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Phase three

Posted on Tue Sep 10th, 2024 @ 4:12pm by Captain Mira Rodale & Commander Kevin Lance & Lieutenant Commander Awal Kronnelti
Edited on on Tue Sep 10th, 2024 @ 6:44pm

Mission: Deep freeze
Location: Q'onoS
Timeline: Sometime in the matrix


Awal woke in a sweat. What's the matter, my husband? asked Dianna.

I uh ( swallows hard ) bad dream that is all he said as Venus comes climbing onto the bed.

Mira banged on the door to Awal's room.
"Brother, I need your help." She was holding her arm as blood ran down her arm. "

She grinned at the look on his face when he opened the door.
"What have you done now?" Awal asked her.

Mira showed him her bleeding arm. " Now, brother, I didn't do this a targ did."

Mira laughed, "Brother, you had too much bloodwine last night. You overslept on the hunting trip this morning. It was glorious!"

"Where did you find the targs?" he asked her, confused.

She slapped his arm and laughed "Brother we live on Qo’nos they are all over the place?"

Now that you mentioned it, that was some celebration last night. He looked over at his mate, remind me not to over drink. Awal asked

She smiled and said I will, Venus climbs down off the bed and darts for Awal.

Daddy Venus screams. He picks her up as she points to the wound on Mira's arm, booboo

Mira nodded, "aunty Mira moved too slow, hunting the targ you wanted to eat, but I got him after he got me, of course." she laughed as she tickled Venus tummy.

Deanna laughed,"So when are you going to have one?"

Mira laughed. "On no, not you too. I get that all the time from him." she pointed to Awal.

Awal frowned. "What about Kolar?"
Mira grinned. "Did you talk a new guy into dating me?" she crossed her arms and leaned against the counter.

"Mira, that's your son." Awal told her.

Mira blinked blue eyes at him. "I have a son named Kolar? And no one told me? how rude." She laughed. "Better tell me who his dad is. I want to make sure I don't turn him down." She walked into the kitchen to get a raktajino.

Awal frowned, looking around at the house as he followed her. He had never seen this place before. "Dianna, you remember Kolar." He asked his wife. She shook her head no.
Venus nodded yes. "My coz. Kol."

Mira laughed "Oh you are such a little daddy's girl. Telling the story he made up." She shook her head at Awal. "I am going bar hoping to night with Zimia. jok sinlek has challenged me to a drinking contest. He thinks the last time I beat him was a fluke." she laughed again.

{Deep in Federation Space}

Kevin Lance tugged on his uniform tunic over a red undershirt as he prepared for his day. He didn’t like the new uniform style with the uniform grey shoulders and only the barest hint of what division a crewmember was part of. He had stubbornly worn the older tunic with the red shoulders until the uniform’s official “wear out” date determined by the Star Fleet Logistical Corps. Still, even he had been forced to change.

“Dada!” a little blond boy in pajamas announced as he entered the main living area from the adjoining cabin. He was accompanied by a tall, red-headed woman wearing a short white silk bathrobe that displayed her legs to full advantage.

“Morning, Cub!” Kevin replied happily, then looking askance at the woman added, “Aren’t you out of uniform Lieutenant?”

The woman smiled as she approached and gave him a kiss. “I’m certain that the Captain doesn’t mind,” she replied.

Kevin smirked as looked away. The Ship’s Counsellor had warned him about making rash choices while he was grieving and Kevin had chosen to ignore the advice. He was about to rebuke the woman again when Kolar interrupted, “Dada, see Mama again?”

Kevin winced. It had been six months since Mira had been felled by a Klingon assassin. He still didn’t have the courage to tell Kolar that his mother would never return and the remembrance only heightened his sense of guilt over his affair with his Yeoman, Lieutenant junior grade Bryne.

Kevin smiled as bravely as he could. “I told you, Cub,” he said, doing his best to keep emotion out of his voice, “Mama is away on a long trip. She won’t be back for a long while yet.” It was the lie he had been telling Kolar since Mira’s death. The Counsellor had been critical of this course of action but conceded that Kolar was very young and would likely forget Mira given time. Six months, however, had not been long enough.

The little boy pouted and Kevin continued brightly, “I tell you what. You go with Auntie Fiona to day care and afterwards I will take you to workout with Dada.”

“Run fast and climb?” Kolar asked hopefully

“Whatever you want, Cub!” Kevin answered.

“Bridge to Captain,” the monitor piped.

“Captain Lance, here,” Kevin responded. The image of the Vulcan second officer dissolved onto the screen as Yeoman Bryne ushered Kolar back to his room to get dressed.

“Orders from Star Fleet,” the communications officer continued without mentioning Fiona, “We are to proceed to the Ajilon system to counter a Klingon attack.”

Well, that cease fire hadn’t lasted long, Kevin thought. “Have flight control lay in a course for Ajilon and assemble the department heads for a meeting in thirty minutes. I am on my way to the Bridge.”

{Kingon bar}

"What do you mean they started an attack? I thought we were in a cease fire?" Mira asked with a frown. Then she downed another drink hoping for more information.

jok sinlek grinned and did the same. He gave a little frown that she hadn't passed out yet. He couldn't lose again not to a little female. She wasn't even Klingon.

Having another drugged drink pour for her. He finished with a grin as Mira shook her head to clear it. She quickly scanned the drinks in front of her. Yea, she should be good for a while. Things blurred, then nothing.

jok jumped to pick her up, then nodded to one of his men to start the fight that would distract everyone until he left.

{IKS Klothos: A D5-class ship commanded by Klingon commander jok.}

Mira came awake in a bed. Her head felt like it was going to explode. "By all that was holy. What had been in her drink? She cursed ok maybe that wasn't the most pressing question. What the hell was she wearing, and who had put her in it? Then where was she?
jok walked in, and Mira raised an eyebrow. "You son of a targ. what have you done?"

"Pet, that is not the way to talk to you master."
Mira narrowed her eyes. "My brother is going to kill you!"

He grinned, he probably would have, but he doesn't know I have taken you off world. Now we are head to this planet in the
Ajilon system.

The door to the Captain’s quarters shut.

A few days later. Mira sat on the floor next to Captain Jok's chair. Her head rested on the arm of the chair because she couldn't keep it up on her own anymore. The first chance she got she was going to kill him. Her long hair was wrapped around his hand.

On the screen infront of her was the captain of an Andorian ship. The Andorian stand next to the captain frown he hadn't taken his eye off her. Oddly the man looked familiar.

She was shocked then he said her name. she moved to sit forward but jok pulled her back. "don't speak pet. You don't have permission. "

The Andorian frown "how much for her?"

"my new pet isn't for sale." jok told him with a smirk. He picks up Mira's arm he licked her. Mira closed her eyes. She hurt so bad right now. She was sure she had a few cracked ribs. Her left arm she tucked close to her thinking it might be dislocated. A tear ran down her cheek. She was either going to die or kill him. Maybe she would die killing him. That worked to, after all, what did she have to live for anymore. She kept her eyes closed trying to shut everything out around her.

{USS Farragut, enroute to Ajilon}

“Captain,” Ensign Chin, the communications officer called out, “I am receiving an “eyes only” message coming in from Star Fleet.

Kevin turned in his command chair puzzled. He had reported to Star Fleet less than thirty minutes ago and there had been nothing out of the ordinary. “I will take it in my ready room,” he announced.

Once settled, he presented his biometric credentials to the computer and awaited the message. The image resolved into an Andorian in the uniform of an Imperial Guard Commander. Kevin recognized him immediately. Resignedly, he asked, “What do you want Shen?”

The Andorian flashed him a warm smile, “That’s it? Straight to business? No foreplay?”

Kevin groaned. “Hello, Shen. Good to see you. It has been, what, six months?” The painful memory that the last time they had met was at Mina’s funeral. Shen had been surprisingly empathetic. “To what do I owe the ‘pleasure’?”

“Just hoping to catch up with an old friend,” Shen answered.

“On a secure communication channel?” Kevin was skeptical.

“It was what was available.” Shen shrugged, “I have good news and bad news.”

“Shen, we are inbound to the Ajilon system to counter a Klingon incursion,” Kevin announced, “I don’t have the time for your games.”

“Come on, Seventeen,” Shen chided, “Humor me.”

Kevin rubbed his face with his hand, “If it will end this quicker. What’s the bad news?”

“I think that you will want to hear the good news first,” Shen teased.

“Fine, then what’s the good news?”

Shen’s good natured smile dropped and his countenance took a serious turn. “I have visible evidence that Mina is still alive,” he said.

Kevin nearly shot out of his chair. “What? Where is she?” he demanded.

“That’s the bad news,” Shen continued, “She is being held aboard a Klingon ship in the Lembatta Cluster, the IKS Klothos.”

The Lembatta Cluster was close to Ajilon. It was in a direct line between the system and their current position but as it presented a hazard to navigation, the flight control officer had plotted a course around the cluster. By rerouting through the cluster, he could investigate Shen’s report without delaying his mission.

“How do you know it is her?” Kevin asked, his analytical mind taking over, “I buried her body.”

“Well, I don’t know for certain,” Shen admitted, “but it certain looks like her. Long dark hair, blue eyes, spots and all. Check out the attachment.”

Kevin opened the image that was attached to the message. It was a screen capture of a Klingon Captain seat on his bridge. Next to him seat Mina or a Trill woman that looked remarkable like her. Kevin felt his blood rising along with his hope.

“Full disclosure,” Shen said, “I tried to buy her off of Captain Jok Sinlek but he refused.”

“Jok Sinlek,” Kevin repeated the name, “Thank you Shen. If this turns out to be her, I owe you big. Farragut out.” He terminated the connection and strode purposefully to the Bridge.

“Flight Control,” he ordered, resuming his seat at the commander’s conn, “Replot to take us through the Lembatta Cluster.”

{IKS Klothos, medical}

Mira was placed on a bed. Ampek, the medical chief frowned. "What am I supposed to do with this?"

Rainar frowned "Well if you don't do something, she will end up dying."

Ampek growled. "She is going to end up dying anyway before the captain finishes with her. Her brother is going to kill him." he cursed "5 broken ribs, dislocated shoulder, and a concussion."

Rainar nodded. He might have to intervene. "Records has her as a Starfleet officer."

The doctor frowned. "Then how did jok get ahold of her?"
Rainar shook his head. There were a great many things that weren't adding up. "She has a Federation mate and child. For some reason, someone listed her as dead."

Ampek nodded, turning to his console he scanned the woman, then accessed the federation medical records. Sure enough, she was listed as deceased. He entered the new scan, time, and date stamp. Oh yes, that would raise all kinds of flags that she was alive, injured, and where she was.

He truly did love to cause problems. Now, how to heal a Trill?

{USS Farragut}

“Entering the Lambetta Cluster, Captain,” the officer at flight conn reported.

“Affirmative, take us out of warp but continue on course,” Kevin replied, “Tactical, take us to yellow alert. Science, begin scanning for spatial anomalies.” It was a method of detecting the presence of cloaked vessels but was very short ranged and imprecise.

The Second Officer leaned into Kevin and quietly asked, “What are you doing, sir? It is longer to navigate around the Cluster but we could continue at warp.”

“I receive a report of Klingon forces in the Cluster,” Kevin replied curtly. It was true as far as it went. He didn’t feel the need to burden his Number Two with a complete recitation of his conversation with Shen.

(Somewhere )

Somewhere in a personal transport vessel Kronnelti took Vay'toc with him to search for Mira, Vay'toc sends Awal images of her but it's an unknown location.

He sees other Klingons, different areas of were she is at.

He thinks could she be on a klingon warbird?

{IKS Klothos, mess hall}

Mira has just been released from medical. the doctor had started healing her ribs and reset her shoulder. She was told it would take a while for them to fully heal, and if they were damaged again, it would take even longer. She got a bowl of Gagh and a mug of bloodwine. Then, took them to a seat far from the rest of the crew of this ship.

So now she had a last name to go with her first name, Mira Rodale and mate and a child. Why had she thought her last name was Kronnelti? Oh Jeez, everything was crazy. So where was Mr Rodale? Was that his name? The doctor hadn't told her. She frowned as her gagh started to crawl out of the bowl.

The red alert came on. The crew were running all over the place. Going to their posts, she supposed. Mira looked around, and her guard had left as well. " Maybe someone will blow the ship up," she nodded, thinking that would be an awesome plan. Could she blow them up from the inside? Her new goal in life. End this ship, plan made. Now, how do I complete it?

it was rather funny to her. She was dressed like an Orion slave girl, and yet no one paid her any attention as she snuck into engineering. The self-destruct would take too long, and she didn't have the codes. if they went to red alert, then there was a ship that just might have the firepower to end this ship. Ok, take out the shields! No, wait, if they were cloaked, then shields were already down. She just had to let the other ship know how to find this klingon ship! Energy surge!

She bit her lip as she pulled herself up and into a repair access tube. It took her a few moments, but she found what she needed. The surge in power blew all kinds of systems. She covered her face. Ok, if they didn't see that, then she couldn't give that other ship a better advantage. Jok would kill her this time for sure.

{USS Farragut}

“Contact! Bearing 330 Mark 15! Seventy Five thousand kilometers!” the Tactical Officer called out.

“On Screen!” Kevin ordered.

The star field dissolved to focus in on a conflagration in a collection of space dust and debris. From the illumination of the flame, it was just possible to make out the lines of a ship’s hull. “Flight, maneuver us closer to that contact. Comms, hail that ship.”

“Aye, Captain,” Chin replied, “Hailing frequencies open.”

“Unidentified Klingon ship, this is USS Farragut,” Kevin intoned, “In accordance with Federation Articles of Sovereignty, you are hereby ordered to decloak and standby to be boarded.”

{IKS Klothos, Bridge}

Jok laughed at the name of the ship this was going to be fun. "Fine that little witch of a pet and drag her here!"

he took his seat "on screen."

He grinned. "Ah, Lance, it is so good to see you. I have been enjoying your woman's company. She is quite a little wild cat."

Just then, two large kingons dragged a fighting woman between the two of them. Then they threw her on the floor at Jok's feet.

she cursed, then pushed herself off the floor. Her long auburn hair covered her face until she flipped it out of her way to see. She glared at Jok, but he was looking at the view screen. The man seemed shocked to see her.

Jok grabbed a handful of her hair and pulled her to him. "My little pet"

{USS Farragut}

Kevin's mind was being swamped by a sea of emotions. Mira had been killed. He had identified her body and stood next to her grave at her interment on Trill. But there she was standing on the Klingon ship. He was speechless.

The Second Officer noticed his reaction and smoothly stepped in. "You have us at a disadvantage Captain," he said, "You recognize our Captain but have yet to identify yourself."

The little speech by the Second Officer gave Kevin the time that he needed to recover his composure. "Thank you but that won't be necessary, Number Two. Captain Jok Sinlek is known to me," he announced, "My order remains as stated especially as you are holding a Federation citizen against her will. Stand down and prepared to be boarded or we will fire upon you."

{IKS Klothos, Bridge}

jok growled, "Tell him you're here because you want to be pet."

"I would rather die!" Mira hissed.

Jok placed a blade to her throat. "I have so much to teach her, " he shook his head, "but if you board us, your wife dies for real this time, Captain. Then you can tell your son how little mommy meant you as you shacked up with the woman who gave us this beauty's location." He chuckled.

Mira blinked, confused eyes.

"What the hell are you talking about?" she struggled to get out of his hold.

Jok laughed, "Ah yes, " he ran his fingers through her hair. "Pet, you're husband Kevin Lance. The love of your life has moved on to a younger, far more conniving assistant of ours. It wasn't hard to convince him. His new woman had to have you out of the way so she helped."

"Son of a targ." her eyes met Kevin's on the screen. Whatever that had been keeping her memories in fog lifted. The loss was too painful.

Mira narrowed her eyes. She remembered every thing. The game.

After all the abuse she had gone through, she had foolishly let herself believe she would be saved again and things would get better. if she could hold on a little longer.

She looked at Kevin and knew. Her breath caught. "You moved on to someone else?" Mira asked, hurt.

"It wasn't like that," the image of Kevin protested.

Jok chuckled. "It didn't take him long either, my little pet. He even has that another woman raising your son."

"How long did you wait, Kevin? A week? A day? and hour? Did you even look for me at all?" Mira blinked back, tears. Did it really matter anymore?

Kevin looked distraught, "I thought you had died. I buried you. I was broken and made a stupid choice."

Well, she guessed there was nothing to come home to. There wasn't a home, This nightmare she was in would never be over.

She remembered started over once before when she lost everything. She didn't have it on her to do so again.

"Tell my son I love him more than my life." Mira's wasn't playing anymore games. This all hurt too much.

Mira snagged the blade from Jok's boot and stabbed herself.

"MIRA!" Kevin screamed, reaching out his arm as if he could stop her across the thousands of kilometers.

"See?" she told the game masters." You don't have any power over me any......." Mira tried to get the last part out, but she was gone.

The world went to black. ~ Reset~


Lieutenant Commander Awal Kronnelti
Chief of security and tactical
USS Chuck Norris


Captain Mira Rodale
CO USS Chuck Norris


Commander Kevin Lance
Executive Officer
USS Chuck Norris


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