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Down in the deep dark

Posted on Sun Aug 25th, 2024 @ 5:06am by Captain Mira Rodale & Commander Kevin Lance & Lieutenant Commander Awal Kronnelti
Edited on on Sun Aug 25th, 2024 @ 8:36pm

Mission: Deep freeze
Location: BS Neva
Timeline: Present

{BS Neva mined}

Mira couldn't believe Awal just killed a guy. Because he touched her. She unzipped the top part over her work coveralls. Slipped it off her shoulders, then tied the sleeves around her waist. Picking up the sledgehammer, she took her turn at hiting the boulder they had been assigned to to break apart.. But unlike last time, she didn't overdo it. They had two buckets to fill each. It was far better than then eight they had yesterday.

A guard came up to them, taking one of the buckets away. "Hey, I need that. "
Mira told him.

He shook his head no. " You are asigned one bucket a day. He has two. "

Mira blinked "think he is telling the truth?" She asked asked Awal. Mira wasn't sure if she could believe him. It would just be her luck to get done with her day and be in trouble for not making her quota.

"Orders from the new Overseer," the guard replied, "Says that everyone must met their quota in a single bucket. No more skimping between buckets. Fill it or you get punished."

"Who is the new Overseer," a male to Mira's right asked.

"Asgyr," the guard replied.

"The muscle-bound blond?" another worker asked, "I heard he was cruel but fair."

"When are any of the Overseers fair?" the first male asked.

Mira frowned "All the buckets are weighted. We make our quota. Where is Overseer Brendis?" Cravis had set her quota and Brendis had approved it. He wanted her to break and come to him and take is protection. They both thought one of them would have her.

The guard just walked up to her. He stood a foot taller than she was. Mira looked up to see his face, or she would be looking at his chest. "What do you know of Brendis?"

Mira shrugged her shoulders. "He has been our Overseer. "
The guard nodded, "and Cravis?"

One of the Klingons answerd for her. "He wants her."

Mira said nothing at first. "Your messing with our time to work." She turned her back to him and swung the sledgehammer getting back to work. Whatever thier game was she didn't have time to play.
Awal moved closer to her taking the sledgehammer.

Mira when you've done enough fighting over the years protecting your ship, crew & Captain....well you get used to killing. The USS Chuck Norris is my home & the crew is my family, so yes I will kill anyone who touches my family. said Awal.

Mira frowned "what are you telling me?"

you are my captain Mira & I am your Lieutenant Commander Chief of security!!

"Ok, but what does that have to do with anything? she asked, confused. The guard was still watching them, but she hoped he couldn't hear them whispering. "If we don't get back to work, we are both going to get beat. I have enough bruises." Mira told him just as someone yelled about finding a dead body."

Crap Mira thought.

Awal went back to work and so did Mira, guards ran by towards the lift.

all the workers start whispering to each other and the guards are confused about how this happened.

several of them came back to the group ordering everybody to stop what their doing.

Who knows what happened at the lift, who killed him?

everybody kept their mouth shut including Mira.

Me said Awal as he puts his sledgehammer down, more guards swarm Kronnelti. He looks at each one then closes his eyes and controls his breathing.

one cracks their whip but it misses, the other swings a wooden object and misses.

No more playing games Klingon as he runs in to only get his nose and jaw broken. Another one then another one and another one drops with each blow from Kronnelti.

The workers can't believe what they're seeing, how is he moving like that? they're all asking each other.

another guard walks up and pulls his phaser, he takes a broken knee and a broken jaw as he goes down.

Awal picks up the phaser and rigs it to stun, he picks up another phaser and hands it to Mira. He just says point and your thumb goes here to shoot he said.

Everybody take up arms, we outnumber these people here, are you done swinging that sledgehammer till you can't even pick it up only to get beaten!!

Do any of you want to leave this place and live better lives?

Awal looks at Mira, it's time to get our crew back and our family back home.

their panicking now is the time.

Blinding pain pierced Awal's skull and the world went dark. He dropped to a knee and blinked his eyes to clear his vision. Looking up he saw Kevin standing over him, swinging his club. Awal held up an arm up to block the blow.

Mira raised the strange device that Awal had handed her to point it at the Overseer beating her brother. It felt natural in her hand and pressing the trigger was instinctive. Or would have been had she not been tackled by a short stocky woman. The beam sailed over the head of Asgyr as the weapon was knocked from Mira's hand as her and her assailant fell to the ground.

Asgyr continued to beat the wrinkle-head, frustrated that the male continued to effectively block his blow. "HOLD HIM DOWN!" he shouted at the nearby workers. One dropped a hammer and grabbed one of the Klingon's wrists. Asgyr placed his foot on Awal's other wrist and continued his attack on the Klingon with his club.

Mira fought against the restraining hold of the dark haired female but the woman countered each attempt with an instinctive ease as if she knew what Mira was going to do before she did it.

Mira fought for her life, and that of her son's life, she rolled away and grabbed the sledgehammer. Using her body's momentum, she spun hitting the woman in the chest, crunching it. She was tackled from the side.

Two beings in back robes appeared. "This did not go as we expected."

The second one nodded. "We will have to change things yet again." He waved his hand. ,"This time, we will stick closer to their normal." they both nodded in agreement.


Captain Mira Rodale
CO USS Chuck Norris

Commander Kevin Lance
XO USS Chuck Norris

Lt.Commander Awal Kronnelti
Chief Security officer


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