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Posted on Mon Sep 2nd, 2024 @ 3:04pm by Commander Kevin Lance & Captain Mira Rodale & Lieutenant Commander Awal Kronnelti & Lieutenant Betaras K'ner

Mission: Deep freeze
Location: Faereyjar
Timeline: Present

{Faereyjar, 1100 AD. Great Hall}

Mira laughed at a joke she was told then blinked at her son biting Roth. She took a hold of kolar swinging him up into her arms. "Kolar, do not bite." she scolded him "you do not know where that arm has been."

The men at the table laughed at the look on Roth's face.

"Mama he took my bear.!" Kolar told her.

Mira narrowed her eyes at Roth then held out her hand out to it. Roth being dense reached for her hand but Mira quickly slap his hand away "Roth stop using your size against my son."

Roth grinned but Mira held out her hand for the toy. Again the he tried to take it. She slapped his hand hard enough that things got quite in the great hall "my lord husband?" she looked over her shoulder "Roth has volunteered to be your sparring partner anytime your in a bad mood." she grinned at him.

Kevin cocked an eyebrow meaningfully at Roth. The man lost his grin almost immediately.

The Bear was quickly thrusted into Mira's arms. "What? didn't want guard duty for the rest of the week?" She raised her eyebrow then looked at Kolar with a grin." The next time he takes your bear, just have Vaytoc bit him." Kolar giggled as she tickled his tummy. She put Kolar down to run off and play.

Then she moved to check on the kitchen. Ro'gara moved with her. After a few moments Mira stopped to look at Ro'gara she waited to see what the woman would tell her but she never spoke. "Ro'gara are you following me?" Mira asked curiously.

Without missing a beat Ro'gara nodded. Mira raised an eyebrow "ok" wondering how that came to pass? After all the winter was coming. There wasn't to many places for her to go.


Smiled at Zimia "oh the pies took amazing"
The meat was roasting over the fire pit. The Roasted potatoes were done as was many other dishes.

{Great Hall}

Two men were engaged in a wrestling match to the cheers of the other villagers as Kevin sat back in hushed conversation with Trace. He shared with the engineer the information that he had collected from Cravis and Zimia. That they were in some type of virtual matrix designed to create conflict around Captain Rodale. They quietly discussed the merits of avoiding a reset.

"I don't like the idea of just sitting around waiting to be rescued," Trace grumbled.

"Neither do I," Kevin agreed, "but evidence indicates that pushing too much or being too successful will trigger a reset to Cochrane knows what."

Kevin could see that the engineer was not convinced. He added, "Consider this. You remember your relationship with Ensign Thorne. She is will you and you are able to protect her. Would you put that at risk?"

"Permission to speak freely?" Trace asked

Kevin nodded his assent.

"Risk? Commander, we're at risk every second we're here," Trace fiercely, "You're assuming we won't be whisked away to another reality, but how can we understand the minds of things we haven't encountered? And if we are moved, who's to say any of us will remember anything? I think now we have the advantage of knowing who we are."

Kevin considered the comments. Trace's arguments were valid and did little to encourage Kevin that he was choosing the correct course of action.

Trace leaned back as if he were observing the wrestling match. "That said," he continued, "this is your show and I will follow your orders. With the Captain incapacitated, you're in command....for as long as I remember who you are."

Mira placed two platters in front of Kevin and Walker. She gave Kevin a smile but it would seem the two men were talking so she moved away so as not to disturb him.

Mira took a few steps away, and it felt like the world was spinning. She put her hand to forhead and stumbled. Zimia was there in a moment, "My Lady Mira ?"

Mira blinked to clear her eyes. "I must have done too much today." it was a weak excuse, but it was all she could think of.

"I bet you skipped noon meal as well?" Zimia was frowning at her.

Mira bit her lip. She had. Then Zimia helped her into a chair.

"I'll be fine," Mira told her, looking around to see how many had seen it. Only a few. she relaxed .
Zimia frowned "Well since you will not be out and about, I can make sure you are taken care of properly."

As Awal walks up to to Kevin, he stops at Mira and says relax sister.

Mira nodded but bit her lip.

He continues to him, he then gets next to him. Sir what are we to do about this creator person? Asked Awal.

"Who?" Kevin asked, genuinely confused. Neither Zimia nor Cravis had mentioned a Creator.

Sorry I meant who ever is behind what's happening to us said Awal.

Satisfied, Kevin took Awal into his confidence. He explained his theory that Mira was the key and that keeping her safe from the chaos swirling around her was vital to preventing a reset. "Much like we had needed to aboard the Norris," he concluded.

Mira watched as her brother was talking in whispered tones with her husband. What was going on here?

It was too warm. "I need some fresh air. " she started to get up, but the front gate guard entered the great hall "Cody what is it?"

They weren't sitting in their normal spots it must have worried the man.

"Lord Bekit is here, my lady. he says he has to speak with you."

Mira frowned "its after dark, and our gates are closed for the eve. "

"He said it is rather urgent."

Normally Mira would say have them brought into the great hall to warm themselves, but that was before last night.

"it is unseemly for a lady to meet with someone after dark. We are not opening our gates. Now, if he is willing to enter by himself, he may talk with me here in this room. Otherwise, I can meet him in the court yard come morning. "

The guard nodded, and Mira took her place at the head table. ZiMia and Ro'gara were now hovering around her. She rolled her eyes.

Within a few moments Lord Bekit entered with one of their guards excorting him.

"ya lady Mira you are as beautiful as ever."

Mira inclined her head, thinking how could he miss the huge bruise on her face? "Thank you, my lord, and to what do we owe this visit to?"

He sighed. " My lady, there has been a great catastrophe."

Mira raised an eyebrow but nodded for him to continue.

"There was a fire, and well, then mead was destroyed." the man told her. "I was hoping that we could buy more from you."

Now Mira was frowning everyone a round had put in thier orders and they had made enough to cover them and her own people for the winter.

"Astrid my books, please." Mira frowned until the woman placed her account book. She ran her finger now, the list of what they had stored for their own people. Mead was highly important. Without it, their own health would be compromised.

"I do have a small surplus, but nowhere close to the amount you purchased before." Mira told him, careful.

Lord Bekit frowned, "but I require more."

"Then you will need to look elsewhere," Kevin injected taking Mira’s hand, "I am certain that my Lady would be more than happy to scarifice her own well being for yours but I can not permit that. I must consider the welfare of our people first."

Lord Bekit frowned as the Jarl got involved, one could argue with a small woman but not him.

Mira smiled up gratefully for KeVin's aid. Kevin stared sternly at Bekit but gave Mira's hand a little squeeze in acknowledgement.

Lord Bekit frowned, but nodded "Thank you my lady I will gratfeully except what surplus you can spare"

Mira nodded to Astrid "Then have it taken to the door at the main gate if you please Astrid." it truly was a surplus this year. everything had gone perfect."

Zimia put a huge platter in front her as the account book was put away. "Thank you, husband." she leaned into him for a kiss. All around them, their people were talking, eating, and jovial. The winds outside howled and far away wolves called to one another.

{ ...the wilderness }

K'ner rested her hand on the pack leader's neck as it called to the others, scrunching the thick fur and shaking off some the snow he'd picked up. The others would be similarly bundled up with one or more of the pack who made wonderful warmers on cold, stormy nights like this one seemed to be shaping up to be. They would set up their covers before the storm hit, keeping their friends dry as well.

Her gaze though, never left the little gathering that had showed up a bit late in the day, outside the village. Perhaps they were just allied neighbors, but she hadn't seen much inter-loyalty between clans and villages, especially when things got tight, so she kept her eye out for potential threats. They could leave in peace... or in pieces.

She breathed deeply, taking in the air and contemplating the charge and humidity, feeling of the wind speed shift to decide when to set up her shelter... she didn't want to leave it behind if she had to move out quickly, but it didn't take but a few moments to erect and she would wait, just a bit more...


Commander Kevin Lance
Executive Officer
USS Chuck Norris


Lieutenant Commander Awal Kronnelti
Chief of security/tactical
USS Chuck Norris


Captain Mira Rodale
CO USS Chuck Norris


Lt Betaras K'ner
Hazard Team Combat Medic TL-B / CMO
USS Chuck Norris


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