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They Say It's Your Birthday

Posted on Tue May 21st, 2024 @ 12:56pm by Commander Kevin Lance & Captain Mira Rodale & Lieutenant Commander Awal Kronnelti & Lieutenant Betaras K'ner

Mission: Starbase 364
Location: Starbase 364
Timeline: Current

{Officer’s Lounge, Starbase 364}

Kevin enter the lounge carrying Kolar in his right arm. The transformation was remarkable. Balloons, banners, streamers, and brightly colored table cloths adorned the otherwise gleaming but sterile space. Kevin was fairly certain that they had Zimia to thank for the decorations. They had an over-the-top feel that matched the Ensign’s personality.

The majority of the enlisted crew and junior officers had arrived and were already engaged in revelry. Kevin observed that when they took notice of him, their animated conversations and behavior moderated quite a bit. He sighed inwardly. The arrival of a senior officer always spoiled everyone’s fun. Kevin made an extra effort to smile in a friendly and relaxed manner, hoping that the crew would take the clue that he was here to enjoy himself and not to be sever on any of them.

Kevin, with Kolar on his hip, made his way to the bar, acknowledging the greetings of the crew. He avoided engaging too long with any of them, thanking them for attending and telling them to enjoy themselves.

At the bar, Kevin order a juice cup for Kolar and a pineapple daiquiri for himself. Scanning the lounge, he observed that he was the first senior officer to arrive. Mira and the department heads had yet to arrive.

{Just outside the Officer’s Lounge}

Mira smiled at the base engineer. "If you're not capable of doing it, just say so. I'll find someone who is. "

The base engineer, Samuel, frowned. "I didn't say I couldn't. I just wanted to know why?"

Mira blinked dark blue eyes at him. "Lt Commander Samuel, if I had been any other male captain giving you these specifications, would we be having this conversation?" Mira asked with a raised eyebrow. At the look on his face, she nodded. " I thought not. Who's ship is it? Mine or yours? "

The man straightened "yours, sir."

"Make the necessary changes to the quarters and have them done in the next few days." Mira rarely had to raise her voice or be demanding. But if that was what it took to get this officer's butt in gear then ....."I'll have my Chief of security double check your progress."

"yes, sir" he told her, then left. Mira frowned she really hated to be called, sir.

Kronnelti walked up with Dianna and their little bundle of joy. "Is there a problem?" He asked her

Mira smiled, leaned in, and kissed Venus' cheek. "You might need to add some......Klingon incentive to the completion of Kevin's quarters and the new security measures you and I talked about,"

Dianna frowned "your a captain. Why would he be questioning your orders."

Mira grinned. "I am short, not very intimidating, and I am a woman also, not very intimidating."

"But you could wipe the floor with him?" Dianna added.

Mira laughed. "And as much joy that would bring me, I would like not to have to hurt someone to get things accomplished. The easiest route is to have Kronnelti just show a little teeth." She grinned

Mira walked up the stairs to the 2nd floor of the officer's lounge and smiled "This is perfect, thank you Zimia. "
Zimia beamed at the praise.

Kevin was sitting at a table and Kolar was in a highchair looking very happy with a cup of juice and all that was holy was he hugging one of the bears she had gotten him?

She walked up and smiled at Kevin leaning in, she kisses his cheek before sitting down.

"my Blu. my Blu all better now, " Kolar told her hugging his bear.

"Now, why is that one better then the others?" Mira asked. Curious to his answer.

"my blu" Kolar nodded.

"I don't get it I got 14 of the same bear and everyone was 'not blu'. What did you do?" She looked to Kevin.

Kevin shrugged. "I had his bear rebuilt and got Trace to reinforce the teddy bear with Kevlar. Let's see that Andorian bastard try to tear it apart again!"

Mira raised an eyebrow “You are an amazing man.”

Kevin smiled, "I have my moments."

Standing Mira tapped her fork on the glass in front of her “Good evening my wonderful crew , friends and family This.” She waved her hand around the room. “This is a small thank you. We are here to celebrate life. Our lives, the ones we lost and all the ones we will be saving in the future. I want you all to know how proud I am of all of you. And there is the new life that was added to our ship on this mission as well. But there is one more life we are here to celebrate. It’s Kolar’s first birthday. “ she smiled as a few people clapped.

“Now I was promised awesome food by the top Chef on the base. Nothing replicated and an open bar for my crew. Please enjoy yourselves.”

Mira chuckled as she sat back down. It was time to relax and enjoy.

Dianna had made a small plate for Venus but she was too interested in Kolar, she would point and raise her hands.

Mira I think Venus wants to be with Kolar she chuckled, Kronnelti picked up Venus and sat her next to Kolar.

The two giggled and played together.
"mama baby?" Kolar told her.

Mira nodded "little baby Kolar. Be careful or she will get a boo boo. "

Little Kolar's eyes widened "no , bad bad bad!"

Mira blinked "no bad men. Daddy and Uncle Awal is here." she told him with a smiled

The bartender came over with a drink "ma'am there is a Speciality drink named after the star fleet engineer Mala Ren in 2370. I was told you are one to drink very strong drinks and thought you might like to try it."

The drink was red, give off green mist.

"it's as potent as Romulan Ale. Most are near-instant drunk on one glass." He seem pleased with that.

Mira smirked she had drank alot of Romulan Ale so she took a sip then nodded "It's good thank you. "

The man's eyes widened Then he looked over at a few of the crew who were laughing.

Mira took a few deep drinks of the drink "it's good but not the strongest drink I ever had." Mira smiled as she stood to get food for both her and Kolar.

Then she came back she held a rib out to Kolar "look your favorite." He giggled holding out his hand for it.

"The food looks amazing. There is human Vulcan and Klingon food. I hoped I picked enough for everyone to enjoy a good meal." Mira smiled as she sat down.

Zimia laughed "you picked enough to feed more the one ship."

Mira chuckled but she knew some of the crew were big eaters. "Awal I got a notice that Lieutenant Commander Ech'am G'ginloss was planning to return."

Really? I thought he left? Said Kronnelti.

Well it will be nice to see him again and I think he'll be quiet surprised.

He leans over and hands Venus a baby back rib without the bone.

Mira may I ask if I'm due for a promotion? He quietly asked.

That last mission felt like ducking bootcamp, trying not to let out bad words.

Mira leaned back in her chair. That was normally not a topic discussed at parties. Her eyes darted to who was around. People who had become family. So she relaxed.

Perhaps having the last hazard chief want to come back brought up some kind of goals? Or the fact the officer was only 20 and had made it to the rank of Lt Commander so quickly. Mira didn't know the other officer well, only that he had been on the ship for maybe two mission with them before transferring.

"Your personal records are just about blank. Dianna isn't even listed. It doesn't state when you came aboard the USS Chuck Norris or when you became chief of security." She handed another rib to kolar. "The way you acted when I first came aboard, I assumed you were newly promoted at the time?" she asked.

G'ginloss recruited me to chuck Norris while winters was still captain at the time he said and no personal records? I wonder if he kept them from starfleet. I also wasn't expecting to get that promotion from former captain intermezzo he said.

Mira laughed "So I was right you had just become the Chief of security right before i rejoined star fleet. " She nodded her head " You have truly revolved into a great Chief. As to your records as Chief you can fill in the gaps. I bet the crew was wondering how I made captain to fast. "

Zimia nodded "It was crazy fast"

Mira chuckled and shook her head. "I had already been a XO of a huge base for a few years and turned down 3 or 4 command placements. Then " She waved a hand knowing they knew about her being stuck on that planet. " I came back. I took a demotion and Chief operations position on this ship. The when the XO moved on it left a whole in the ship's operations. I took XO with a promise the new captain would remain but....." she shrugged "Honesty I wouldn't have picked me as captain." Mira laughed "you wouldn't believe the crazy things I use to do to get demoted."

Zimia perked up "do tell!"

Mira frowned "no that might give you and the crew to many ideas."

Anyway I was just wondering, let's not miss this party he said as he took some mashed potatoes and shoved them in Mira's face as he started laughing then whispered love you little Sis in her ear

Kolar's eyes widened. "Me do, me do," Mira laughed and smeared a little mashed potatoes on his face as she cleaned her face.

"Love you too, bro." she told Awal.

Kolar laughed, then turned to Kevin "ma ma bad da."

"Oh, you little rat. I see how you are, tossing me under the targ to get run over. Mean baby boy." Mira told Kolar

Of course, he just laughed, not caring at all, shaking his head no. He took some mashed carrots on one of his little fingers, then ever so slowly wiped it on Kevin's hand. His eyes were waiting to see what he would do.

Mira laughed. "Oh now, you started Trouble little man."

Kevin cocked an eyebrow at Kolar as he wiped away the mashed carrots with a table napkin.

Zimia looked shocked "would one of those things be a food fight?"

Mira shook her head no then stopped "Well there was one time but we were on a klingon base. I DIDN'T start it but I was in the middle of it."

"Ma ma bad" Kolar giggled. Mira leaned over and wispered in his.

Kolar turned to Kevin "Da mama call me itch."

"Did she?"

Mira burst out laughing and shook her head no "I said snitch "

Kolar looked up at Kevin, "Mama said jam too."

Mira laughed she had said that earlier that day. But it had been Jam it all to toast.

K'ner dodged a pea, then tapped it to the side with her toe so no one would step on it. She moved through the crowd, watching the throng. As she reached the 2nd door she turned to look across once more before exiting.

"That didn't take long." Kotsoo laughed quietly.

K'ner exhaled long. "Made the appearance. They seem to be amusing themselves. Go ahead and make a round if you like."

Dilisk smiled. "You have to loosen up sometimes chief. You're as bad as Taz."

K'ner shrugged. "I am relaxed. Now... Too many bodies inside. And I can't stun-punch any of them. Go on inside Kotsoo. Check out the short ones on the south wall. If you get bored that is."

He shook his head as K'ner headed down the corridor. Good boss but was never off duty. The party sounded like it was in full swing so he turned and opened the door, then stepped through, letting the sounds wave across his sensors. Controlled chaos...


Lt Betaras K'ner
Hazard Team Medic TL-B / Acting CMO
USS Chuck Norris


Lieutenant Commander Kevin Lance
Executive Officer
USS Chuck Norris


Lieutenant Awal Kronnelti
Chief of security and tactical
USS Chuck Norris


Captain Mira Rodale
CO USS Chuck Norris


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