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Posted on Wed Sep 18th, 2024 @ 12:18am by Commander Kevin Lance & Captain Mira Rodale

Mission: Deep freeze
Location: Matrix/Chuck Norris
Timeline: Lost

{Water World, Chuck Norris}

When Kevin walked in his quarters, Kolar squealed happyly and ran to him. Kevin picked him up and hugged him. "Dada, we missed you so much. Mama said you might have forgotten us again and would not be coming."

Kevin was smiling but his brows were knitted in confusion. "Again?" he asked.

Mira bit her lip, looking a little guilty, but he had forgotten them before. Her hand strayed to her stomach and the baby she carried. They so needed to talk.

Mira rested a hip on the desk. Watching the two interact. "I remember we said we would always tell each other the truth. but if we weren't really to. We just said that, and if something seemed off, we could just say, 'What's up?'"

His nodded, but his eyes went to the obvious baby growing. "I remember."

Mira looked relieved. "Ok. Dammit, I don't even know where to start." she pinched her the bridge of her nose. "Are we still a couple?" Yes that was the most important thing to her.

That seemed to surprise and worry him a little as he remembered that odd feeling of betraying her. So he just nodded yes.

Mira seemed to relax.

"Bryne made some really, really hurtful comments," Mira started to say, but kolar joined in, adding some credence to what she was saying.

"Byrne from operations?" Kevin replied, confused. The woman was assigned to the USS Chuck Norris during their last stop over at Starbase 364. He couldn't remember ever having any interactions with her.

Kokar nodded. "She says you love her more than Mama and happier with her, and she be my new mama. I kicked her. " Kolar finished.

Mira looked away. Her hand went to the deck as she felt a little lightheaded.

"You shouldn't kick other people," Kevin scolded but it was so odd. Kolar wasn't the sort to lie but why would Byrne tell such a story. Kevin walked to open the door of the cabin and called for his midshipman. "Kolar, I want you to go to the galley with Midshipman Tanner and she will get you something to eat."

Kolar looked dubiously at the blue coated girl. "Do I have to call her 'auntie'?" he asked suspiciously.

Why would he do that, Kevin wondered. "No," he said, "You will called her Miss Tanner. And you will follow her instructions as if she were me or your mother."

Kolar looked at Kevin in momentary defiance but finally walked out with an anxious Tanner following.

"What that Void is all this about," Kevin asked after the doors were closed, "What happened in the last seven months?

Mira rubbed her forehead. "He is telling the truth. The woman even told me I was in the way of her and your happiness and that Kolar was hers to deal with." Mira bit her lip. "I punched her." Mira confess. She sat on the desk before she could fall down. "Sorry, I feel very drained. This pregnancy hasn't been easy on me."

She continued, "It would also seem...Rodriguez is under the impression that you had moved on too."

"Tell Rodriguez that he was having another dream," Kevin replied bluntly.

Mira smiled then sighed. "If you don't want to be with Kevin, all you have to do is say so." her eyes teared up."As much as it would hurt, I wouldn't stand in your way or make things difficult. " her voice broke on the last part.

"I didn't spend seven months attacking ships and settlements, bargaining with lowlifes and challenging the greatest pirate threat in these waters to break up with you," Kevin replied a little more angrily than he had intended. Softening a good deal, he continued, "Now tell me what happened."

Mira nodded feeling a weight lift off her, "The first thing I remembered of this place " she waved a hand at all the water. "is falling from the sky and hitting the water. That floating city was just there and it was empty. " Mira shrugged. " It was only a day after we got there I started feeling sick. I couldn't keep anything down. Then" she put both hands on her stomach.

"We tried to get food together and survive. About 3 months ago this ship showed up. The Captain of the ship told us we were a commodities and he was coming back for us after he made some trip. He called me a proven breeder. Byrne begged to be taken with him. After all the problems she has caused I didn't stop her. The jerk's name was Roth."

"Well, we have that particular jerk in our brig but now that he has outlived his usefulness," Kevin shrugged, "As for Bryne, she wasn't amongst the crew that we took on from the Black Crab so, who knows." Something in the back of his mind said that he should be more concerned about the crewmember's disappearance but he wasn't.

"My own memories of this place," he continiued, "began with being tied to the mainmast as Roth's ship tried to sink us. If Kronnelti hadn't of gotten free, we would have ended up in Davey Jones' Locker. Do you have any memories of living here before being dropped into the water?

Mira shook her head. "I do," he replied, "and of living in space as well. But those memories of a federation of planets keeps getting dimmer. What remains strong, is my memory of the bond between each other and Kolar, even if the details are getting fuzzy. For instance, I can't remember any of the details about Kolar's birth."

"Odd. I remember us on a ship in space. I remember fighting on a desert world. One of our crewmen was there. Walker. He helped me protect Kolar. And I died in your arms, but that makes no sense because I am here. Kolar asked why things keep changing. He even remembered being eaten and I remember being attacked but the details as so fuzzy."

"Walker is aboard as well but he has gone completely native," Kevin explained, "Insists on being called Mariner and I have a deal to let him leave now that you are found." Again he felt that allowing Walker to leave was wrong.

"As for the rest I don't remember any of that," he continued, "but I think that I remember something from our life in space about simulated environments and selective suppression of memories." But as he said the words, they felt alien to his tongue and he had trouble conjuring exactly what they meant.

"I do remember us being...intimate with each other so I am guessing that I am responsible for that," he pointed to Mira's belly.

"Since I haven't been with anyone else since the death of my mate 5 years ago. I was going with that idea as well. " Mira told him with a raised eyebrow "of course Kolar has assured me his mama only sleeps with his Dada, him and Toc." Mira looked over at the cat that was swishing his tail watching them. She put her hand on her stomach ",oh, baby is getting to active." She looked down at her stomach "it's been really hard trying to survive Kevin. We wouldn't have made it if you hadn't found us again" she sobbed going into his arms.

Kevin enfolded her in his arms and gently rocked her. "There, there, kitten," he soothed, "We are together again. Everything will be alright."

Mira nodded he was right. "Maybe if we just made it to land." The sound Kevin made had her looking up at him. "There isn’t any land? Anywhere?"

"Precious little of it," he confessed, "and jealousy defended by their inhabitants. My plan is to sail us back to the Sea Isles where I recollect we have a home port."

Mira closed her eyes, putting her head back on his chest. "Can I just stay like this forever?" she chuckled, "Not the pregnant part just in your arms?"

"Of course," he answered tightening his arms around her.

"You know we never talked about having another baby. The first one was a surprise, and then this one." She laughed." This one is too."

"I remember that we were, somehow, prevented from being able to conceive in space," Kevin said, "It was that way to prevent an accidental pregnancy so another child wasn't something that I had seriously considered. And something about our life in space made having a second child impractical. But now," he smiled broadly, "I am excited at the prospect of us having a baby girl."

Mira's eyes widened, and then she weakly hit his chest as she smirked. "Oh no, not you too. Kolar says it's a girl."

She laughed, then remembered something. "I haven't even thought of a girl names. I was thinking Connor. if it's a boy. Connor Rodale Lance." Mira ran her hand over her stomach, then reached out to put Kevin's hand on her stomach. As the baby kicked.

"Ashla," Kevin said assuredly, "If the baby is a girl her name should be Ashla."

Mira looked questioningly up at him. "It was my sister's name," he explained.

"If we had protection not to conceive, then how did this happen? The only other pregnancy in the crew was......." She stopped talking and got a horrified look on her face. "Rodriguez had a lizard child. Do you think our baby will be normal?" her lip did a little tremble.

"I am sure everything is alright," he said, "Rodriguez is weird himself so hearing that he has a lizard baby is not surprising." His words conveyed greater certainty than he felt. "Still, it wouldn't hurt to have our doctor check you out."

Mira nodded seeing a doctor would be good. "without the equipment how would she know?"

Kevin pulled her over to the chair and settled her on his lap. "our child will be fine. You need to stop worrying so much. Let me handle things. stress is not healthy for you or Ashla."

Mira leaned in to him, resting on his chest. "Ok," she nodded.

"Just like that? You're willing to let me handle things?" Kevin asked her surprised.

Mira grinned, "I am pregnant not stupid. I told you when we first got together. I wanted everything with you and you could handle my security. This falls well under your domain. Besides we aren't on the ship in space, we are here. Where ever that is but even if we were on the ship I would do so too. Why wouldn't I want my man protecting me?." She asked with a grin.

Kevin gave her a long intimate kiss. "Much as I would love to stay here with you, the ship will not run itself and I should check in on Kolar to ensure that he doesn't lead Miss Tanner astray. I shall send for the doctor and we will share dinner in my cabin tonight."

"Pity," Mira whispered. "I had planned to ask if you would help me out of my clothes."

Kevin groaned. "Those are not clothes. Tell me you haven't been wearing them the whole time?"

Mira nodded with a grin. " it was this or my birthday suit." She laughed.


Commander Kevin Lance
Executive Officer
USS Chuck Norris


Captain Mira Rodale
CO USS Chuck


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