
Water World/Chuck Norris

Posted on Thu Sep 19th, 2024 @ 2:16am by Captain Mira Rodale & Commander Kevin Lance & Lieutenant Commander Awal Kronnelti & Lieutenant Betaras K'ner

Mission: Deep freeze
Location: Matrix
Timeline: Lost

{Water World }

Mira awoke and stretched her tired body. Last night had been amazing. She looked around to find an old man in the room setting the table. Mira pulled the covers to her as she peeked around for her clothes.

The older man smiled. "I was just about to wake ye,” the man said as he finished his task. "The captain wanted ye to be able to sleep in, but I thought since it was late morning, you might be hungry."

Mira nodded "yes I am. Where are Kevin and Kolar?" she asked, a little embarrassed to be only in a sheet.

"The captain is on the deck, and that little boy of yours is givin Miss Tanner some exercise." He chuckled.

Mira frowned that her son was with Tanner and not Zimia. "Did you see a little leather outfit in the room some place?"

The man frowned as he looked round. "I did see the captain walking out with a hand full of leather this morning, ma'am."

Mira's eyes widened. "He took my clothes?"

"Oh, I wouldn't think there was enough leather to even be a man's vest."

Mira closed her eyes. "Well, I need clothes, and I am not staying in bed all day." Mira grumbled.

"The Cap'n kept your clothing in that chest but he tells me that they likely won't fit." He pulled out one of Kevin's tunics and handed it to her. She slipped it on while his back was turned, then slid out of bed. She smirked it came almost to her knees. Walking bare foot to the table, she sat as he uncovered the food.

"Oh, by all the is holy, this looks amazing." She told the man who was grinning at her approval.

Then he handed her one of Kevin's vests." Aye that covers ye enough but I'll have to find some pants for ya. You can't ya be running around in just the Captain’s shirt"

Mira nodded to busy eating her meal.

Once she was done eating, she sat back in her chair full for the first time in months. It was really odd not to wake up to Kolar. Getting up she decided go and find him.

{On deck}

The rain had stopped for now and the crew was busy running around. Her eyes looked up to the sail. It needed mending she thought. She would have to tell Kevin she could fix that.

Her eyes watched a little monkey climbing up the pole. Dammit that was her little monkey. She ran over looking up "Kolar! what are you doing? Get down here."

Kolar looked down and clung to the rope ladder he was on "I go up there mama."

"Oh no, you're not. Come down right now or I will come get you."

Kolar bit his lip. "Can't mama to scared."

Mira cursed in a few different languages then started up.

Just as she got a few feet off the ground large hands grasped her hips.

"Oh I don't think so." Kevin said, "Climbing the Jacob's ladder is one thing but you aren't climbing the rigging in your condition."

"Miss Tanner," he called out, "please assist Master Kolar in returning to the main deck."

"Yes, Captain!" the blue jacketed girl replied. She quickly removed her shoes and climbed up the ratlines.

Mira watched with a tinge of jealously as the girl climbed. She could have gotten Kolar down if she wasn't so large. Kevin was smiling. He was hoping that the sisterly care that she took with Kolar would be an example for him when the new baby came.

"Where did you find her?" Mira asked.

"Midshipman Tanner?" Kevin said, "She was adrift with several sailors. Pirates sank her father's ship and she was left an orphan. I didn't have the heart to abandon her on one of the settlements so I appointed her Midshipman and began to teach her how to be an officer." Tanner was pointing out to Kolar where to step, passing on the knowledge that she herself had learned from Kevin and the other crewmen.

Mira frowned. "I could have gotten him. I was climbing up the rigs the day before you came back."

"I know," Kevin replied without taking his eyes off the two children, "but it does Tanner good to be entrusted with responsibility."

Chin took that moment to stick his nose into Mira's comments "Yeah, after we all told you that wasn't the best idea. You were also diving into the deeps of the ocean to get dirt and hunt the sharks."

Kevin's smile faded as he gave a little strangled noise.

Mira raised an eyebrow. "So your point is?" As far as she could tell, he just proved her capable of still doing things. "and I can fix the sail to." Mira added.

Chin grinned. "My point? Was I was ratting you out."

Mira frowned at him but took Kolar's hands. "You know the rules, Kolar no climbing unless I am with you. Your grounded until I am not."

"Well done, Miss Tanner," Kevin complimented the midshipman. The girl preened under the Captain's praise.

At Kolar's frown, Mira added, "When I can take you up there, then you can go."

"Yes, mama," Kolar pouted. "Can I go play with Zimia?"

"Of course you can. I don't know why you aren't with her now." Mira told him before she looked up. "That needs repairs." she flipped her long curly hair unto a ponytail. Then she looked up at Kevin. "Where did you put my clothes?"

"Mister Mariner will see to it," Kevin replied, "That is what Lieutenant Walker insists on being called, by the way. Seems that he has absolutely no memory of space," His own memories of that life were dimming as well.

"Your clothes are in a chest in our cabin," he continued, "although I don't think that you will like what you find."

"Why not?"

"They are all dresses," he answered, "not a single pair of pants or..." he searched his mind for the right word, "...tank top in the lot. After you give birth, we can fit you with an officer's uniform but until then...the ship's slop will have to do. What did the doctor say about the pregnancy?"

"Wait! You knew I would be pregnant and acquired maternity clothes for me? Before you found me?" Mira looked confused.

"What? No, I found the clothing in out cabin after we escaped," Kevin explained, "They are all approximately your size but are more...fitted to your...pre-pregnancy...form." He could feel the color rising to his face so he continued on quickly, "The fabrics are nice cottons, wools and a couple of silks."

"Oh, so I wore dresses?" She was confused at that but then blinked her blue eyes up at him,"but pre baby clothing. So none of them will. " she waved a hand to her stomach "fit now." Mira wondered if she could cut them up and make shorts and a tank top out of at least one of them?"

But seeing the distaste for her normal clothing on his face, perhaps she should try them on. What could she have possibly done in a dress around here? Did she do anything here?

Mira bit her lip, feeling very insecure all of a sudden. "Well, I guess I'll leave you to your uum." she waved her hand about the ship. Then she turned around to see if she could find Deanna and Zimia. Maybe life wouldn't be so strange with them.

"You never said how your doctor visit went." Kevin asked her, stopping her from walking.

"No, I didn't." Mira mumbled as she walked away. What was she supposed to say. The doctor thought she hadn't eaten enough, she was too thin, her heart rate was all off, and if he really wanted to know, he should have been there. Mira frowned.

Kolar came running up to her. "Mama, is it nap time?"
Mira sighed. "Did you get told Venus was sleeping ?"
He nodded. "mia is making something in the kitchen, and Aunt Dea is sleeping with Venus. So is it our nap, too?"
Mira looked around and then nodded to Kolar. '"Yea, I think it is. Maybe I'll feel better after a nap."
Kolar frowned. "You don't feel well?"
"I am tired. That's all Mama doesn't remember any of this. Do you?"
He shook his head no.

{Captain’s quarters}

Mira looked around. Nothing looked familiar to her. She opened a trunk, she didn't remember seeing before. None of the clothes looked familiar. Shaking her head, she slipped off the vest and then crawled into bed with Kolar. Kissing his cheek, she snuggled in next to him. "If you wake up before me, wake me up, ok?"

He nodded.

Short time later. Zimia frowned as she looked down at Mira. She was sleeping again? Placing a hand on her forehead, Mira's eyes fluttered open.

"Are you ok?" Zimia asked with some concern her her voice.
Mira peeked at Kolar. He was still sleeping. "yea, I just don't know what's going on." Mira slipped her legs over the edge of the bed. "Do you remember ever being on this ship before."

Zimia shook her head no.

Mira frowned, " Me either, but Kevin remembers we were. That they were attacked and we. Our group was taken."

Zimia nodded she had heard the same thing.

Mira opened the chest. "Apparently, the other me wear these."

Zimia's eyes widened. "Oh, they are so not you, but let's we if we can get any of these. to work. Not that what you have on right now doesn't cover you. It's that the men are talking about how lovely your legs are, and....... Well, Rodriguez let it slip that he might have gotten to see all of you. Not that the crew didn't see an eye full with what you had on yesterday. There is that outfit?" Zimia asked

Mira bit her lip at that information. She was going to break Rodriguez nose then shrugged. "I think Kevin might have tossed them or hid them."

Zimia laughed, covering her mouth with her hand. "This one will work.... I think anyway."

Mira took the dress with a frown it was a blue and cream colored dress. Snug at the top, and there seemed to be enough flow of material to accommodate the baby.


Mira slipped off the shirt and then stepped into the dress. Zimia closed the backup. No wonder people had to have help dressing.

Zimia stepped back. " Wow, let's do your hair too!"

Mira tried to fend her off with a laugh. "Whatever for. I don't plan to go anyplace. How the hell am I to fight in this? Its crazy?"

Zimia pouted, "Come on, we have nothing else to do? Kevin told the crew to take over any job you started."

Mira rolled her eyes but sat down "that is another problem I have nothing to do. I can't even go running or ...... anything"
She rubbed her stomach. This baby would keep her busy but it wasn't here yet.

Kolar sat up with a smile " Oh mama you look beautiful." He grinned.

Mira smiled back. Ok if she had to play dress up for a little while she do it.

( below deck )

Awal going through all of the supplies making sure they didn't have to stop for resupply.

he writes everything down after counting what was left on the ship.

{ Foredeck, C Norris }

Timmons shook his head, already tired of watching the small group as they sat cross-legged in a tight circle. As he stepped away, headed for the wide stairs back down amidships, Thompkins nodded in their direction.

"What's up with them again? They chanting again? Makes me nervous."

Timmons snorted, "Yeah, I can never tell if they're praying or trying to summon a demon or something." He shrugged, long past caring what the odd squad was up to, as long as they protected the ship and crew.

At the peak of the circle, facing into the wind, K'ner recited the tenets, listening to the others follow suit. Once that was complete she met with the others in two's and three's to review inventory they no longer had, equipment specs they no longer had access to, and random bits of SF history as they came to her. Keeping it all fresh and clear in their minds gave them focus, strengthened their memories that always threatened to dim, reminded them the cost of their freedoms and the goal to return. . .

{Mess Hall}
Mira slapped Rodriguez on the back of his head as she walked by." You have never seen me in my birthday suit. Stop lying to the crew."

Mira took her seat at the table. A good portion of her crew sat around her. Mira looked around and then leaned forward as she lowered her voice. "How many for you remember any of this?"

They shook their heads no.

Murphy shook his head no. "If my theory is correct, then whoever is running this didn't plan for us to live. The group with the commander has memories and knowledge of how to survive here. We weren't given that and left to die."

Mira bit her lip. That sounded far too accurate. "Then they wanted a reset?"
Murphy thought about it. "No, it is possible they changed the person who resets it," he shrugged "its a theory captain. Also, another one is that these people might not be the people we know. it's a theory."

Mira frowned she didn't like that theory at all. Mira turned to Deanna. " How is Awal acting?"
She smiled. "Wonderful. how is Kevin acting?"
Mira bit her lip. "Different not as affectionate. Work is more important. He is protective. but..." she pointed to her clothing. "He thinks I wear this. What could I possibly do on this ship wearing this?"

Rodriguez chuckled. Deanna hit the back of his head. Then Deanna nodded, "Maybe you and I can talk to Awal."


Lt Betaras K'ner
Hazard Team Combat Medic TL-B / CMO
USS Chuck Norris


Lieutenant commander Awal Kronnelti
Chief of security/tac
USS Chuck Norris


Commander Kevin Lance
Executive Officer
USS Chuck Norris


Captain Mira Rodale
CO USS Chuck Norris


