between the stranger calling himself the Chief of Security and the woman called Mira. Without his memories he didn't know who or what he could trust. Even the trophy and photo could have been a plant.

Don't worry I won't take Kolar away as this is our home and when we are not on missions we station at Star base 364.

You will have to go see lieutenant K'ner at medical and hopefully she can find a way to get both your memories back.

In the meantime Kolar calls you momma and you Daddy he told them both.

You both are mates he stated. As this is happening Dianna, Venus and Zimia walk in during their daily walk.

Kolar got excited, Ve ve, dina dina, zi zi. He struggles to get down and when he does he runs to them giving hugs.

This is my wife Dianna and my adoptive sister Zimia.

He looks at them and tells them that both Kevin and Mira still don't have their memories back.

"Oh no! what have they done to you?" The blue woman hugged her tightly. Mira's eyes widened. Zimia frowned at Kevin "You better not cheat on her again. I saw you with that Jezabel."

"What?" Kevin asked, "You saw me with who?" Another wild accusation from an alien that claimed to know him but he had no recollection of. His anxiety was growing more acute by the moment.

If it was possible Mira's eyes got bigger. She look from Kevin to Awal. What the crap was all this?

Dianna sighed "I told you he didn't have his memories then either."

"what? how long have we lost our memories?" Mira asked. Feeling panic forming in her chest.

Zimia thought about it "3 times."

{ Sickbay }

K'ner looked carefully around the small room, almost an alcove. Medbed, compact, small desk protrusion with a console, the chair she was sitting in, plus another... Everything looked in place, but there was a PADD here before. She let her mind wander, slowly identifying details that didn't match, most hardly noticeable but no less 'real'...

"Real"... K'ner was starting to wonder. She hadn't moved yet, and just sat, slumped in her chair. Her HUD was quiet, so the comms were still down, or otherwise unavailable. This was a very nice simulation, or someone had cleaned up, and shut down all critical systems...

Shutting out the visuals, she focused on the other senses... no vibration... to be fair, the dampening systems on the ship made it very hard to notice, but right now things were still, too still... and quiet... This was sickbay, but it didn't smell... sterile... or occupied... which was always the extreme swings for the space.

She felt for Deena's link. It was faint, but there, so she was somewhere relatively close, not light years away. That was good. Movement, footfalls outside. Voices with questions... confusion...

So more had been returned, but apparently no memories still. K'ner had some theories on that after listening in their infirmary and looking over the equipment before she'd escaped. But this, what was the goal. . .

Patience. . .

{Mess Hall, Deck 2}

"No, I am not going to sickbay," Kevin objected loudly.

"You need to be check out by Lieutenant K'ner."

"Who is that? Another alien?" Kevin demanded.

Mira's eyes danced back and forth between Keven and Awal. If he didn't want to go see this Lieutenant then she would have to trust his decision because she had no idea what to do right now. They had a baby together and these people were really confusing her right now. So she would side with him. Mira moved closer to Kevin biting her lip. She had managed to get thier boy back in her arms. They were on a ship. where would they run to?

An alien? what the flip did they do to you at that dig site?

Ok since you both don't remember anything, I'll have to figure this out then because without a captain we're stuck.

Q even tho I freaking hate you I need your help, I need my crew back to normal.

Mira & Kevin are now scared because this towering Klingon was yelling into thin air.

Awal sits down feeling hopeless for once, how is it I didn't get my memories erased but they did?

( Q ) because you fought back you thick headed Klingon it said.

with a snap of the finger Q appeared, so memory wipe at the good ol quarry.

He looks at Mira, oh my the child has grown & you're with him with a sad face.

Here's the deal he said to Awal, I'll help you since you've been through hell and back. Since you also have a child and wife I'll do this one for ( Q chokes up ) free.

Mira looked around the room backing up with Kolar. "Who are you talking to? There isnt anyone in the room with us." If the ship had landed or something maybe they could run away? Kevin looked angry.

Then you better keep your word Q. said Awal

A Zap a zoo a shake with two, Q snaps his fingers.

both Mira & Kevin's expression come to a rest. You're welcome Klingon it's been done.

Hearing that familiar voice Mira curses and demands Q get off her ship!

Kevin blinked and looked back and forth between Mira and Kronnelti. "What in the nameless Void is going on?"


Lt Betaras K'ner
Hazard Team Combat Medic LT-B / CMO
USS Chuck Norris


Lieutenant Commander Awal Kronnelti
Chief of security & tactical
USS Chuck Norris


Captain Mira Rodale
CO USS Chuck Norris


Commander Kevin Lance
Executive Officer
USS Chuck Norris


Lieutenant Tracey "Trace" Walker
Chief Engineer
USS Chuck Norris


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