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Posted on Sat Aug 31st, 2024 @ 11:15pm by Captain Mira Rodale & Commander Kevin Lance & Lieutenant Commander Awal Kronnelti & Lieutenant Betaras K'ner
Edited on on Sat Aug 31st, 2024 @ 11:22pm

Mission: Deep freeze
Location: BS Neva
Timeline: Current

{Faereyjar outer land}


Mira swung down from the horse landing lightly on her feet. "Found the elks trail. We must bring at least 3 down to have enough meat. " she stood up and looked around. It was odd, but there were times she could swear someone or something was watching them. "Trail has them about 30 minutes away." she told the group.

Looking down at the tracks, the alpha has to be 350-400lbs showing Mira how deep its hoofs make while the others are light in their movement.

Checking the wind with his finger, wind is against us. we have the advantage said Awal.

Mira nodded. If that elk was that big, it would really add to their stores. The downside is that the whole herd might not survive without him. She shook her head, climbing back up on her horse.

"Can't afford to take the leader it could end the herd. Try not to kill the females. We need the young for next year. With this size herd, there should be plenty of bucks. Let's time this right, and we can take down 3 or 4 before the herd knows we are here." she grinned. then they could go home early.

He nods. Check your tips & make sure they are sharp and your aim steady as he leads off with Mira by his side.

Off in the distance comes a clearing, Awal halts at the tree line.

They stopped he said, flank left & I flank right lets hit them hard and fast as it will cause chaos within the herd. Mira nodded at the plan and pointed one to follow Awal the other two would come with her

Watching them he sees a few of the doe lay down to rest, he looks over at Mira with a pause now he said.

Both split keeping their bodies low on the horse, they bank entering the clearing. Kronnelti closes the distance as he pulls his bow aiming for one buck.

At the right moment he drops it, Mira does the same. Kronnelti draws again quickly dropping the next. Terror starts to hit the group, both buck & doe now scared not knowing what to do as she drops the 4th buck.

The alpha gets the attention and runs out of sight with the rest of them.

Great shots Sister you did great, as to you brother. He gets down and secures the kill on both horses. Let's get going the smell of blood will attract what we don't want. said Awal

Mira nodded as the animals were secured. Then gets on her horse. Her normally rock steady mount was acting up. It wasn't the blood. He had grown used to it. "Easy boy," she patted his back when the last of their party had mounted she gave the orders "Let's head back. Best speed." Mira frowned when had she said that before?

Awal hadn't heard that in a long time he thought. He mounts his horse and the group leaves at a decent pace back home.

{...just outside the village}

"She knows." Her eyes never strayed from the successful hunters until the gate closed and they were no longer in view.

The man next to her looked over. "About us? How?"

She shook her head. "Not us... She was that good before, but not now. No, she knows something is afoot, and she is wisely preparing. Have the others dig in, we might be here a while... We must be ready, just in case."


They had made it back safe enough.
Mira watched Awal walk off, and the elk be carted off to be butchered. Her eyes scanned the road and woods. As the horses were taken away. "Cable, have the guards make a sweep. See that everyone is accounted for and then lock the gates."

"Of course, my lady," the guard ran off to do so. As he ran off, she added, "post guards."

Deena walked to her side. "Anything wrong, my lady?"

"Gut feeling. I want my people safe." Mira told her. Mira tapped her fingertips on her leather clad legs.

Deena nodded sharply and moved quickly with barely a word or two, then pointing as she stopped at select individuals, each grabbing their things and heading into position.

( Great Hall )

The group eventually arrives Astrid comes and takes a look at the hunt Awal & Mira brought back. These look plentiful she said, she points to 4 men you there bring these back to the kitchen and get the Jarl I believe he will be happy for a feast!!

As if magically summoned Kevin appeared in the doorway of the Great Hall. He wore a troubled expression but brightened upon seeing Mira. He swept her up into his arms and kissed her passionately.

Mira wrapped her arms around his neck as they kissed. " We brought back more then enough meat. It can storm all it wants to now. Our people will be well fed."

She was so caring and thoughtful, it threatened to bring tears to his eyes. Kevin thought back to what Storshatten Larasson might have said at such a time, "Then let the snows come!" he bellowed as he put Mira back on her feet, "We shall light the warming fires, feast, drink, dance and tell tales of the heroes of old." There was general acclaim from the assembled oathmen and villagers. Thinking back to the Odinskus chief brought another thought to mind. "Excuse me, my love."

The young woman know as Dana Rogar aboard the USS Chuck Norris and simply as Ro'gara to the villagers of Faereyjar sat sharpening an axe. She had no memories of the past and here she wasn't the naive crewman. She was dour, friendless, and a utterly competent warrior. "Oathwoman," Kevin assumed his best commanding officer voice, "I have an assignment for you."

Ro'gara stopped her sharpening activity and looked upon Kevin with disinterested curiosity, "I am at my Lord's command."

"I would have you protect my most treasured...possession," Kevin said. He didn't like the choice of wording but it was closest to what this version of Ro'gara would understand. "Lady Mira is more valuable than the all mithril in the mines of Moria, dearer to me than my own life. I appoint you as her shieldmaiden, charged with safeguarding her against any and all threats, even to the point of your own death."

Some of the words that Lord Kevin used were strange to her ears but his meaning was clear. "It shall be as you order. None shall touch her whilst I breathe." She secured her blade on her belt and stowed the sharpening stone in a bag, then with feigned nonchalance she wandered over to where Mira was giving instructions.


Lt Betaras K'ner
Hazard Team Combat Medic TL-B / CMO
USS Chuck Norris


Commander Kevin Lance
Executive Officer
USS Chuck Norris


Captain Mira Rodale
CO USS Chuck


Lieutenant Commander Awal Kronnelti
Chief of security and tactical
USS Chuck Norris


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