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The way home

Posted on Fri Jul 12th, 2024 @ 1:49am by Captain Mira Rodale & Commander Kevin Lance & Lieutenant Commander Awal Kronnelti & Lieutenant Tracey Walker Jr & Lieutenant Betaras K'ner
Edited on on Fri Jul 12th, 2024 @ 2:10am

Mission: Cat in the box
Location: USS Chuck Norris
Timeline: Present


(Kronnelti's Room)

After the mission that went completely wrong in many ways, Awal went back to his quarters to see his wife & child.

He spent several hours with them before leaving to check on Mira & Kevin.

{USS Chuck Norris, Sickbay}

Mira stood in the decon sonic shower to clean the blood and other things she would rather not think about off her body. Turning it off she grabbed the clean shorts and tank top. It was freezing in here she thought.

Mira shivered as she wrapped a blanket around herself and walked out into sickbay.

Once the next crewman was done, Mira took her turn to be scanned. She bit her lip worried she had been infected with the Gorn eggs. "How is Kevin?" she asked the doctor.

Kronnelti walked into the sick bay to check on both Mira & Kevin.

"Hey how are you doing?" Awal asked Mira

Mira gave him a smile "As soon as I find out I am not infected I'll be happy. " She shivered. "Jeez how much longer do you think we need to keep the ship this cold?"

"Montgomery is following the Ambassador's ship now. I will see about raising it." Kronnelti told her.

He then walked over to Kevin and asked the same question, "How are you doing?"

Kevin barely opened his eyelids a quarter of the way and mumbled something incoherent.

"Sedative," the nurse explained.

Mira bit her lip "They said he would be out for a few days. Probably so he doesn't undo all they work they did to get him back together."

"All clear Captain" the nurse told her.

Mira started dressing in jogging pants and jacket. She leaned over and kissed Kevin's cheek "It was a bad attack. I thought he was right behind us."

Awal pat Kevin's arm, then looked at Mira. "Last I saw he was," said Kronnelti.

"He must have gotten separated during the fight, and I didn't leave that unscathed," as he showed the doc his forearm that has a massive gash but wasn't bleeding.

"One of the little bastards must have gotten me, I'm fine but if you need to check me out I'm already here."

"Yes," Mira nodded. "You need to get that looked at. They could have implanted an egg. I don't think Deanna wants to be a father to one of those things. Everyone over there is getting a check-up!"

K'ner leaned over as she turned to leave, holding up one, then two fingers. "Light... Duty... nuf said?"
Mira smiled "nuf said"


Trace breathed a deep sigh, trying to relax. He was sweating, despite the temperature at the mere mention that the Gorn had attacked the negotiations. Memories of his own fight with them came unbidden, and he forced them away in order to stay calm.

Slowly, he pulled his modified revolver out and checked it again for the modified energy cartridge. It was designed to produce a pulse of ultra cold rounds, perfect for the Gorn, should they come knocking. If an Engineer couldn't modify his own weapons, well then, what good was he?

{Unknown Location}

Ul'kreth walked into the darkened chambers, despite the hairs on his neck standing on end. One was always in danger when meeting with the Master, after all.

'Tell me, pupil, what did you find?' The Master spoke directly into his mind. The words, although kind on the surface carried the undertones of potential violence.

'The Federation vessel was simple to infiltrate. I have their cloaking schematics.' He replied, in silence.

'A good tool in your arsenal,' the Master admitted.

'And what of you, Master, how did your mission fair?'

'Sewing discord between the Romulan Triumvarent and the Gorn was equally simple. The murder of Naraccus Saeihr was unfortunate but it was fortuitously timed.'

'I don't understand, Master, what do we gain by this?'

'There is an old saying, my student. Keep your friends close, but your enemies closer. The Federation trusts us, and that is something we can use. Activate our agents on the Starbase, it is time to begin our planning.'

'As you wish, Master.'

{USS Chuck Norris, Sickbay}

As Mira teased Kronnelti, she heard little feet hitting the fool hard. With a grin, she turned in time to catch her little boy. "Hey there, little guy," she hugged him.

"Oh hi mama," he pouted. "You left me!" Kolar told her.

"I am sorry, sweetie Mama had to go to work." Mira told him.
He shook his head no "work bad. bad." His eyes widened as he saw Kevin."Oh no, no, dada got boo boo. Make him all better."

Mira nodded "yes the doctor will. but he is sleeping now." Mira let Kolar kiss his dad, then carried him out to Zimia, who gave Mira a grin. "He is fast."

Mira nodded. "Guess who is going to the gym with me in the mornings?"

"Oh Mira, that's not fun," Zimia whined.

"it will be," Mira handed Zimia Kolar wincing as she moved.
Oh, Course, she noticed. "Did you get hurt?" Zimia asked her.

"No, I just overworked this arm." Mira was thinking that she was going to need to get come conditioning training if she was going to be fighting this much.

{ Sickbay, USS Chuck Norris }

K'ner watched as Almeida worked the sickbay with cool efficiency. It was obvious he'd done this all before. She kept a distance, choosing not to interfere and took the opportunity to catch up on the myriad of digital paperwork that always seemed to loom at the trailing edge of actually being done with anything.

She also kept an eye on the XO, plus two other crewmen that had taken some pretty heavy injuries. Fortunately, this time around, there were no fatalities, at least on the Star Fleet side. K'ner would chalk that up to a win for now. No eggs scanned so far either. That was almost curious and she entered more data into the Gorn database to analyze later.

Watching a nurse and the PA shiver again, reminded K'ner to shoot Montgomery a suggestion to bring the environmentals back up to standard, especially before the humans all got the sniffles. He was probably waiting on the Captain to take back over, but K'ner was hoping the CO would take the downtime while she had the chance.

It actually wasn't long before she noticed Almeida standing away from the action, watching the flow much as she herself was doing. When she caught his eye she nodded her approval. She'd schedule a welcome interview at some point on the way back, do his ingress stuff and welcome him aboard properly.


Captain Mira Rodale
CO USS Chuck Norris


Lt Betaras K'ner
Hazard Team Medic TL-B / CMO
USS Chuck Norris


Lieutenant Awal Kronnelti
Chief of security & tactical
USS Chuck Norris


Lieutenant Commander Kevin Lance
Executive Officer
USS Chuck Norris


Lieutenant Tracey "Trace" Walker
Chief Engineer
USS Chuck Norris


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