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Return to Duty

Posted on Thu May 23rd, 2024 @ 5:45am by Captain Mira Rodale & Commander Kevin Lance

Mission: Starbase 364
Location: Starbase 364
Timeline: Current

{Officer's Lounge}

Kevin has somehow remained clean during the food fracas that Kolar had initiated, aside from the smear of mashed carrots on the back of his hand. Fortunately, the arrival of a large cake with a single enormous candle had distracted everyone, Kolar included, from any perceived slights.

Now, with Kolar busy getting more cake on than in himself, Kevin had a chance to ask Mira the question that had been on his mind most of the evening. "Now that Lieutenant Commander G'ginloss, will he resume duties as Executive Officer? He is senior to me."

Mira giggled at Kolar eating his cake , but she perked up at Kevin's question. " No," she shook her head. "He was never the XO he was the O2. I haven't talked to him to see if he even wants the 02 position, but the way we run the ship now, he might not since our 02 remains on the ship during missions. Of course, I was thinking about that. It would be good to have him in the Haz Team. IT will help K'ner. I really want to keep Lieutenant Commander Jeffrey Montgomery on the ship. I trust him. He could be my missions advisor. What do you think? It's almost an 03 position. "

"We had a Strategic Ops Officer on the Indy," Kevin recalled, "but it was more of a coordinator than anything else." He thought for a moment then shrugged and continued, "I thought that I would brooch the subject. I have observed that fast burners don't handle others advancing head of them very well. Combined with a Klingon's sense of is a volatile combination."

"True, but he is coming back to the ship as it is now. Plus, he has been with Star Fleet long enough to know how we work. If it was anyone but Montgomery in that position, the 02 spot would be filled. Then G'ginloss would have to take what was available. Montgomery, for the first time, is happy on a ship. He doesn't want to leave, and position isn't of importance to him." Mira smiled. " This is assuming G'ginloss even wants the position. He may just want the Haz leader position. No one has stepped up and asked for. Things seemed to have worked themselves out on it, so I left it. Why fix something that isn't broken?"

Mira gave a little shrug. "I did notice that K'ner has been signing her reports as acting CMO? I am beginning to wonder if Captain Intermezzo forgot to tell her that with the promotion to full Lieutenant, he made her CMO? " She smirked, then her eyes went back to her son. "Zimia?"

Zimia looked back at Mira. "One piece of cake is more than enough. Do you want to deal with a sugar hyped up child tonight?"

Zimia grin was huge. "Can I? I miss him?"

Mira nodded "sure but he is going to need a bath."

Zimia nodded as she happily started to clean cake off Kolar.

Kevin was in mid-bite on a fork full of birthday day when he stopped. He closed his mouth and set the fork down on his plate. Mira gave him a curious look.

"What is he doing here?" Kevin asked rhetorically.

Mira turn to look where Kevin's eyes were fixed. She saw an elder Caitian in the uniform of a Star Fleet Admiral.

Mira frowned. "Son of a targ!"

she could hear her son in the back ground repeating her "Sonfa tar! sonfa tar"

Mira rolled her eyes. "got to be nice. it's his base ."

"Why are you telling me that" Kevin asked?

"I was reminding myself why I can't toss him out the bases air lock. It's his air lock." Mira said as she stood. "Sir, this is a private crew gathering."

“One that you neglected to invite your commanding officer to,” Admiral Proll replied holding a paw to his chest, “and give him the respect of being able to politely decline. You wound me.”

Mira put on a diplomatic smile. "Ah yes, I had that conversation in my head and got the same answer to. I didn't see the need since we both came up with the same thoughts. This is for the crew as a thank you for saving my life."

“It is of little matter,” the Admiral replied dismissively, “My presence is not a social call but rather more official. You will have to cut your rest and refit short. I need the Norris to escort Ambassador M’Niras to a negotiation with the Romulans. I had planned to send the Aries but the Gorn had other ideas.”

Kevin made no comment as he came up to stand beside Mira.

Mira stiffened "we haven't had even two days sir. My ship isn't even complete on its repairs from the Gorn. And it's no place for a ambassador. "

The grin was slow in coming "ambassador M'Niras
Will be traveling in his vessel. Your ship will be escort only. " He pulled out a padded "your repairs will be completed by tomorrow night."

Babysitting a pompous ass wonderful. There would be no way of not dealing with him. " Lt. Commander Lance do you concur with the repair timeline?" Mira asked softly.

Kevin stroked his beard as he considered the situation. “We didn’t sustain any damage in our encounter with the Gorn that significantly compromised our space-worthiness,” he mused, “Some of the more routine maintenance would need to be deferred or performed underway. Given proper resourcing, we could collapse the critical maintenance items into a single day.”

“Your request for internal structural redesign would, of course, need to be deferred,” Proll said to Mira as he gave Kevin a look that could best be described as a leer. Kevin felt the color rise to his face.

Mira folded her arms in front of her with a frown "I am not leaving the docking bay without the extra internal security measures the chief of security and I ordered. " Mira stated firmly. "The redesign was for the non fleet personnel safety. "

The Admiral frowned "You need a force field around your bed to keep you safe?" He asked.

Mira raised her chin. "IT was the most logical place to put the children if we are boarded again."

The Admiral narrowed his eyes "And the added doors?"

"Security to buy us time in the attack. they would need to get through two doors not just the one and a forcefield in order to harm the children." Mira told him. "It also adds to not only my peace of mine so I can concentrate on the ship's duties but my security chief as well and Lieutenant Commander Lance worry for his son." Mira raised an eyebrow at him.

"Am I to understand that you are refusing the orders of your commanding officer?" The Admiral asked archly, "Perhaps I should replace you with another officers who knows the meaning of duty and orders."

Mira locked eyes with the Admiral defiantly, "I serve at the Admiral's pleasure. He has the power to remove me at anytime."

She had neatly called his bluff, Kevin realized. The Admiral could not remove Lady Rasmehlier without offending every Klingon on the Starbase.

Proll's ears flattened against his skull. "Maybe your reluctance to leave the docking bay isn't due to maintenance concerns," he accused angrily, "Perhaps your courage isn't up to the task."

Kevin saw Mira tense at the Admiral's slight. Quickly, he placed a gentle hand on her upper arm and stepped forward, addressing the Starbase Commander in a more cordial tone than he felt. "I am certain that there is some misunderstanding. Captain Rodale is merely concerned for the safety of all of her charges, the Ambassador as well."

Kevin spoke in a rapid patter that rejected any attempt to interrupt, "I am certain that the Norris, under Captain Rodale's command, will be ready to depart once the base's engineering and maintenance has finished repairs. The modifications for the safety of non-combatants can be altered to allow for both an on time departure and the maximum possible protection."

He offered a face-saving way for both to deescalate. Kevin prayed to Cochran that the two officers would take it.

Mira had just been about to say he could test that assumption at his earliest convenience, but Kevin spoke up. So she remained silent, but it was the hardest thing she had ever done.

Mira narrowed her eyes as General D'amish Kharon walked up the stairs. Now what?

D'amish Kharon inhaled then growled. But he moved to her side kissing her cheek "ah you are even more beautiful than before you left for Qo’nos. You won the hearts of the high council and a great deal of the Klingons that meet you." He put an arm around her shoulders."I just got off a transmission with Martok. He asked about you, and the next time you come back to Qo’nos he wants you to join him for dinner."

Mira nodded, not saying anything at first but added, "Of course, General," She noticed that Kevin was frowning unhappily at the Klingon's arrival.

D'amish looked happy. "I can't wait to tell him that you and your family will be attending. " He looked at Proll then folded his arms over his large chest." What did I just walk in on?"

"She refused a direct order." Proll growled

Kharon looked a little surprised. "What did you say?"

"I said I am not leaving the docking bay without the extra internal security measures the chief of security and I ordered. " Mira stated firmly. "The redesign was for the non fleet personnel safety. "

Kharon looked back at the Klingon officer. "Did you say these changes were needed for your mate and child's safety." Kharon asked.

Kronnelti stood. "I did General"

Kharon nodded. "So you want the extra safety measures for your Klingon chief of security's mate, daughter, and your son the next heir to a noble Klingon house. This is looking more like it is a Klingon discussion."

Kevin closed his eyes and clenched his jaw in frustration. Were they never to be free of Klingon politics?

Mira frowned she hated being used for whatever plans they had, so she remained silent.

"I think it's her courage that is the problem." Proll told him.

Kharon growled. "YOU ARE FULL OF YOURSELF. You are lucky you have rank to protect you. How dare you. This should have been handled in our office. But you took it upon yourself to have a few drinks then insult a head of a Klingon house, and a member of the High Council. Then you repeated the insult in front of me. " Kharon hisses. He took the PADD from Proll. "These modifications will be completed by the morning or I will have my people doing the work themselves."

Mira winced oh jeez this was getting out of hand. She stepped back. She did not want a group of Klingons running around her ship.

Kharon looked back at Mira "Once the security measures have been taken care of will you be ready to leave?"

"If the security measures were in place right now I could leave right now. The forcefield in my quarters will be enough for now," Mira told him.

"Good " he tapped his comm badge "Kharon here stop all repairs on every ship and have them all report to the USS Chuck Norris. I want all the security measures installed by morning. They will have to deal with me if it isn't done."

Kevin rolled his eyes. He needed to find Lieutenant Walker and give him the "good news" that his engine room was about to become awash with Klingons.

Mira closed her eyes. It was time for bed.


Lieutenant Commander Kevin Lance
Executive Officer
USS Chuck Norris


Captain Mira Rodale
CO USS Chuck Norris


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