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Old Acquaintances

Posted on Sat May 18th, 2024 @ 2:34pm by Lieutenant Betaras K'ner

Mission: Starbase 364
Location: Starbase 364
Timeline: Current

K'ner smiled her most feral grin as B'ta slammed a meaty hand onto her shoulder. She was very glad she had her c-suit on and didn't get knocked sideways into a heap. This had been their first training concerning the Gorn incursions and sharing information on dealing with them.

The current Bravo squad were no worse for the wear, mostly, but none of them were going to miss the after-exercise dining tradition they'd developed with the Klingons. The menu wasn't the most appetizing for some, but they'd all developed a tolerance, enough that they could avoid making a face to eat most of it.

"I hear you're getting a new warrior to your ship?" B'ta wasn't all that sly and openly asked them questions about their ship and its crew, plus he didn't take offense if the answer was confidential.

K'ner shrugged. "I haven't heard about a new assignment. We have positions open that are currently being covered, so it's usually a welcome relief for someone to pick up the extra load."

"You'll be getting a battle-hardened, hard-nosed, hard-headed, hard-hearted warrior on your tub for a change!"

K'ner laughed, well beyond taking any the bait B'ta often extended. They loved to duel out arguments as a way to pass the time on the starbase... probably also why they don't roam freely in numbers on the upper decks, and why the Captain had banned the crew from most travel, outside of training, on their lower decks.

"Yes, yes... We're much too squishy for any real fighting. Perhaps we can just shoot this new guy like a peng towards our opponent with a bat'leth and a tajtIq and a ferocious war cry... although in the vacuum of space that last one might not do much but the expression alone, perhaps that will frighten the weak-willed away all on its own!"

AHAHAAHWHWHAHAHA! more back-slapping and bashing the tables, plates of food and mugs of drink bouncing around. . .

"The Delores may yet serve with distinction, in time! HAHAHA!" He shook his head, quaffing down another mug and calling for another.

"The Norris... it's USS Chuck Norris... You've got the memory of a pretarn gobbler, and a small one at that!" More slamming and scuffling ensued. K'ner hoped they had a chance to upgrade the furniture on the ship if ever they invited the Klingons aboard for some function, otherwise none of it would survive the encounter.

"Do you know anything about this young pup?" K'ner was curious now who was slated to come aboard.

"Tis the third son of the family G'ginloss! Son of T'kron! Aye, he is young, but he's been living with Starfleet long enough to become a Lt Commander. Outranks you, tiny flea! Maybe he can turn you into a formidable fighting force and we won't have to be so easy on you in training." B'ta smiled, only slightly kidding, but likely feeling the last hit he'd taken during the exercise, same as K'ner.

She looked back, slack-faced. "Perhaps... Perhaps I just need a nap before battle so I am better rested?"

B'ta looked confused for a moment then knocked all the plateware and mugs in front of him off the table as he slammed his arms down. "AHAHAHA! Next time 'fleeter!! Next time!"

The meal was over shortly after that, Bravo squad filing out eventually and headed up-station to get back to the ship and some needed rest and recuperation.

"Damda chief! My aches are sore! You got anything in that magic kit of yours?" Peke favored one side a bit as he walked, once they were well beyond sight of the Klingons and the decks that were their territory.

"No stimulants, no supplements, you know the rules." K'ner said flatly, nursing her own aches but keeping them to herself.

"Yes mother," Peke said quietly.

"And no mother jokes!" K'ner ground out, watching the squad from the corners of her eyes since her HUD was down.

"Yes Mom!" The squad cried in unison.

K'ner shook her head and uttered something between a growl and a groan...



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