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Posted on Mon Sep 2nd, 2024 @ 3:08pm by Captain Mira Rodale
Edited on on Tue Sep 3rd, 2024 @ 1:06am

Mission: Deep freeze
Location: SB Neva

{SB Neva}

"And how is my favorite test subject?" The male doctor peered into the cryo chamber at a woman with long auburn hair. The spots she had ran down both sides of her face to her neck and down her chest. They ran all the way down that body. A little blonde headed boy was tucked in next to her. She was small, maybe a hundred pounds. Curled up around her feet and legs was a huge back cat.

The technician nodded. "That one has stabilized finally. You were right about the increased energy output by having them together. Her pregnancy had added as well."

The doctor nodded, "And her pregnancy?"

"Doing well. I am fairly sure they plan to continue it. but it is working."

The doctor frowned. "Who did you choose?"

The technician handed him a PADD. Looking over at the male sleeping in the next bed, he nodded. "13565 Good match." the doctor told him.

The technician nodded. " If this works as the master's plan, then we should perform the same procedure on all the females."
" Anything more on the creature in side her." the doctor asked

The technician shook his Hes head no. "We just know that the two are connected to remove it. They both die."

"But the boy doesn't have one?" The doctor rubbed his chin. "Interesting, perhaps it's a female thing, or only a few get them? The energy output is fascinating. I wish we had more."

the technician nodded. "it might be something on their world. when we go we. can collect them."

The doctor nodded. "And the blue one?"

"Surprisingly resilient, I believe that this environment is suitable for our needs. enough work and activities to keep them in check. "



Captain Mira Rodale
CO USS Chuck


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