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Posted on Sat Aug 24th, 2024 @ 1:05am by Captain Mira Rodale & Commander Kevin Lance & Lieutenant Commander Awal Kronnelti & Lieutenant Tracey Walker Jr & Lieutenant Betaras K'ner

Mission: Deep freeze
Location: BS Neva
Timeline: Present


{Base station Neva}

As the guard walked, Mira or workman 11349 was the number she had been given, walked confused beside him. The guard's belt beeped. He frowned "its time for meals. I'll take you there instead, then come back."

Mira just blinked, completely lost as to what was going on around her. Had she always been here Mira wondered? What had the man said about having a son? Why couldn't she remember him. There felt like a huge empty spot in her heart and soul.

{Base station Neva, mess hall}

Kronnelti stood the moment the guard walked in with Mira. They had been here for 3 days now with one failed escaped plan under their belt. A few crewmen were starting to get their memories back. Of course the mind wipe hadn't worked on him and Mira because of her connection to her symbiont has recovered quickly.

"Get your food 11349, then sit and eat." the Guard gruffly told her before leaving.

Mira blinked a few times picking up a tray she stood in line as food was handed to her. She put it on her tray.

"Good to see you again Captain." Awal said from besides her as he got food.

"Do I know you?" she asked him.

"Yes listen carefully. You're the Captain of the USS Chuck Norris." Awal told her in a whispered voice.

Mira chuckled not believing him, and then he told her they were brother and sister. Yea sure she thought but then he added adopted. Well that made it possible. She took her tray and sat down. The man claiming to be her brother sat across from her. "and how did we give up on this story of yours and start working here?"

He frowned at her "We here shanghaied. They need people to work in the mines on this asteroid."

Mira raised an eyebrow.

"We were sent by Starfleet to scan an area where ships were just up and disappearing, and it looks like we are now one of them. Your husband has been running from being captured."

Mira blinked the fork stopped mid way to her mouth "wait I am married and I have a kid? plus I am the captain that got us all stuck here?" She frowned "they only told me I could see my kid.... What does he look like?" she asked thinking about the other things he had told her. Maybe she just hit her head? Could this guy just be crazy?

"He looks just like you, he has blond hair & beautiful blue eyes. He also has Trill spots." said Awal.

Mira touched the side of her face. So that's what they were 'Trill spots' she had noticed them when they let get dressed in these gray overalls.

He pulled out a picture he always carried and showed Mira her family.

"That human is my wife & that's my little daughter Venus, she's your niece."

Mira nodded "Where are they keeping the kids?" She looked around the room not seeing any or the woman in the photo.

A blue woman came up and hugged her. Mira froze. Did she know this woman too?

"Oh Mira I was so worried then I saw you go down. I thought they had killed you." Zimia told her

Ah so that would mean she probably did know the woman. "I am fine I just don't have any memories right now." Mira looked a little worried wondering if they would ever come back. "Zimia are the kids ok? What about Dianna?"

Before Zimia could answer her.

Mira's eyes widened as one of the guards snarl at her "next time we wouldn't go so easy on you!"

Mira blinked her dark blue eyes up at him. What the crap was he talking about?

"Don't waste your time warning that one. She just got wiped. She has no idea what you're talking about." One of the other guards yelled from across the room.

The guard nodded then chuckled as he walked off.

Mira's eyes met the guy saying he was her brother "What did I do that was so bad?" She shivered.

The blue girl smiled "led a rebellion to get us out of here. You almost made it to the ship! I heard a few of the guards talking about it. It was amazing." Zimia got all excited.

Mira nodded, "Remove the memories so I wouldn't have my training to fall back on? Interesting." Mira remarked. "What do they do with the kids while we work?"

"Their is a daycare for them. They want the kids nice and healthy for the next generation of workers." Zimia frowned.
"Great," Mira mumbled as she looked around. "So who is this guy I am married to?" The food had no taste to it. Her fork moved it around on her plate.

Zimia frowned "Well you two aren't married.....yet. You two lived together on the ship."

Mira nodded slowly "Ok so we have a kid together but no 'I do' " Odd but she couldn't remember how they had gotten together in the first place or what was all the details about thier lives. Who knew why they did the things they did?

"Oh No thats Cravis. He has a thing for you. Don't look." Zimia wispered.

Mira frowned but didn't look up.

"You. I hear you are all mine now" Cravis chuckled and pointed a stick at Kronnelti. "Don't get up or that little daughter of your will taken from your woman. We told you to behave and you could have them back." when Kronnelti sat back down. Cravis started on Mira again. "We found your mate but he was more trouble then he was worth. So we ended him. Permanently. " He gave her a fake little pout. "Sorry for your loss but you have been assigned to me."

Mira didn't even move a muscle. Could that be true? Even if she couldn't remember him she had to of had feeling for him.

"Hey I am talking to you 11349. I am giving you a name, Mayla It means flower. " He grinned but it turned into a frown as she didn't respond. His stick tucked under her chin as he tilled her face up to him. "They erase you? Pity I loved your fire."

Mira wasn't sure what to do. Her kid was all she had left. If all these people were telling her the truth.

Hearing the guards talk to Mira like that is getting on Awal's nerves.
Cravis snarled at Kronnelti. "Try something, and you will never see your kid."

Mira frowned. "What kids, we don't remember any kids? The doctor said I had one, but...." she gave a little shrug, pushing the crap food away. This kid was probably safe wherever he was. Better then what she could do for him.

Cravis narrowed his eyes "Fine we don't need the kid. You can go to work in the mined or I could take care of you?" he smiled. "Life could be good."

Mira's face was blank. "I work in the mined. That's what I am here for."

Cravis laughed "Yea, I'll give you a few days down there. Infact you can be assigned to his team."

Kronnelti stiffened. Their quotas were much higher then the humans. Mira nodded like it was no big deal.

Trace sat a few tables away, listening in on the conversation between the newcomers. He shook his head at some of the stuff he was hearing. They had a ship? Some of their crew were here?

He weighed the cost of getting involved against the cost of getting out of this place. If he could make himself useful to them, perhaps they'd take him with them.

Still, with his skills, and ability to remain unseen, he was doing pretty well here.

Awal looks away from the guards and notices Tracey and gives a nod.

Cravis nodded "Well after the nice long rest the two of you had in medical you might as well get to work now. Double shift." He pointed his thumb to the door. Meaning he meant now.

Kronnelti stood with Mira.

Cravis chuckled "Mayla have fun."

Mira kept walking so she had a name instead of a number now? "What do I call you?" She asked softly as they walked.

"Awal" he told her
Mira nodded "and my name?" she asked him.

"Mira Rodale Captain Mira Rodale." He smiled down at her.

Mira nodded. "But you're not supposed to have your memories, so what have they been calling you? We need to play their game, or they might really wipe your memory. Things could get really bad Awal."

Things always go bad when we are on missions, I am your chief of security so you are with me said Awal.

I will cause a distraction after we find our children.

Mira nodded slowly "but what about the rest of our crew? We can't just leave everyone. We need a better plan. "

They got into an box Mira swallowed hard. What was it about thighs spaces that panicked her? For some reason she remembered she liked spelunking. So she was just spending the day playing with rock. Yea she could do this.

{Neva mined}

The box opened to a huge cavern. Mira followed Awal out. So he was head of security of the ship. The same one that she was supposed to be Captain of. She must of been a really bad Captain to get them all stuck here.

One of the guards stopped them "hey your not supposed to be down here." He pointed to Mira.

"I was given orders to report here for duty." Mira said solfly.

Frowning the guard shook his head as he looked over his PADD "So you turned Cravis down? Damn If he isn't your type I would be happy to take care of you?"

Mira said nothing.

"fine, have it your way but all you have to do it tell me yes any time during the work details ." He grinned handing her gloves.

Mira took them wondering if thier was payment expected.

He waved them off.

She slipped them on as she walked with Awal to pick up a bucket. They passed the crew that had the shift before them.

When they got to a work area Mira picked up a sledgehammer. " I'll hit for awhile then stitch off to you. Deal?"

Mira remembered chopping trees down for wood to keep warm. She looked around no open fields or trees here. Then she started to hit the larger boulders to make them smaller.

Cravis chuckled as Asgyr past him. "that one over there. The little Spotted female is mine keep you hands off her got lt? I'll discipline her if nessasary." He rubbed his hands together. Asgyr paused for a moment. There was something about the woman. A kiss entered his mind. Her laying next to him. He shook his head.

Asgyr shrugged. "She's not really my type," he said although he found her spots alluring. As he walked towards the lift, he decided that he would like to know how far drown the woman's body they went.

Cravis unhooked his cane. He loved shift time.

Mira wiped the sweat from her forehead and then looked at Awal as he cursed.

"What?" Mira asked curiously.

"That guard standing with Cravis, we know him. How could he be a guard?"

Mira looked over for a moment and frowned. "Perhaps they erased then implement memories, or maybe he is the reason we are all here. "

Awal frowned, then looked back at Mira. She hadn't recognized Kevin? Odd, he thought. Should he tell her? Maybe not.

Mira hit the boulder again, getting back to work. Whoever the guy was, she had enough problems to deal with.

{ BS Neva sickbay }

K'ner let herself drift along the edges of her consciousness, dialing into the auditory inputs from her body and keeping everything else dormant and non-responsive.

The doctor that seemed to be in charge was discussing the Captain's prognosis and his frustration at not being able to separate her from her symbiote, but her service was more important than trying further apparently.

K'ner was pleasantly relieved that there were others that had either avoided the memory wipe or were naturally resistant to it in some way. Being a long-time practitioner of certain methods of the mind, she'd scarcely had time to injure herself and settle her body into a coma-like state.

They seemed to just be waiting for her to recover, and thus hadn't sedated her since they wanted her to rouse from her slumber. That wasn't likely to happen anytime soon, at least until she'd gathered enough intel to be effective when the time came to act!

For now they didn't see the need of using resources to repair the dermal damage, and had merely bandaged her up with a mild antibiotic. She hadn't succumbed to the urge to get a peek out of her eyeballs, lest someone notice, but listening when people weren't expecting it revealed much; plus they hadn't taken any notice of the subtle wetware weaved into her system. Overall they hadn't been interested enough to investigate much, just turn around any injured to get back to work in this mysterious mining operation...


Lt Betaras K'ner
Hazard Team Combat Medic TL-B / CMO
USS Chuck Norris


Captain Mira Rodale
CO USS Chuck Norris Aka 11349 and Mayla


Lieutenant Awal Kronnelti
Chief of security and tactical
USS Chuck Norris aka that klingon


Commander Kevin Lance aka Asgyr
Executive Officer
USS Chuck Norris

Lieutenant Tracey Walker Jr
Chief Engineering Officer


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