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Echoes of Memory

Posted on Tue Sep 10th, 2024 @ 4:54pm by Lieutenant Tracey Walker Jr

Mission: Deep freeze
Location: Various
Timeline: Current

[BS Neva]

One of the practical matters that needed to be taken care of while they were waging a long and impossible war against the Masters, was food.

Fortunately, Marcus had learned that while the Masters no longer needed food (they sustained themselves off of the energy produced by the inhabitants of the Matrix), they had not always done so. Before they discovered the method of sustainment, they had needed food, like any other life form.

Marcus held up a fist, and the small party of free men held position. After a few moments, he motioned them forward, and Trace took the lead. After several weeks of witnessing Trace’s abilities, in the form of experience and Starfleet training, Marcus had quickly decided Trace would be one of his lieutenants in leading their sorties.

[Faeryjar 1100 AD]

Trace remained motionless while the deer hesitantly crossed a stream up ahead. Exhaling slowly, he limited the steam his breath made in the cold winter air. With a sigh, he released the string, his arrow striking true.

“Good shot, husband.” Geneva muttered at his side. She had insisted on accompanying him on his hunt and, to her credit, she was very good at stealth.

“Thanks,” he said, and the two of them quickly pulled the deer onto his horse, and returned to the keep.

[BS Neva]

After a long day of raiding the food supplies of the generation ship, the free men had enough for at least a month. With Trace’s skills, they had managed to get in, hack the computer, obtain the food and get back before alarms cut their sortie short. As long as they spaced them out, the Masters had little motivation to hunt them down.

At first, he had little interest in romance, but as he and Geneva lay under their blanket, she began touching him as they talked about their day. Before he knew it, he was interested in romance…several times. As the two of them lay quietly, their breathing eventually slowing, Geneva ran a hand over her smooth stomach, her mind drifting to Faeryjar.

[Faeryjar 1100 AD]

“And you’re sure this will do it?” Geneva asked, that smirk on her lips.

“It is what the wise woman said. If we make love thrice on the night of a full moon, you will soon be with child.” Trace said, trying to keep a straight face.

“Well, if it’s what the wise woman said, who am I to argue?” She said, grinning. She approached him, placing her hand over the rising bulge in his pants.

“Are you sure, you’re up to the task, husband?” She asked, her voice soft and breathy.

“That or I’ll die trying.” He growled.

After, they lay panting in their hut, the cool air fresh against their skin. “I hope it’s a girl.” Geneva said sleepily.

That night, Tra’ce dreamed. He dreamt of a metal boat, enclosed, of machines, intricate and fantastic. Of space, vast and dark. When his eyes snapped open in the morning, he remembered everything.


Lieutenant Tracey “Trace” Walker
Chief Engineer
USS Chuck Norris


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