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A Parting of the Ways

Posted on Mon Sep 16th, 2024 @ 5:26pm by Lieutenant Tracey Walker Jr & Commander Kevin Lance

Mission: Deep freeze
Location: Matrix/Chuck Norris
Timeline: I've lost track

{Aboard Chuck Norris}

Kevin was pacing the quarterdeck, his hands clasped behind his back, considering their current situation. It was two days since they had rescued Mira and the rest of the crew from the abandoned sea settlement and the sun was shining once again. He had set a course for Urropa and the Sea Isles, the only place on this planet that he felt they belonged.

Mariner climbed the stairs from the main deck. "Ah! Mister Mariner," Kevin greeting upon seeing him, "Good of you to join me."

Mariner did not like being summoned but there was unfinished business between them.

"Now that the crew is recovered, I must ask what are your intentions?" Kevin saw little reason to tack unnecessarily.

Mariner had been considering his options for the last two days. He had told Captain Lance flat out that he had no military experience but that wasn't entirely true. He had served aboard a naval vessel as a younger man, but after seeing shipboard military life had decided to strike out on his own.

His demeanor seemed to shift slightly, and he said "You know, I think I'll stick around for now," and Kevin picked up that something had drawn his gaze. He looked over his shoulder to see Geneva leaning over the rail, gazing out to see. She turned and looked at Mariner for longer than Kevin thought was necessary.

"You're welcome on my crew, Mariner, but now that my goals have been met, I'll need more from you than a tentative commitment. I can't have one of my crew just taking off when it pleases them." Kevin stated.

Mariner nodded. "I can do that." He said, his eyes never leaving the woman. "What's her contract say?"

"I believe that Miss Thorne is on a four-year contract," Kevin replied, "Although I would need to check with the purser for how many years remain."

"I want my contract to end when hers does," Mariner said definitively.

"I believe that would be possible," Kevin allowed, "As for your boat. What should we do with it? It isn't practical to continue towing it behind us."

Mariner turned toward the aft and considered the boat that had served him for so many years. He waved his hand dismissively. "Cut it loose," he said, turning to walk toward Thorne, "It's a piece of shit."

Kevin was surprised at Mariner's response. True, the boat was barely deserving of the name but he would have thought that her captain would express a greater pride. "Is there anything still aboard that you would wish to retrieve?"

Mariner shook his head in the negative. Everything of value he had already brought aboard the Norris.

"Very well," Kevin said turning to his first mate, "Lieutenant Haldersen, release Mister Mariner's vessel back to the ocean, if you please."

As Haldersen was arranging for the longboat to row out to the boat to untie and retrieve the tow lines, Mariner stood on the poop deck in a silent farewell to the marginally reliable companion. Geneva joined him, putting her arm in his and laying her head on his shoulder.


Commander Kevin Lance
Executive Officer
USS Chuck Norris


Lieutenant Trace "Trace" Walker
Chief Engineer
USS Chuck Norris


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