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Posted on Fri Aug 23rd, 2024 @ 2:37pm by Commander Kevin Lance

Mission: Deep freeze
Location: BS Neva
Timeline: Current

{Nevan Mines}

Asgyr watched as each of his workers, in turn, placed their collection bucket on the scale then dumped the measured contents on to a conveyer belt that disappeared through a smooth metal wall. He was having trouble keeping a running count of the total collection in his mind but was fairly certain that they were on track to meet his own quota to the Masters. Ochi and Izma had yet to measure their quota, which gave Asgyr some pause. The quotas left little room for wasted time and the was a very good chance that Ochi’s efforts would not be able to make up for Izma’s lack of endurance, even if Asgyr had not required a double quota from both. He tightened his grip on the club he carried.

Most of the workers met or slightly exceeded their quotas. The very few that did not received a number of strikes from the club corresponding to Asgyr’s judgment of how much that the quota had been missed by. It wasn’t completely arbitrary. He wanted the intensity of the negative reinforcement to be commiserate with the scale of the offense but anyone who missed by even the slightest amount felt the crack of his club.

Despite his threats, he was very careful to ensure that his blows landed in a manner that were not debilitating in the long term. It hurt like the devil’s own and bruising was evident on many, if not all, of the workers. But permanent injury was counter-productive to meeting his daily quota. He didn’t remember how he know where to place his blows for the maximum effect but it came naturally, without thought.

Asgyr watched as an older worker named Milgram placed his collection bucket on the scale. It exceeded the quota by a generous margin and the Overseer gave an internal sigh of relief. This should ensure that his own quota was met. Milgram always seemed to exceed his quota as evidenced by the lack of bruising on his body. It peaked his curiosity but Asgyr didn’t have to time to investigate. Too many other workers would slack off if he did not maintain the constant threat of punishment in their minds.

He had to punish a pointed ear male who bore the blows with a stoicism that was estimable and Asgyr felt the needs to add a couple of more strikes to reinforce the message that failure was unacceptable. As usual, the other workers looked away.

Ochi stepped up to the scales and set three buckets down. Izma was behind him with a fourth. Asyger was surprised that Ochi had been able to meet the additional quota requirements and wondered how he had done it. The only logical explanation was that he had gotten help from other workers but Asgyr was damned if he could figure out who.

It was an unfortunate development. Ochi stepping in to protect Izma was bad enough but if the workers were bonding enough that they would help each other despite the threat of missing their own quota, things could turn badly for himself. He should have punished the blue skinned girl when he had the chance.

Ochi gave Asgyr a triumphant look as the scales recorded his collection. Asgyr knew that he should deal with the pup’s arrogance but he did not want to send a message of punishing success. He would need to discipline Ochi later, in private.

The remainder of the workers presented their collection buckets for measurement with only a few requiring punishment. Then Asgyr turned to face the Master for the revelation of his own quota. The roiling mist that comprised the Master’s form materialized in front of him.

“You have done well, 13565,” the Master intoned, “Perhaps it is time to increase your quota.”

The words turned his blood to ice. Shit, he thought, I didn’t expect that. The rough-brows were a heartier species than most of the smooth-brows and their quota was greater. Now that he was showing the ability to exceed the quota…

“As you wish, Master,” Asgyr replied hiding his terror behind a veneer of calm.

The Master’s form dissipated as quickly as it had formed.

Asgyr turned back to the assembled workers. “Go. Eat and rest,” he commanded, “Tomorrow we do it all again.”


Commander Kevin Lance
Executive Officer
USS Chuck Norris


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