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The Rains Come

Posted on Sun Sep 15th, 2024 @ 5:55pm by Commander Kevin Lance & Captain Mira Rodale & Lieutenant Commander Awal Kronnelti & Lieutenant Tracey Walker Jr & Lieutenant Betaras K'ner

Mission: Deep freeze
Location: Water World/Matrix
Timeline: Lost in time

{Norris raft city}

Mira put one hand over her eyes and the other over Kolar's "what the hell Rodriguez. I can assure you no one wants to see that!"

Kolar giggle. "Mama say so. Bad bad."

"Sorry someone took my towel. " Rodriguez grin.
Personally Mira thought he had done it deliberately. "go away right now!" she snapped.

Clothing and fabric have been scarce, and no one had the same type of clothing on. Murphy had a look at her own odd clothing and had attempted to recreate it but so far it had just smelled fishy. No one wanted to wear it. Mira couldn't stand the smell it made her sick.

She peeked out of her fingers and relaxed he had left. Ever since Rodriguez had his baby he had been back to thinking he was hot stuff again. Kolar shook his head, his hand going to her stomach.
He giggled. "She kicked me."

"He kicked you," Mira told him with a laugh. "Don't you want a baby brother to play with?"

Kolar grinned, "I play with girls to Mama."

Mira bit her lip. Yea, just like your father, she thought sadly. "Well, whatever it is, you will be the best big brother ever."

Kolar nodded, his head happy.

Just then, a few drops of water fell hitting her bare arm. Mira looked up with a frown. "Chan pull our people from harvesting. Looks like the rainy season has come."

Chan nodded.

Her hand fell to her stomach. She had hoped this baby would have come before the rains. She needed to be able to fight. "Kolar remember what I said about the hiding spot?"

He nodded "Venus and I hide, no noise and stay put. We going to get eaten again?"

Mira frowned. she had vague memories of being attacked by a few different thing but shook her head no.

"Mama, will dada come?" Kolar asked her.

She shook her head. "I don't think he is here. if he is " she gave a little shrug "he doesn't remember us."

Kolar frowned but nodded. "I grow big and strong and I will take care of you."

Mira was about to cry so she just nodded. "you and me buddy forever." her voice cracked.

( Chuck Norris )

Awal sat with Vay'toc giving him head pats, we will find Mira & the others he said. Do you still have a connection with Spike? he asked

Vay'toc licked Kronnelti, send Spike something of me & Kevin looking for them.

He sat up and looked at Kevin sending Spike several images so he can show Mira that they are looking for her.

Kevin was standing hunched over the map that Kronnelti had rescued from Roth's cabin on the Black Crab before that ship disappeared under the waves. Around the table were K'ner and Mariner also studying the map. It was much more detailed than the Norris' charts and included several features that even Mariner did not recognize. During their discussions, Mariner had ruled out several of the features as unlikely places to find Mira and the crew. He had navigated these waters for years and had not seen anyone matching the descriptions of the crew that Kevin had given him.

"So, if we eliminate the places that Mister Mariner has already visited," Kevin gave his appraisal, "that leaves four possibilities. We will check each of them in turn starting with the nearest." He pointed to a feature that was a day and a half's sail from their current location.

K'ner nodded her assent. "Too bad we couldn't grab a captain's log... assuming he's literate and actually kept one..."

Roth had divulged very little information and had proven quite resistant to torture. K'ner suspected some sort of mental defect that interfered with his response to pain. Kronnelti insisted that he could try other methods but Kevin didn't want to risk killing this final link in the chain so the pirate captain remained in the brig.

Most of the survivors from the Black Crab's crew had decided to take their chances with the denizens of Sunshine Bay rather that risk the hospitality of their attackers but enough had remained to fill out the gaps in the Norris' crew due to deaths during the battle. Kevin made certain that the officers kept the new recruits busy so that they wouldn't be enticed into mischief.

Now with Mariner's sloop once again in tow, they were ready to find the rest of the crew.

"Begging your pardon, Captain," Midshipman Tanner stuck her head into the Captain's Cabin, "Lieutenant Haldersen sends his compliments and says that there is a squall coming up from the southeast."

"Cochran damn it all," Kevin muttered then addressed the midshipman, "Thank you Miss Tanner. I will be out shortly." The storm would reduce visibility and increase the time to get to the identified feature. It also increased the likelihood of encountering Merfolk.

"Double the watch, Lieutenant K'ner" Kevin ordered, "I don't want to miss whatever is at that location. Nor do I wish to be surprised by Merfolk."

"Aye, Commander." K'ner turned, shouting orders...

Kevin looked over at Kronnelti. "Anything from Spike?"

{Norris raft city }

Mira's hands rubbed up and down her arms. as she watched the rain fall. "The people we have on watch are safe in this?"

Murphy nodded, "As safe as we are but seeing it rain this hard, I am not sure how much they will see."

Great, Mira thought perhaps they weren't safe at all. "Is it going to rain this hard the whole time?" her eyebrow crinkled in worry.

"From that, I have read these will come and go, but there will be rain every day. From what I understand, it is enough rain to keep people in water for the rest of the year."

Mira nodded, bitting her lip." Ok ,well, I can see why the fishman would be able to come out of the water this time of year. It would also explain why there was no one in this city when we got here."

Murphy nodded. "I had thought that too, but."

Mira turned to look at him, raising a delicate eyebrow. "But what, you didn't think I would need that information to keep our people safe or make better plans?" Seeing the look on his face, she swallowed hard. " You thought I wasn't fit to handle things?"

"No, Captain, not that, but you have been so sick lately and ..... well, we were trying to protect you as much as we could. Lance isn't here, and you have taken on far too much for one person, let alone being pregnant on top of that. "

Mira wanted to have a fit, but nothing could change what was already done. "Stop keeping me out of the loop. Murphy."

Mira took one more look at the rain and shut the door. "What is the scuttlebutt on how people think we should handle the pirates."

"they would rather fight than put their lives into this guy's hand." he told her.

Mira nodded rubbing her forehead. "and your idea of the possibility of a reset?"

"From talking to what crew we have here it seems when you die we reset." Murphy told her.

Mira frowned sitting down. "Well testing that theory will be a problem."

Murphy nodded.

Spike cam running in and hopped on the table making noise. "spike I know you don't like the rain but chill ok?"

Mira shook her head. "Dinner is almost ready do you want to stay and eat with us? Your room is on the other side of the raft. you can use the couch."

Murphy thought about for a moment "yes captain that would be nice." And he might be able to protect the woman and kid's better.

{Aboard the Chuck Norris}

The rain continued to drive in from three points off the port bow. It was a continuous drenching rain that forced the ship to tack against the wind slowing their forward progress to barely more that a crawl. Without the sun or stars, Kevin and his crew were left to calculate their position by dead reckoning.

As best they could figure, they should be within view of whatever Roth had marked on the map but their line of sight was cut to less than one hundred meters by the ceaseless rain. Even had lightning not made manning the crow's nest a deadly proposition, the advantage of elevation would be complete blunted by the poor weather.

Kevin turned to see Mariner standing on the bow, his arms outstretched as if he were embracing the rain.

The rain had continued unabated for two days and Kevin considered if he should drop anchor and ride out the storm when one of the lookouts in the ship's bow called out, "Settlement ho! Twenty degrees to port!"

Kevin turned to the left and shielded his eyes from the stinging rain but saw nothing in through the torrent.

K'ner ran across, hand-over-hand along the rail. Several of her guard had attached themselves with lines in case they needed their hands free to repel an attack.

K'ner squinted, then centered her focus and relaxed. Once she could feel the presence she pointed. "That way Captain! Our crew is there!"

{Norris raft city}

"Kolar no, get back here young man." Mira frowned as she went after kolar. They had been trapped in the house for the last 2 days and everyone was going stir crazy. "kolar stop"

Little giggles could be heard from the kolar then little Venus ran by Mira before she could grab her. "Son of a targ!" she stopped run shaking her head as her hand went to her back.

Deanna walked up beside her. "Rasing a child is not a one parent job."

Mira nodded "Jeez will someone grab these kids?" Oh now there was gales of laughter from the kids.

Deanna chuckled. "You know these two would be good training for the Haz Team. Who do you think would win?"

Mira smiled, giving it some thought her hand shield her eyes from the rain. "For now K'ner but..... give it another year and all bets would be off." She laughed rubbing her stomach. "Then when this one is born? By all that is holy." both laughed.

"Captain, ship spotted ahead. "

Mira frowned "Damit do you think it's the pirates?" Before Deanna could answer Mira yelled "Protocol hide!"

Kolar and Venus stopped running around and ran to the house.

"Zimia you too. They haven't seen you yet."

Zimia frowned but started running after the kids.

"Deanna you got your blade?" Mira asked.

"Yea, not really sure if I can kill someone," Deanna told her.

"It's either kill them or who knows what happens to your daughter."

Deanna nodded, "Well when you put it that way. They die."

Mira nodded.

{Aboard the Chuck Norris}

The ship approached the settlement slowly, sailing close to the wind. Circling around and approaching from the windward side would have been the better choice but Kevin didn't want to risk losing contact with the settlement in the torrential storm. Similarly, he didn't want to drop a longboat in the churning sea. There was a danger of crashing into the settlement but the glacial pace of the ship made that unlikely.

"Drop fenders over the side!" Kevin shouted to the deck crew. They quickly complied and over the side went cushions to protect the ship from contact with the settlement.

The helmsman listen to the calls of distance from the settlement and making small adjustments while Kevin ordered the reefing of sails to further reduce their momentum.

As the Norris closed the final meters to the side of the settlement, Mariner spotted movement. "Merfolk!" he shouted over the storm.

{Norris raft city}

"Their docking in this storm?" Deanna asked her.

Mira didn't know what the plan was.

"Captain, we are being boarded!"

Mira cursed as she turned about. Things were pulling themselves out of the water. "Red alert, red alert all hand to battle stations," Mira yelled Son of a targ! Tracked for both sides. Better to be slaves than dinner!

"Oh hell," she placed a hand on her stomach. "Deanna, get to the kids. you and Zimia drop the storm shutters."

"But what about you?"

"No one is eating my kid while I still live." Mira told her. "Go, the kids need you more than I do."

Chin ran to her with a sword. "Captain, it was a pleasure serving with you."

Mira nodded. "Aye. I feel the same way, my friend."

{Aboard the Chuck Norris}

Both Vay'toc and Spike kept in contact with each other though images. Spike sent an Image of a ship docking & Vay'toc jumped for joy as he leaped out of the ship.

Awal saw this happen & he ran after him so he wouldn't get hurt or other. As both landed on the dock Vay'toc sent his last image to Spike.

Kevin saw Kronnelti leap from the ship and shouted a warning to him, but his words were carried away by the wind. He cursed. Merfolk often attacked during bad weather though there was much speculation if it was due to the tactical advantage they gain or necessary to keep their skin wet and cool.

Kevin had wanted to go carefully. The rain dampened the powder for the flintlocks rendering them useless and the limited visibility favored the attacker's. But with Kronnelti leaping off the find his wife, his Kevin's hand was forced.

"Mister Haldersen, you have the conn," Kevin instructed then pointing at two sailors, "You men, follow me." He grabbed hold of a rat line and swund gracefully down to the settlements platform.

K'ner slipped her tether as her team did as well and formed in on the Captain until they hit the boardwalk of the raft city. They spread out in pairs, already on the hunt.

Awal saw the giant cat like creature jump out the window running towards him, as it got closer it sent his master an image of what he saw & he dropped to his knees SPIKE and started crying.

he yelled up to Kevin, "it's Spike!! Mira & them must be close by." Vay'toc sent Mira an image of Awal hugging spike.

But the reunion was about to be interrupted by the approach of four of the aquatic warriors.

Mira froze as Vaytoc connected with her. He was close by. "Vaytoc help!"

Mira opened her mind, letting him get what information he needed to get to her. "Chin Vaytoc is close.."

Chin turned to look behind him, knowing Mira would watch his back. "I think I see Kronnelti!"

"Oh, by all that is holy, we might live through this!" Mira told him.

Vaytoc skidded to a halt next to her Mira hugged him." Perfect timing my friend. We are in trouble again."

Kevin was not long on the settlement when he was accosted by two of the Merfolk wielding tridents. He parried their thrusts long enough to allow the two sailors, and Midshipman Tanner unfortunately, to join him in the fight. The shift from two against one to four against two gave Kevin the respite that he needed to draw his revolver and expend one of the precious cartridges into the attacker on the left. Seeing his companion felled by the shot, the remaining Mer-man dove back into the water.

Awal hears the commotion and draws his sword, Spike join he said. Spike gets into attack mode as both joined the fight.

Hearing they like to eat people, Kronnelti had the idea to bite them on the neck while shoving this sword through their chest.

Kevin led his party deeper into the settlement away from the relative safety of the Chuck Norris. Not that there was much aid that could be received from the ship with the concealment afforded by the shacks on the the settlement. Kronnelti seemed certain that Mira was here but he had yet to find anything other than Merfolk. Maybe Mira had pulled the crew from the perimeter buildings to a more defensible position in the center.

{Norris raft city}

There was no way Mira would let Kolar get hurt. Zimia, Dianna, and the kids were in the building closest to the docks. Some of her people had metal bars, and others had swords, but that's all they had.

Mira felt a strong arm come around her waist, intending to pick her up but he froze "dammit sister you're out here fighting while pregnant?"

He moved her behind him as Kronnelti took her sword. "Stay behind me and close to me. I want to know where you are."
Mira put her hand on his back and moved when he did.

"Where is Dianna?" Kronnelti he asked between swings.

"In the big gray and white building by the docks. She is with Zimia and the kids," Mira told him and then in some confusion asked, "How are you here? Were you on the ship that Just docked?"

"Yes and with half the crew. Kevin has been looking for you."

Mira wanted to turn around and run to find him but that would be dangerous, "Fall back!" Mira yelled. They were outnumbered, they needed to get the kids and get on the ship. Mira wasn't sure if it was any safer but it moved. "We have pirates after us. Some guy named Roth." Mira told him as the were pushed back.

"The Black Crab? Yea we destroyed their ship, Roth is our prisoner. We have been looking for you guys and haven't stopped."

Mira was so relieved "We have been doing our best to survive. The Black Crab stopped by a few months ago. Said he was taking us on his way back. If he had not been in such a hurry I think we would have been taken then." Mira told him. Looking around his body at the things still coming out of the water.

"OH God Awal how many are there? Is the ship safe?" Mira asked.

"Yes. We have a full crew and K'ner has her Haz Team." Awal confirmed. In the distance she could hear a wail that reminded her of a Valkyrie's battle cry she'd seen once in a holo-vid. Awal nodded. "See?"

"Chin, get the kids on that ship! We are retreating. Everyone to the ship." Mira told him he was faster then her right now.

Mira turned around to run then right into Kevin. Before the shock could even register in her brain, Kevin picked her up, shouting orders as men ran by them to engage the mer-men.

Kronnelti yelled where the kids were and said he would get them. Shouts of retreats were ringing out every where.

"Fall back to the ship," Kevin ordered as he cradled Mira in his arms. Two large men and a small girl, not quite a teenager, continued to fend off the attacks of the attacking Merfolk as the group ran for the ship.

Kronnelti ran towards the building to get Dianna and the kids, Spike come as he sends an image of where Awal was at.

Spike darts in the direction, leaping through the window Awal put the kids on his back and picks up Dianna. They are run out towards the ship, Chin he yells follow right behind me keep the kids safe as they all dash to the ship.

Awal holding Dianna over his shoulder and a sword in the other he slashes his way through. Putting the sword away, Awal was able to kick a Trident up and threw it at another merman.

{Alongside the Chuck Norris}

Kevin and his group arrived at the place where the Chuck Norris was moored. He set Mira down on her feet and then hesitated as he suddenly became aware of her pregnant belly. "Will you be able to climb the ladder?" he asked pointing to the slippery blocks of wood on the side of the ship.

Mira nodded climbing up as she got to the top she was lifted over the edge. Mira turned around to look at the place that had been her home for 7 months. "by all that is holy!"

"mama!" Kolar yelled. Mira relaxed seeing him on the ship. "dada did come for us"

Haldersen gave her a smile "Let's get you into the Captain’s quarters ma'am. "

Mira nodded she wasn't doing any good just standing there in the way. "Chin, do a head count see if everyone made it. "

If they hadn't then they.... she wiped a tear. By all that was holy that would have been all of them.

Mira and Kolar entered Kevin's room.

"Toc here too, Mama!" kolar giggled, "Want hug dada."

Mira nodded, "As soon as he gets us to safety Kolar. Come here and hug mama. I was scared." Vaytoc pressed against her purring.

K'ner directed the others with the sounds they'd practiced to let each other know where they were if it were dark, or heavy rain like it was now. To the surprised mer-folk, it was a blood-curdling war cry as well that distracted them. The squad focused mostly on defense of those moving towards the ship, but took any opportunity to reduce the numbers of the attackers. Some had chitinous plates strapped on, but other less so, and anything not so covered was quite soft and parted easily to their blades.

Kevin climbed to the quarterdeck. "Lieutenant Haldersen, prepare to loose our moorings," he ordered, "Mister Mariner, get your crews aloft. We will need to raise sail quickly." He turned to peer over the railing at K'ner and her marine squad holding the perimeter against Merfolk. "Come on Kronnelti," Kevin cursed, "Where are you?"

{Captain's Quarters}

"Mama, dada lives here?" Kolar asked her he was sitting on the bed holding his teddy bear.

Mira moved form the windows to sit by his side. "Kolar I know things are really odd right now. Most of it I do not understand myself. what you need to always remember is your father and I love you. Everything else is just a silly game."

Kolar nodded "Toc too."

Mira laughed "Of course I love Toc." She looked at Vaytoc curled up in the corner of the room.

There was a knock on the door before opening "Captain we lost a few but the city has been cleared out K'ner and her people are making short work of the....Merfolk"

Mira raised an eyebrow. "Merfolk?" Chin nodded to her.

"Captain I was talking with Murphy and he has a theory. Like most fish when it becomes mating season they travel along a path to the spawning ground. Probably eating everything they come across. It would be why we hadn't seen them before now. they simply wasn't there."

Mira nodded it was a good theory. Still it felt like someone was playing games with her crew and she didn't like it. "Thank you Ensign Chin. Let me know when are on the way."

Mira's hands went to her stomach. The baby was very active properly from all the adrenaline pumping through her body during the fight.

Awal and Dianna boarded the ship with Venus and Spike, he knocked on the captains door and asked to come in.

Kevin acknowledged and they went in. Dianna hugged Mira then Kevin, thank you she said to him then picked up Venus and hugged Awal.

"I must return to the quarterdeck and ensure our escape," Kevin said, "Miss Turner, see to getting the ladies and children settled." And with a lingering, longing glance at Mira, he exited back onto the rain swept deck.


Lt Betaras K'ner
Hazard Team Combat Medic TL-B / CMO
USS Chuck Norris


Commander Kevin Lance
Executive Officer
USS Chuck Norris


Captain Mira Rodale
CO USS Chuck


Lieutenant Commander Awal Kronnelti
Chief of security and tactical
USS Chuck Norris


Lieutenant Tracey "Trace" Walker
Chief Engineer
USS Chuck Norris


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