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Posted on Fri Jul 12th, 2024 @ 3:37am by Commander Kevin Lance
Edited on on Fri Jul 12th, 2024 @ 3:38am

Mission: Cat in the box
Location: USS Chuck Norris
Timeline: Current

{Romulan Diplomatic Enclave}

Kevin was defending himself against the unarmed attacks of Nauarchus Saeihr. She moved with lighting speed and nimble reflexes. He was unable to counter her blows but they barely registered, more like gentle taps than actually damaging strikes. He tried to dodge but something was wrong. His head felt enormous and his body sluggish. He tried to swing at her and beheld a scaly, clawed, green appendage that missed by a mile.

Confused, Kevin spun around looking for a Gorn but only he and Saeihr were in the dimly lit room. She continued her assault unabated and Kevin continued to swing and miss. But Saeihr was tiring, her blows less frequent and not as accurate.

Kevin was finally able to get her into a choke hold and Saeihr fell into unconsciousness. He knew that he should be retrieving his bag with the mechanical jaws and auto-injector but instead he started biting and ripping flesh from her body. Her legs, stomach, back, arms and finally her neck. As his teeth sunk into the tender flesh, she spoke.

“Kevin? What are you doing?”

But it wasn’t Saeihr’s voice or face. It was Mira’s

Good Zefram, Kevin thought, what have I done?

Using the big, clumsy hands, he tried to staunch the flow of blood from Mira’s neck but even to his untrained eye, he could see that she was slipping away. “No, no, no, no! Mira! Don’t leave me!!” he begged her.

“You can’t save her,” a small voice behind him said, “just like you couldn’t save me.”

Kevin turned away from Mira to behold a small, red-headed girl. “Ashla!” Kevin screamed.

Then the world went dark.

{Sick Bay, Deck 2}

The duty nurse pulled the hypospray away from Kevin. His surgery had been a success but the doctor had ordered him to remain sedated to allow him time to recover. He had been restless with elevated brainwave activity so the nurse, following the doctor’s written instruction, had administered another dose of sedative.


Lieutenant Commander Kevin Lance
Executive Officer
USS Chuck Norris


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