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Phase Four

Posted on Wed Sep 11th, 2024 @ 2:59pm by Commander Kevin Lance & Captain Mira Rodale & Lieutenant Commander Awal Kronnelti & Lieutenant Tracey Walker Jr & Lieutenant Betaras K'ner
Edited on on Thu Sep 12th, 2024 @ 5:59pm

Mission: Deep freeze
Location: Matrix
Timeline: Who knows


{BS Neva}

A hooded figure stepped forward. "That did not work as we planned. The test subjects had too much freedom, and our plans for the captain had backfired completely. Who would have thought she would bring it to an end herself and reset the matrix?"

The second nodded, "We know the male will take whatever comfort is around. Why wouldn't the captain? After all, these being are only a sum of their upbringings. What they learn in life changes them. We have taken every memory she had."

The first nodded. "Perhaps...This time we will take her memory of all but her son. Having him will keep her connected and willing to live."

The second nodded, "I want the crew to have their memories. We will see if he takes one of the other females. If he does, then the captain will be put in a situation she must have a male for the protection of her and her son."

The first nodded. "The male Lance will know she and the boy have been taken from him. I bet he will not care."

"Agreed, if he fails, then we will split the group. Together, they are strong. let's see how strong."

{Water World, Phase 4}

The feeling of falling and screaming was the first thing Mira remembered before she hit the water hard.
Kolar called out for help. She swam to him, pulling him to a raft. She swung him over the edge of the raft then pulled herself up to join him. She wiped water from her eyes to look around. "Zimia! over here!" Reaching her hand out, she pulled her up. "This way! everyone swim this way," Mira yelled. "What the hell just happened? One moment, we are on the ship now here." she said to whoever was around.

The crew started to pull themselves up onto the raft. "Captain?" Chin asked her.

"Chin, do a head count. I want to make sure we have everyone!"

He nodded with a smile. "It’s good to have you back." He took off to start counting.

Mira frowned at his comment. Then she looked at Zimia.

Zimia smiled, then hugged her . "I have missed you. We have been going through hell. How much do you remember?"

Mira sighed. "more then I want to, and probably less than I need to know."

Looking down at the skimpy little leather outfit she had on, Mira frowned. Ok, maybe it wasn't leather, probably fish skin of some kind? And the raft, well, that was like a small floating city. "Ensign Larry, take a team and find out if we are alone on this thing."

Chin came running back. "Only half of the crew is here. Captain," he reported, "Mostly, science and operations personnel."

She nodded “ok”

Rodriguez ran up to her picked her up and swung her around.

“Ensign Rodriguez. What do you think you’re doing?” Mira asked not happy with him handling her.

“It’s been so long Mira I misses you ah everyone.” Rodriguez told her. He put her down.

Mira climbed on a box. “Alright how many of you remember the USS Chuck Norris or any of the test phases we have gone through?“

“We are on phase 4” Zimia told her.

“Crap,” Mira frowned. “All people I need us to form teams. We need food and weapons.”

Larry ran up to her “ There isn’t anyone here but us Captain.”
Mira frowned as she hopped off the box. Seeing Dianna she ran and hugged her. She kissed Venus’s little cheek.

Kolar hugged her leg. Picking him up she smiled . Are you ok hun?”

He nodded, “Now that you’re here mama. But where dada?”

The question gave Mira pause. She hadn't seen Kevin, or Awal and K'ner for that matter. How much of her memories were real or true. Had Kevin moved on and why had she thought he had?

[Sunshine Bay]

The name of the floating city was meant to be sardonic. For a city to be on a bay, there had to be land, and there wasn't any, as far as anyone knew.

Trace navigated his sailboat through the giant doors of the city, having bought his way in with fool's dirt - dirt he had managed to scoop off the ocean floor and let dry. If the inhabitants of this place had half a brain, they wouldn't have bought it. But they didn't, and that's all he needed - a quick stop to buy some fresh water and he'd be on his way.

He docked and headed into the local trader's shelter.

"How much for the dirt?" He asked.

"Where'd you get it?" Asked the Trader, and edge to his voice.

"Doesn't matter, you want it or not?" He said, his hand edging closer to the whip he had at his side. The truth was, even fool's dirt was valuable, needed to grow the only food other than seafood available - fruits and vegetables and the like. He'd take the deal. The question was, would he take it before he caused trouble or after.

"Fifty credits," Grunted the merchant.

Trace shrugged and began packing it up. Another merchant would pay double.

"All right, all right, seventy five." He said, begrudgingly.

Trace considered the deal. The sooner he was in and out of here the better. "Deal." He said and took the money.

He had taken maybe fifty steps out of the shop before three toughs cornered him, no doubt ruffians meant to take back the money he'd just earned.

He held up his hands. "No need for bloodshed," he said.

One of the men lunged, and was met with a well timed punch to the face, sending him off the narrow plank and into the water. A second man, grabbed for him, but Trace sidestepped and produced his whip, coiling it around the man's forearm and yanking him off balance with it. He kicked him square in the chest, sending him into the water after his friend.

The third man ran for it. "Time to go." Trace muttered, and headed for his boat.

As he jumped on board, a woman a torn and soiled garment met his gaze. The two of them stared at each other for a full three heartbeats before Trace said. "Get off my boat, I don't have room for strays."

"I saw how you handled those men. I need someone like you. I'm willing to pay." She said.

"How much?" He asked, uncoiling the ropes that held his boat to the dock.

"Not money," She said, smiling a smile that contained a smirk. "I'll pay you in other ways."

He shook his head. "I'm not looking for companionship." He said, but something in her eyes made him consider it. "Fine, hold on." He said, guiding his small toward the gates. Men all around were running, pointing at him. The gates started to close.

With one swift movement, he jerked on a rope, and several sails unfurled, the wind billowing them out. The skiff picked up speed quite quickly, and he sailed through the gates before they could close.

Within moments, Sunset Bay was far enough behind him to be of little threat.

"What's your name?" Trace asked.

"Geneva," the woman said. "And you're Lieutenant Tracey Walker, Chief Engineer of the USS Chuck Norris."

Trace stared at her, certain she was joking.

{Aboard the SS Chuck Norris}

“MIRA!” Kevin shouted as he sat bolt upright in his bunk and immediately hit his head on the low beam overhead. He nearly blacked out as pain shot through his brain. His hand went to his forehead. He had a fleeting sense of having betrayed her, like something that happened in a dream.

“That looks like it ‘urt, sor,” a man said.

Blinking back the throbbing pain and turned to behold a short, balding man in an ill-fitting black suit. He was placing china and silver service from a silver tray onto a large wooden table in front of a set of bay windows looking out onto a sunlight sky.

“I was just about to wake ye,” the man said as he finished his task, “Mira t’aint on this ship. If’fin you want companionship, I can always ask amongst the crew.”

“No,” Kevin objected, “that won’t be necessary.”

“Then I wills gets ya breakfast,” the man replied, “lessen your wantin’ me to helps ya dress.”

Kevin looked under the covers. In addition to a flowing shirt he was wearing loose shorts. “No, I can handle dressing.”

The man shrugged, “Suits yerself.” He departed, silver tray under an arm, without another word.

Kevin climbed out of the bunk and surveyed the room. It was small with a low ceiling such that he had to stoop slightly to keep his head from touching it. The walls were slightly curved and the floor gently rose from the door to the bay windows behind the desk. There was a gentle roll to the flooring that was odd but not uncomfortable. Kevin walked to the bay window to look out and confirm what he already believed. He was aboard a wooden ship at sea upon a vast ocean.

As the throbbing pain dulled to a gently ache, Kevin’s memories started to return. His ship had been attacked by pirates and many of the crew, including his wife and son. The pirates had intended to sink the Chuck Norris with Kevin and a handful of stalwart holdouts aboard. Kronnelti had freed himself along with Kevin and the rest of the crew. Together they had gotten the ship underway and had escaped.

Kronnelti had insisted upon immediately chasing down the pirates to recover Dianna, Mira and the children but Kevin had resisted the temptation. They needed to repair their ship and replaced the taken crew before they would be fit to defeat the pirates. It had taken what seemed like months to sail amongst the floating settlements of the North American Banks, hiring or press ganging the strongest individuals to fill out their crew. They had turned pirate themselves, preying upon smaller vessels to steal rations, cannons and supplies of gunpowder. Now they were scouring the oceans looking for the villains who had stolen their loves.

Kevin dressed in the cleanest cloths that he could find, a well-worn blue tunic with gold tasseled shoulder boards and two vertical rows of brass buttons. There were breeches a dingy white color and scuffed black boots. A cutlass in a scabbard attached to a belt with an old style revolver in a holster sat on the desk amid paper and china plates but Kevin decided not to
put them on.

He exited the cabin onto the main deck of the ship and immediately ran into K'ner dressed in a red tunic with a high black collar and matching cuffs. A bolt-action rifle was slung over her shoulder.

"Lieutenant Betaras," Kevin addressed her, "It is good to see you."

K'ner saluted smartly. "And good to see you up and about too sir. We're making good time, and sighted a couple pieces of debris earlier. We're trailing someone, possibly heading to the same raft city in our next spiral..."

{Raft city}

Walking around, Mira frowned. "Why would this be here and empty?" it had all the basics her crew would need. Very little but the basic.

Rodriguez was following her around again. He had put on some weight. Then she remembered he was pregnant. Crap. She put her hand on her flat stomach. Either this rocking motion was getting to her or ?

Nope, couldn't be or could she?. "How long before you have that kid Rodriguez?" Mira asked him.

"Soon, I was wondering since Kevin and you didn't work out that, maybe?"

Mira held up a hand. "What are you talking about?"

"Well, I heard Bryne say now that she got you out of the way. She was making Kevin happy. Happier than when he was with you." Rodriguez told her. "So I thought....Oh.Sorry Mira, I thought you knew."

Mira put her hand over her heart. That couldn't be true. They had taken their time to get to know one another. Kevin had even talked about getting her a ring to let others know they were together. She turned away quickly, very confused. "When was this?"

"Not that long ago. he slept with a few others to, " he told her. "Wonder if he will tell you it was just a dream?"

Mira frowned "your the only ass that does that Rodriguez. Where is Bryne now?"

"In the kitchen." Rodriguez told her.

Mira nodded well then Kevin wasn't off with Bryne but that just means he had 1/2 the number of women to pick from now. Something wasn't right. She couldn't be that wrong about Kevin.

Mira ran to the side of the raft and threw up . "please tell me we have K'ner with us."

"no but I'll check to see if we have a one of the nurses." Rodriguez told her.

Mira looked out over the endless water. Was he even on this world? How the hell had they gotten here?

Zimia walked over to her "I found the biggest house on the raft. It has a few rooms in it as your captain I told the others That was yours."

Mira nodded. "is it big enough for Dianna you and the kids to?"

"Yes, ah Mira what happened to change your mood?" Zimia asked.

"Rodriguez...... " she wiped a tear away "said Kevin has been sleeping around."

Zimia nodded " but it was never on the ship at least that I know of."

Mira turned around quickly to look ar her, " not on the ship but what every place else?"

Zimia bit her lip "Well remember I told you about the phases these masters have put us in?"

Mira nodded.

"Well then he was in them.." Zimia told her.

Mira didn't feel any better at that explanation. "Zimia I think am Pregnant." Mira closed her eyes put her hand on her stomach and threw up again.

Kolar darted in and out of people. Running as fast as his little legs would carry him. Then he dove. Mira caught him. "Woo little man, what happened." he pointed.

Mira raised an eyebrow at the woman walking towards them. "Ensign Bryne?" Mira stated.

"He is mine to take care of." Bryne raised an eyebrow at Mira look far to smug.

Mira handed Kolar to Zimia. "You are horribly mistaken. In fact, if you touch my son again for any reason at all , I'll cut off both your hands and throw you overboard.

"Kevin wouldn't let you." Bryne smirked.

Mira laughed, then hauled off and punched Bryne in the face. The blow was hard enough to land Bryne on the floor with a broken nose. Bryne's hand covered her nose, but it did little good to stop the blood flow. She stared at Mira with wide eyes.

Mira put her hands on her hips." Let's get a few things straight, you piece of trash. I am the captain here and on my ship. No one touched my kids. I have killed far better people than you are because of that, and I have no problem doing it again. In fact, I still remember you sold me out to the Klingons to be killed. Now, I don't know if or even why Kevin would have anything to do with you. If you had't noticed he isn’t here and even if he was. He wouldn't be able to stop me from killing you. That greeting you just got was nothing compared to what you will get if I see you again. If you talk or are even in the same room as my son. You are dead. Understand?"

Bryne nodded then took off running.

Mira turned to Kolar. "All better now?"

He nodded. " I don't have to call her aunty anymore?" he asked.

Mira's eyes widened "no you have only two aunts. Aunt Deanna and Aunt Zimia. No one else."

Kolar nodded holding his arms out to her. Mira hugged him.

Zimia frowned "What have you always told me?"

Mira raised an eyebrow. "Never leave an enemy alive to come back at you?"

Zimia nodded

"I know Zimia but you told me that we are trapped in this matrix. What if the real her isn't as bad as she seems. I am the captain and unless she gives me reason to it. My job to keep everyone alive but that doesn't mean I have to look at her."

Zimia nodded. "Once we get back to the ship, I'll fill out the paperwork work to have her transferred. "

Mira nodded. Probably for the best.

{Aboard the SS Chuck Norris}

By Kevin’s count, half of the Chuck Norris’ crew, the starship not the heavily armed merchantman he was currently on, was aboard the sailing ship. Mostly tactical and engineering personnel, including the entirety of K’ner’s beloved Haz Team Bravo. Lieutenant Kronnelti was the ship’s master gunner and seemed to take delight in inspecting the cannons and working the gun crews. Lieutenant Walker was missing but no one could remember him being part of the sailing ship’s crew or having been taken by the pirates.

Kevin had only sailed a couple of times at the Academy before being assigned to a security curriculum but he seemed to have an innate understanding of the sailing ship and what to do. Answers to questions about piloting, navigation, sail deployments, gunnery, everything seemed to come to mind almost before he asked. Kronnelti, K’ner and the other Star Fleet crew members reported similar experiences. It was fortunate, because it would simplify the horribly complex task of finding the rest of the crew.

He was pouring over the hand drawn navigational charts in the Captain’s cabin along with the chief pilot. It was disturbing but none of the charts indicated any dry land. I was as if the entire surface of this world was covered with water. The humanoids occupied raft settlements, some miles across, harvesting fish, seaweed and plankton from the water and growing crops in reclaimed soil. Dirt cheap was a misnomer on this world and nutrient rich soil was more valuable than dilithium and scarcer. His own ship had carried several bag of it that had been jealousy doled out to repair and arm the ship.

“We will start at the point we encountered the pirates originally,” he pronounced, “and search for them in an expanding spiral.”

“That will take a lot of time,” the pilot observed.

“It can’t be helped,” Kevin replied. “We don’t know exactly where the pirates came from but we will assume that where we were attacked was part of their usual patrolling area.”

“Aye, Captain,” the pilot replied. He saluted and left the cabin.

K'ner watched from the top of the mainsail, gripping the main sheet and leaning with the wind as she watched the horizon. Ship or settlement, she didn't care which, but someone knew of whom they searched. There weren't that many places to dock, so the pirates had to have stopped along here somewhere, and the more places they'd been, the more were eliminated in the hunt...

Awal having never set foot on a ship other than the Chuck Norris threw up a few times over the side of the ship, Vay'toc laying at the bow of the ship lifts his head up then lays it back down.

The first images of Mira came to Awal, so that's what happened he said. Standing on the deck with Kevin Kronnelti stated that Mira, Zimia, Kolar, Dianna & Venus are on a ship much like this he said and it looks like Mira punched another female in the face thanks to Vay'toc with his connection to Mira.

Aboard a ship similar to their own lent credence to the theory that Mira and the rest of the crew were still with the pirates. "I don't suppose that Vaytoc knows a heading and a distance," he asked.

Kronnelti, looking ill, shook his head and almost immediately leaned over the railing again. Kevin patted him on the back as he retched. "Give it a few days," he told the Klingon, "You'll feel better once you get your sea legs."

Kevin took the navigational charts with him as he climbed the steps to the quarterdeck. It was too much to think that Mira's animal companion would be able to track her at sea but at least Kevin knew that she was still alive. He found it curious that Mira would punch one of the other, presumably, crewmen and he idly wondered what the woman had done to deserve Mira's wrath. He banished the musing as he laid out the map on the plotting table and secured it.

"Helmsman," he ordered, "Bring us to a heading of forty-five degrees"

"Aye Captain."

Kevin turned to a young girl holding a sextant. She was dressed in a similar fashion as himself although her uniform was much less ornate. "Midshipman?" he asked.

The girl looked like she would faint away. "Tanner, sir!"

"Midshipman Tanner," Kevin smiled reassuringly, "Track our distance and inform me once we have travelled ten kilometers, if you please."

"Aye, aye!" she squeaked.

Kevin turned back towards the bow with a smile.


Lt Betaras K'ner
Hazard Team Combat Medic TL-B / CMO
USS Chuck Norris


Commander Kevin Lance
Executive Officer
USS Chuck Norris


Lieutenant Commander Awal Kronnelti
Chief of security and tactical
USS Chuck Norris


Captain Mira Rodale
CO USS Chuck Norris


Lieutenant Trace Walker
Chief Engineer
USS Chuck Norris


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