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Phase one & two

Posted on Sun Sep 8th, 2024 @ 12:43am by Captain Mira Rodale

Mission: Deep freeze
Location: Dream land
Timeline: Before

Time frame: Two days after leaving Amir V: 7 months ago from the present time.

{BS Neva}

Mira came awake in a containment center. The room was all gray. Her hand went to her head as she got up off the floor, and her world spun. Looking around, it would seem everyone was there. She knelt down feeling for Kolar's pulse. It was strong, but he was still asleep, as was Vaytoc, she thought, until his eyes snapped open. "Good, we might need you. We are in trouble." She told Vaytoc. Her eyes met Kevin as he looked around as well and got up.

"Any memories of getting here?" she asked him in a hushed voice.
"Nothing. You?" Kevin asked

"Only being on the bridge. Then here and now." She told him

"Oh, how marvelous you are all awake and ready to play!"

Mira narrowed her eyes as she located where the voice was coming from. Above them and to the left. She put her hands on her hips. "Who the hell are you?" Mira demanded.
The male was of a race she had not encountered before. Purple with scales.

"I don't like your tone. I can see you're going to be trouble, little one. Who is your leader." he looked around at her crew.

Everyone looked to her, and she just raised an eyebrow at their captor.

"Ah yes, indeed trouble. I should have known. This is going to be interesting. You are all in a game for the glory of your new masters."

Kronnelti growled, "We have no masters!"

There was a laugh that seemed to travel all around the room. "Rules are simple. Stay alive, if you can."

Mira frowned. "We aren't playing your games!"

"Oh, but you will. Phase 1 will begin shortly."

The room changed from a cell to a jungle. Mist was coming off the floor. Mira spun a round and picked up Kolar, not wanting him to breathe whatever that was coming out of the ground. "Holodeck? she asked

A few of the crew that had been closest to the wall reached out. "There is no barrier!” One of the crewmen yelled to answer her.

Then she heard them coming, odd clicking noises and sounds she had heard similar to the planet hell. The leaves and bushes ruffled and rattled as they were hit by things running by them. Mira cursed. If they ran, they were playing the game, and if they stayed well, they would be attacked by whatever was coming. "Velociraptors! run." She yelled.

Kevin took her hand, and they ran. Mira heard her crew screaming as one by one they were tackled until she felt the claws dig into her skin, and she fell as well.

~Game over.~

{Phase 2 /Desnara}

Mira came to with her son sleeping next to her. it was hot. The air scratched her throat. Kolar coughed. Looked up at her, then looked around the room "Mama where dada."

"I don't know, little man." Her memories were a little clouded when she tried to think of .......him. She knew there was a him, but for the life of her, she couldn't remember his face or name. She was terrified. She was covered in sand colored clothing. Harem pants, a crop top that showed off her stomach. Her face was covered in a vail that did little to hide what she looked like but kept the sand out of her mouth.

Trace came and sat by her. "I think we are the only ones from our group here." He reached out and ruffled Kolar’s hair. "Well, we should stick together." He told her.

Mira nodded. “Any idea where we are or how we got here?" She whispered to him.

He shook his head. "last I remember, we were on the ship."
Mira nodded that was what she remembered.

Kolar pouted. "The bad, bad ate us!"
Mira's eyes widened she held him close, then turned worried eyes on Trace.

Trace had a frown on his face. He then gave her a shrug. He didn't know what the kid was talking about.

"Alright, you dogs come and get your food."

Trace picked up Kolar. "We better get up there before the food runs out like last time." They got in line and Mira was handed 3 bowls . All having different amounts of what she guessed was food. it smelled nasty. Then they handed her 3 round sticks, like bamboo she thought.

Taking them back to the small little alcove she had awoken in. Mira handed Trace the larger bowl.
“Take it, you’re larger." He looked like he would argue but took it. Mira put some of her food into Kolar's bowl "it smells." He told her.

She grinned then took a bite. Oh yeah, it tasted even worse. “Just eat it, Kolar. We have nothing else, and there isn't going to be anything else."

Mira watched as the people started to chew on the bamboo. It gave off a liquid like water.

"You looked for the others?" Mira whispered.
"Yeah, only found you two. Almost didn't recognize you with all that dark eyeliner. It looks very Egyptian." Trace told her with a grin.. "This whole thing is underground. It looks like we are in a desert." He told her. “Seems like they are getting ready to fight someone.”

Mira nodded. "Any way of getting out?"
Trace frowned. "Not sure we would survive out there. We might be able to walk around top side at night but without these, we will die." Trace held the stick that looked like bamboo.

"Ok." Mira frowned.

So where was the rest of the crew?

{Training yard}

They had taken Kolar from her. Mira either fought or they killed him. So here she was training. Trace was to her back. He had a whip and a spear while Mira had a sword and shield. They made a good team and so far they had not been defeated.
Tomorrow was the battle. Mira dropped to the make shift bed the Three of them slept on. “well we either make it tomorrow or we don’t.”

Trace nodded “one of has to come back for him.”

Trace pointed over his shoulder at Kolar who was sleeping.

Mira nodded.

“Why are we fighting again besides the fact that they will kill us if we don’t.”
Trace shrugged “one of the tribes is angered at another.”
Mira nodded crawling into the bed.

{The great battle of Margarya}

Mira cursed as she looked out over the battle field. “We are going to die.”

That’s what Trace thought to. “maybe if you hid. You could make it back to Kolar.”

Mira frowned “not without you my friend.”
She swirl her sword “we can make it.”

The horns blew and everyone ran into the battle giving off war cries.

It was a fierce battle. She was up against a huge blonde male in a mask. He fell losing his mask. Mira swung but realized who it was. “Kevin?” she screamed as she stopped her swing.

Just as he knew who she was a sword came out of her chest. Mira fell forward into darkness.

{Faeryjar 1100 AD}

Mira awoke with a scream. Kevin pulled her closer a hand rubbed her back. “bad dream kitten shhh it’s OK. I have you.”

Mira nodded her hand going to her chest. “bad dreams” but so real.

Captain Mira Rodale
CO USS Chuck Norris


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