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Double time

Posted on Sun Aug 25th, 2024 @ 12:26am by Captain Mira Rodale & Lieutenant Commander Awal Kronnelti & Lieutenant Betaras K'ner
Edited on on Mon Sep 2nd, 2024 @ 7:16pm

Mission: Deep freeze
Location: BS Neva
Timeline: Present


{BS Neva mined}

Mira gave one last swing before she stumbled. Her strength had given out. Awal was there taking the sledgehammer from her hands. Without a word, Mira let him have it. Their was no way to tell what time it was here. There was no way to know when this was all going to end, or perhaps it never would. She remember feeling this way once before, but none of the details would come to mind. Hopeless, defeated.

Mira knelt on the hard stone ground, gathering the rocks. No one spoke in their group. They didn't want anymore attention on themselves than they already had.

She had two of these shifts? Back to back? By all that was holy, she was going to die. Maybe she should have taken the offers?

He had enough of seeing his sister like this, he watches the rotation of everybody, including the guards.

When he saw the opportunity, he snuck away towards the guard that had the padd.

Hearing footsteps, Awal got into a hidden space he saw on the way in. Once the footsteps went away, he got right up behind him and quietly snapped the guards neck. He then picked up the guard and carried him to the hidden hole in the wall.

He got back before the next rotation of guards, Awal also made sure nobody saw him.

He leaned Mira up against a rock, then picked up the sledgehammer and hacked away at the rocks she had attempted to break.

"I have to work, Awal. I don't want them taking anything I do or don't do out on one of the kids." She may not remember them but kids were special.

"Just catch your breath for a few moments." Awal told her. "I'll keep an eye out for the guards."

Mira nodded as she let her back rest against the stone wall. "How many of these buckets do we have to fill?" Mira asked, feeling only a little bit of her strength coming back.

One of the other Klingons spoke quietly he had moved to cover the gap she had been standing at. "They have to fill 1 bucket a shift.” He pointed to the smaller people in the mined. “We have two that need to be filled."

Mira nodded.
"So eight buckets total and we can go to sleep?" She asked, looking at the two large buckets. They were filled, but they needed 6 more? This was crazy.

"You and I both worked a shift this morning before we tried to escape. That's 3 shifts today." Awal told her.

"No wonder I hurt so much." Mira nodded, then she started picking up rocks and adding them to the buckets.

There was a commotion on the other side of the cavern. Mira watched as a man was beaten for not having enough of these rocks. Cravis really loved his work she thought disgusted.

Awal looked back at the six remaining buckets, he then went into a rage without screaming. Hit after hit the rocks were crumbling, the other Klingon couldn't believe the amount of stamina and strength Awal had.

Mira jumped at the outburst. Her eyes widened as Awal went into a rage.
6 went down to 4...4 became two then 1.

Mira had gained enough strength to get back up. The rocks were so brittle that she could easily break them.

The last bucket filled up, the amount of rock that was in front of the three of them dwindled down. The guards walked by to see all eight buckets filled up, Mira holding herself up with the sledgehammer & Awal hunched over breathing heavily drenched in sweat.

Back at the entrance nobody could find the guard who sat there, word went around quickly that he is missing. Once word got to Mira and Awal he had a smile on his face a look that he hadn't had since almost dying inside of a big ass worm.

Cravis watched them place the eight buckets on the weight station. They had done it in less time than he had thought possible, but Mayla looked like she would drop any moment it had taken its toll on her. "How does a hot shower and good meal sound to you?" he asked with a grin trying to temp her after all every woman liked to be pampered. Then he held his hand out to her. All she had to do was take it.

Mira stood there looking blank as if he hadn’t spoken to her. Cravis frowned "Fine there is always tomorrow." his eyes met the Klingon's. "Take your showers, then find her a bed."

Kronnelti nodded, his hand, taking Mira's arm to get her to walk. "You ok?" he whispered to her as they walked.

"How far do we have to walk?" Mira asked she wasn't sure she could stand any longer. Let a lone a shower and find a bed. Of course, sleeping with all the dust, sweat, and grime on her wasn't going to work either. Maybe she could sleep in the shower. No! Bad plan, girl. Her brain was not working. They probably erase all the important things!

{Cleaning station}

The showers were.... Well, they had no privacy. There was a half wall covering what had to be covered on their bodies, and luckily, the woman on one side. The guys were on the other side, but they could see each other over the wall.

Clean gray overalls was handed her along with boxer shorts and tank top. She dressed quickly and then met Awal on the other side wanting to get out of there. She felt like she was being watched and it wasn’t a good feeling.

"Feeling better?" he asked her.

"I'm clean." Was all Mira said. She felt like something the cat chewed up and spit out.

{Barracks room 4}

When they got to the barracks, Awal's bed was the only one left open. He reached up, pulled the man out of the bed above his bed and tossed him.

Mira raised an eyebrow at him. He shrugged, "I'll know if anyone messes with you if you're sleeping there."

Mira nodded, climbing up to get under the covers. "Good night brother." she smiled lightly. He had been so good to her and she had no way to repay it.

During the middle of the night, Cravis crept into the barracks trying not to wake anybody up.

He spots Mira and starts to walk up to her, a grin on his face he whispered I have you now!

The closer he got he didn't see the Klingon on the bottom bunk as he was too focused on her. Thinking he had an advantage going barefoot, he didn't realize the bottom of his feet were like suction cups making a strange noise.

Kronnelti wasn't tired as he was still worked up from smashing all the rock to help Mira. He hears a strange noise that seems to be getting closer, whatever it was it smelled foul.

That strange noise stops right in front of him and now he knows who it is.

Cravis what the hell are you doing in my barracks at my bunk? Awal was asking this as he started to get up.

I don't have to tell you anything, you're just a tool to us and that kid of yours (with a smile and nasty little laugh) oh she's going to be quite the worker when she grows up ( up with the pop of the p )

and her kid will make a fine breeder as he licks his lips.

Hearing that just set Awal off, you know something Cravis as he starts cracking his knuckles. Pissing off a Klingon is one thing, pissing off the Chief of security of the USS Chuck Norris along with my captain is well you'll find out. Like the term F around & Find out used back in the year 2018...yea nice knowing ya.

Cravis didn't stand a chance at beating the Klingon, he was just too fast for him to land a blow. Cravis hardly able to stand, Kronnelti held him there just before snapping his neck.

Those who were knocked out didn't hear anything, those who couldn't sleep couldn't help but watch but remained silent.

Awal moved the body outside and away from the barracks, guards had longer rotations so he was able to ditch the body.

after coming back in he saw those who were watching quickly run back to their beds agreeing to keep quiet.

Mira blinked, tired eyes trying to see what the small commotion was about, but it was too dark for her vision to see. She could make out that Awal was coming back to the bed." Is everything ok?" Her voice was soft and sleepy.

"Yes, everything is fine. Get some sleep." Awal told her. Mira nodded, snuggling under the covers, her body hurt. Mira fell asleep within moments but the dreams that haunted her seemed so real. She was warm and safe in a man's arms. A man she had trusted. He had always saved her, crossed even time to do so. She sob in her sleep at the loss. Slowly his image disappeared but the feeling was still there in her heart.

The buzzer went off signaling the start of a new day of work. Mira almost moaned from the pain. Moving around would help but she hurt so bad. Suck it up buttercup. She thought. Damn it she didn’t want to start the day.

After Awal got up and helped Mira down, a guard walked up and told them both they had 20 minutes with their kids.

Mira raised an eyebrow. Seeing a kid she had no memory of? would he even know her?

They both nodded as both Awal and Mira were escorted to the location that Venus and Kolar were at. Kronnelti started to get furious.

When the guard left to stand outside, Awal whispered. Now we know where our kids are he said.

I'll start planning how to get off this rock and get everybody's memories back said Kronnelti.

Mira nodded, but it seemed like a huge undertaking to her.
There's more of us than them, and if I can find their armory, that will turn the advantage on our side.

I'll have more planning ahead, but when it's time, I'll let everybody in on it.

Mira bit her lip, worried. "I might remind you that our last escape plan failed. How many people were on our ship?" she asked him

55 let's play with Kolar and Venus before going back to work, and it's more relaxing, too.

"This kid, Kolar? Maybe I shouldn't see him. I mean, they are going to use them against us. Plus, leaving them behind as we head out to work will be so hard." While she said all that, Awal just kept pulling her in the room.

As soon as she heard the first squeal of happiness of a blonde haired little boy, her heart stopped. He was so adorable as he ran up to her. "Mama kiss. I miss you." she picked him up and hugged him her eyes met Awal's. Yea, this was part of the whole in her soul. She held him close as tears ran down her cheeks.

Mira's eyes saw a large cat pacing in a cage. His head went up as he saw her. The connection snapped into place. ~want out~
Mira nodded her eyes a little wide at seeing the images in her head.

Little hands touched her face. "You got Boo boo mama? " He touched her tears.

"Yes, they took you away from me." Mira told him.

Kolar nodded. "The bad bad bad got us?" he nodded his head it was a mix of asking and telling her. He clearly didn't want it to be so.

Mira nodded. She couldn't lie to him.
"Want dada too. we kick butt?" he said to her.

Mira winced she had been told Kevin was dead, and then Awal had seen him as a guard. She had a bad feeling he was lost to her. He had moved on to the Jezabel of the mined. Or at least that was how Zimia had called the woman. Clearly, he didn't remember her or didn't want her. She wasn't sure what one was true. Plus, the man looked so .....scary. How had they gotten together to have this little angel?

Mira ignored his question about seeing his dad. "Have you been OK? " she asked him.

Kolar nodded. "I be careful, Mama. I stay with Dia and Ven."
Thank all that was holy Awal's wife had both kids.

You see sis, this is all nothing but a mining operation. they board ships and before you know it your memory is whipped, some like me they weren't successful.

Awal goes to the cell to let Vay'toc out, he immediately runs up to her and rubs himself over Mira's legs.

Dianna hugs Mira, we're going to get all the captives out!

Mira found herself sitting on the floor, hugging both Kolar and this huge black cat. Kolar smiled. "My Toc mama," he giggled as Vaytoc rubbed his face on Mira and Kolar.

Mira nodded, but she had a feeling that the huge cat was hers. Or more precise, they were his. She had a new reason to go on with life. Whatever she needed to do to get Kolar to safety she would do it.

The guard walked in and frowned "that cat needs to be locked up and it's time for your shift. "

Kolar hugged her tighter. "Mama no go bye bye."

The guard frowned "Hey kid if your mama doesn't get to work they won't let you see her again."

Mira kisses his cheek "I will see you soon." She handed Kolar to Dianna even with her heart breaking.

When they got to the other side of the door Mira turned to the guard "What do I have to do to stay with him?" She asked without any emotion coming from her voice.

The guard raised an eyebrow. "I'll put you on a list, but changing your job will not be difficult." His eyes roamed over her.

Mira bit her lip... "and what job would I have?"

He chuckled, "Companion. Your days would be free with you kid but not your evenings." He shook his head.

Mira frowned, "I'll think about it." she told him then started to walk away but stopped needing another question answered then she looked back. "What do I have to do to have him all day and night?" she asked curiously.
He shrugged "breeder."

Mira swallowed then nodded as she kept walking.

"Are you crazy?" Awal asked her.

"Just trying to come up with a plan, brother. If I am working in a mined. I'll have no energy to get that kid....Kolar" She correct herself "A decent life. Otherwise, he grows up here." she waved her hand to the corridor they were walking down. That wasn't going to happen. "I Know your plan, we take the kids and go. Great." Mira sighed. "Wasn't that the plan last time? It didn't work. This job has me so worn-out I can't think straight."

Awol nodded "What about your mate?"

"What? The one that has a woman? He doesn't need or want me. He has someone. That kid has no one but me." Mira told him, but they had to end the conversation as they walked into that box that lowered them.

as they reached the bottom Awal opened the door and Mira stepped out. Mira turned around but Awal wasn't with her.

Kronnelti rang the bell and the lift went back up.

After 2 minutes the lift reached the top, the guard didn't like that Awal didn't leave the lift. Do you want to get whipped? go back down he said.

Just staring at him Awal grabbed the guard and threw him down the shaft, Mira looking up she had that oh shit moment and moved 5 feet back as the body just hit with such force it turned his body into goop.

Mira stared at the body

Awal hit the button to go back down, as he reached the bottom he saw Mira in shock. What happened? she asked

I told him what would happen to him if he touched you, he swung and missed tripping over a rock and falling down.

Like I said sis we are getting everybody off this rock! showing his authority as Chief of security no matter what the situation was.

Mira blinked but nodded.

{ BS Neva infirmary }

K'ner listened, moving lightly and quietly as she added another item to her belt pouch. She'd managed to forge what she thought would be a records update on her patient form, showing she'd awoken and relocated to the mine. No one would be looking for her.

She had waited until it was later in whatever time cycle they used, easier to move around after she'd decided she'd learned all she could lying on her back. They didn't seem too electronically secure, so she guessed they'd acquired some kind of tech to use to their advantage to acquire their workforce.

She needed to find that first, then assess how widespread the crew is. She knew from the conversations around her, that most, but not all, of the crew had no memory of their past life. The ones that did remember were few enough that they thought it wouldn't matter. That's where we'll start she thought as she creeped along, listening with her enhanced hearing and watching on the tiny version of a padd that these people used. They didn't seem to think they needed cameras much either... they would regret that too...


Lt Betaras K'ner
Hazard Team Combat Medic TL-B / CMO
USS Chuck Norris


Lieutenant Awal Kronnelti
Chief of security & tac
USS Chuck Norris


Captain Mira Rodale
CO USS Chuck Norris


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