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Posted on Sun Sep 8th, 2024 @ 6:42am by Captain Mira Rodale & Commander Kevin Lance & Lieutenant Commander Awal Kronnelti & Lieutenant Betaras K'ner

Mission: Deep freeze
Location: Faereyjar
Timeline: Present


{Faereyjar, 1100 AD. Great Hall}

Zimia watched Mira carefully. She stared out at the water. Not moving a muscle. Zimia waited, knowing that she would come out of that odd trance any moment now.

"Mira, where do you go when you get so quiet ?" Zimia asked.

Blinking Mira turned her head. "I am right here, silly." Mira blinked, suddenly feeling cold. How long had she been standing here?

Zimia wrapped her up in a thick fur. "You should come inside."
With a sigh, Mira nodded. "How is Geneva doing?"
Zimia shrugged. "She didn't show up to help make breakfast. I know she hasn't been sleeping well, so I thought I would let her rest."

Mira nodded. "But it's noon, and she needs to eat. I'll check on her. " Mira shook the snow from her hair she walked in doors to the room she had given Geneva.

She knocked, not hearing a response she opened the door to see Geneva on the floor

{Great hall}

Mira came out quickly. " She is dead. I went to check on Geneva, but she..." Mira was close to panic. Kevin put his hands on her arms "breath Mira. Just breath."

Mira nodded, placing her hand on her stomach. How could two healthy people just die?

"I want to inspect the body," Kevin said before realizing how creepy that sounded. He tried to cover it up by asking Mira, "Are you strong enough to accompany me?"

Void, he thought, she's liable to think that I am accusing her of being weak. Best to shut up before he gotten himself into greater trouble.

Mira nodded, putting a shaking hand in his much larger hand. "Are we all going to die like that husband?" Mira whispered as they walked. She had been suffering from nightmare for the last few weeks. KeVin had just pulled her closer and told her he had her. It had been enough to chase the bad dreams away. But this one seemed far too real.

"Not if I can do anything to prevent it," but his words expressed greater confidence than he felt. He had no idea what had killed Trace and he half hoped to find that Geneva had contracted a disease or been killed by an assassin in the night.

Geneva was in the same peaceful repose that Trace had been in. No indication of anything other than passing away in her sleep. Twice is coincidence, he thought.

"Was it the same as whatever took her husband?" Mira asked. Kevin nodded. "It makes no sense," she continued, "They were heil og sæl as of a rising before they died."

It took a moment for Kevin to understand her. Heil og sæl was health and happy. He agreed. "It wasn't from disease or poison," Kevin told her.

Mira looked more worried now. "Then the gods are angered. " Mira frowned "husband there was a deformed young male in the woods at the old cabin. It was before I knew I was with child. He had a lizard child with him." she bit her lip. "Do you think the gods are mad that I didn't strike them down?"

Kevin wanted to say that if the "gods" were upset, they would just reset the simulation and separate us again but decided that would just confuse the issue. Instead he said, "The gods are arbitrary. They act upon their will without regard for mortals." But two mysterious deaths so close to one another might indicate a problem with the simulation.

"We shall erect Geneva's funeral pyre over the same ground as Trace's," Kevin commanded his oathmen, then to Mira, "That way our blacksmith will have the comfort of his wife and child in the afterlife."

He worried that a second pyre would deplete their dwindling stock of firewood. Winter was coming to an end but there was still the possibility of spring storms. It was liable to get cold before summer.

"Once the storm lets up, I will organize a work party to fell additional trees," he said. Something else to add to the long list of chores.

Mira asked, "Won't the wood be too green and wet?"

"Most likely," Kevin shrugged, "but it can't be helped. Perhaps a short drying will be sufficient. Changing subjects, he asked, "How are Berkit's people settling in?"

"Very well, the oldest boy is Berkit's son. His name is Roth. So if Lord Berkit lives, he will be here for him." Mira told him.
Then she changed thoughts and added, "We could always use the wood in the dark forest. It is very far to travel, but under these circumstances, it would be the most rewarding."

The dark forest, so named for the thick canopy that hindered the penetration of sunlight, was a better place to find dry timber but it was further away and hence more dangerous. Kevin didn't like the idea but Mira was correct. It would be much more rewarding.

"You are very wise," Kevin remarked wryly, "Perhaps I should step aside and let you rule as Jarl."

Mira laughed. "Never, my lord husband." she slipped into his arms for a hug. She was worried. Her dreams had been unsettling. If KeVin's friend has gotten out of this place and called for his wife, then why would he not call the rest of them?

Mira rubbed her forehead as KeVin gave orders to build a proper pyre. Perhaps one morning they would be like this?

{ the gathering }

The village turned out for the ceremony, even Berkit's people honoring the event, only the guards kept their posts. The procession moved from the room where Geneva's body had been prepared, to the pyre that was ready for her journey.

The Jarl said his words, and others murmured their assent. Even the storm seemed to have partially abated as well so as not to interrupt the solemn passage.

The torches were extended into the pyre, the flames leaping eagerly about the dry wood. On the wind came a keening sound, faint as first, then stronger as the wind ebbed, a song, a drum beat, growing in pitch and intensity as the flames grew.

The wind-shifting fog that was almost ever-present in these storms thinned enough to see figures spread along the top of the near ridge, their voices even louder now, also adding the blacksmith into the entreaty to the gods. Voices from around the pyre arose in the chorus, sifting into the flow of the song, even among Berkit's people.

As the pitch rose, so did another sound, a long, soulful howl that echoed throughout. Enormous wolves spread out amongst the figures on the ridge, adding their voice... Hróðvitnir?? Vánagandr??

They finished their dauðalög as the flames leapt high and the storm's winds resumed their thrashing, obscuring the ridge again. When next it cleared, so had the figures...

Mira whispered, "The Valkyries..."

{ the wildlands around the village }

With the funeral rites completed, and their own contribution done, K'ner nodded at the last pair to move back to their position to watch over the village. She turned to Taz, handing her something to drink. "What did Deena say?"

"Just like the blacksmith. No marks, no clues, no reason for her spirit to cease. And she was no longer residing in their original domicile, she had been relocated to the Lady Mira's care and supervision. The Jarl KeVin had taken her into his household, so her progeny would have been safe as well." She shrugged, not having anything concrete to report.

K'ner breathed rhythmically, an even beat. If she'd had access to even the most basic medical equipment from the ship, she could find out more, but this... Something was different... She could feel her body, still tethered, it was frustrating. Her hand was scruffed into her wolf's neck, scratching her companion out of habit without even thinking about it.

This was a new development. Something we haven't seen before. We've witnessed enough deaths, but with cause. And both of these, within a brief time, identical circumstances... No, this change in the sim's conditions warranted important consideration.

K'ner still didn't know what all could be monitored, so she'd communicated most things briefly, and even more often in signs and nonverbal means, just in case, but now, they needed to be ready, more than usual.

"Spread the word. This may be a chance soon and we will undoubtedly have to be prepared to respond with urgency like never before... Go!"

( training grounds )

Awal had a few good men that wanted to fight so he had them come here, under his training the men will become outstanding fighters

{Great Hall}

"You better not be sneaking out." Zimia told her.

Turning her head, Mira raised an eyebrow that was exactly what she had planned to do. "I was just going to see Awal. He is starting training today, and I just wanted to watch it. It's not like he will let me train." she waved a hand to her stomach.

Zimia rolled her eyes. "You can't get there on your own. You're only allowed out with Kevin or Awal. Kevin is busy, and Awal is already there at the ring."

Mira put her hands on her waist. "It's a dumb rule. " Mira mumbled, looking outside.

"No, it isn't. You would have fallen if Kevin had not caught you. You have lost the baby."

Mira sighed, That was true. Mira drummed her fingers on the doorframe. "Do you think if I asked Awal, would he come and get me?"

Zimia watched her no doubt he would, but it was really cold outside. "it's cold you can't afford to get sick, Mira. Why don't we go and work on the tapestry ?"

Mira huffed. "Because I guess I am not a proper lady, I would rather sharpen swords."

Zimia laughed.

Mira walked away from the door to go to the kitchen "fine I'll have tea, and is there any pie left?"

"Kids finished the apple off, but we have meat pie left. Do you want someone to make a fruit pie for you?" Zimia asked with a smile.

Mira nodded, then laughed. "Aye and I'll have the meat pie now." She had been upset at the loss of two of her people and hadn't eaten too much, but now it would seem the baby wanted food.

In a few months, the baby would be here, and she would be able to get out more, she thought.

Siting at a table, Zimia brought her a large mug of hot tea, a slice of pie, cheese, and bread.
"Anything else?" Zimia asked

"Blue leaves," Mira mumbled around a spoon of pie.

Zimia was surprised at the request since they didn't have any of the Betazoid leaves. We don't have that."

Mira nodded. maybe that was just a dream as well as other things she dreamed of.



Commander Kevin Lance
Executive Officer
USS Chuck Norris


Lt Betaras K'ner
Hazard Team Combat Medic TL-B / CMO
Leader of the Valkyries
USS Chuck Norris


Captain Mira Rodale
CO USS Chuck Norris

Lieutenant Commander Awal Kronnelti
Chief of security and tactical
USS Chuck Norris


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