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Awards party

Posted on Fri Jul 19th, 2024 @ 2:42pm by Captain Mira Rodale & Commander Kevin Lance & Lieutenant Commander Awal Kronnelti & Lieutenant Betaras K'ner

Mission: Starbase 364
Location: Starbase 364
Timeline: Present


{SB364, Briefing room}

"Well, this is a lot larger place than I expected it to be." It would make sense that they would need a place to gather the crew of the base and any ships docked at one time.

Mira tugged on her dress uniform jacket. To repay Mira for the loss of her dress uniform, Ambassador M’Niras had ordered three new ones. Of course, the ass has picked the very feminine version of the dress uniform, and she was stuck in a skirt again for now. She sighed at least she had legs that could pull it off. She placed a hand on Kevin's arm as they walked down the steps.

Kevin cleared his throat. "I see he has us front and center. And the order was for all command staff. Do you think they will all show up?"

"I hope so they have assigned seats. He will know if someone doesn't show." Mira told him in a whispered voice. Taking her seat, she crossed her legs. "I have Kolar's and my bags packed and sent to the ship all ready. We are set to leave at zero seven hundred. How close do you think we will make it?" She grinned up at him. She personally was ready to leave now.

{ Sickbay, USS Chuck Norris }

K'ner flexed in the uniform she so rarely wore. Looking at the light staff remaining she headed for the starbase she let them know she'd be back as soon as possible...

( Awal's personal room )

Awal put on his sleek uniform, he checks himself in the mirror. Dianna turns him around and whipes any wrinkle away then puts his bars on.

She smiles and says you look amazing, he smiled but he didn't want to attend this party.

They kissed and he gave Venus a hug and kiss, I'll be back once it's all over.

Awal leaves for the briefing room.

{SB364, Briefing room}

Mira smiled at seeing G'ginloss and Montgomery. Montgomery slipped into the seat next to her. "I hope this short."

Mira grinned, " Yeah, dream on. Ambassadors and command staff members having the ordered attention of an audience aren't going to make it short and sweet. Just make sure I don't doze off."

Montgomery chuckled "damn I was hoping you would help me in that department."
As the others filtered in Mira, relaxed. Seats looked almost filled. The wind bags should start anytime now, she thought.

Fleet Admiral Proll and General Kharon stood on the stage, looking full of themselves.
Kharon spoke, "The Gorns have declared war we have accepted their challenge. We will drive them back to their home world and see they stay there." The Klingons in the room seems excited at this prospect.

Then Proll came up to the mic. "We have sent an Envoy to the Romulans since they are under attack as well. Under the leadership of Ambassador M’Niras. He was able to unite the Romulan empire and the Federation once again to join forces with the Klingon empire in their battle against these invaders. " Mira's eyes went to Kevin, and she took his hand.

Kronnelti was sitting behind Mira, hearing the complete boring speech Awal wanted to say something but he didn't.

He thought to himself that the Gorn attacked both klingons and romulans.

He leaned into Mira's ear, M'Niras didn't do anything but complain not fight.

Mira smiled "oh I think he wonderful job hiding behind you as the fight broke out around us." She smirked.

Any awards should go to those who risked their lives protecting these political fools.

Proll stopped talking as he noticed Kronnelti talking to Mira. Excuse me there I believe it's Awal right?

He stopped and sat back with a disgusted look on him.

Is there anything you want to say if it's so important to talk with your captain? Asked Proll

Awal spoke up and said no sir but any awards should go to those who protected M'Niras and the rest of the ambassadors.

Proll listened to the question, and why is that he asked the klingon.

Awal stood up, sir no disrespect to the ambassadors but when push came to shove M'Niras complained about killing the Gorn eggs to protect everyone, both me and lt commander Lance were both injured protecting him.

The both of us could have been infected or worse said Kronnelt.

Mira bit her lip but understood where he was coming from.

"I would point out," Proll said rather dryly, "that it is not the Ambassador's purview to engage in hand to hand combat. His contributions are of a much more cerebral nature."

"I am sure that the Lieutenant didn't intend to question the Ambassador's contributions to the negotiations," Kevin interjected hastily, "I imagine that the military nature of the ceremony has caused some confusion. Didn't it." The last thing that Mira needed was her chief of security to further widen the rift between her and the Fleet Admiral.

Kronnelti stood silent with all the emotion of a rock.

Kevin was fighting the urge to struggle Kronnelti when the Admiral picked up on the face saving suggestion. "I can see where he might be confused," Proll said, "The ceremony is under the auspices of Star Fleet but the Ambassador is receiving a diplomatic award, as is Captain Rodale, for getting the Romulans, against all odds, to join us and the Klingons against the Gorn."

Mira's mouth dropped open. What the hell? Was she getting an award? She leaned back, putting her hand over her mouth, and said, "Sit down, brother."

Proll nodded. "Now, as long as there are no more interruptions, we will continue. Captain Mira Rodale and Ambassador M’Niras please join me. "

Mira shut down all emotions on her face as she stood and walked up the short set of stairs. Mira stood next to Ambassador M’Niras as Proll walked towards them.
He pinned the Federation Peace Medal on both M'Nira and Mira, then Proll shook M’Niras hand. "We couldn't have done this without you, Ambassador." As soon as Mira could, she left the stage as M'Niras took a seat next to
Kharon. Still sitting on stage, looking very pleased with the awards so far.

Proll smiled. "Would Lt. Kronnelti. Lt. K'ner and Lt. Commander Lance, join me?"

Mira smiled as she took her seat. Now, these awards she knew about and thought they were well deserved.

"Lt. K'ner and Lt. Kronnelti Star Fleet's Citation for Heroism for your actions during the attack." He pinned the ribbon on both their uniforms. K'ner didn't look exactly joyous with the whole process and could've been ready to give name/rank/serial number if asked anything...

"And to Lt commander Lance, the Starfleet Medal of Commendation. Thank you for your service." He patted Lance's shoulder before turning back to the mic.

Kevin was surprised. He assumed that he was called forward to assist in pinning Kronnelti and K'ner. He had done little other that play at be attache for M'Niras. Kronnelti was right, medals were for those that acted to protect others. He had done little other than...

But no one knew about that. Except Mira. And Shadow.

after Awal went back to his seat, he quietly broke down because he thinks he doesn't deserve this after running his mouth & with everything going on this is the biggest thing to happen besides the birth of Venus.

M'Niras was fit to be tied. "What did you do,?" he hissed at Mira.

Mira blinked in surprise. "What are you talking about?" She asked. Hadn't M'Niras been the one to submit the awards?

"The award for your lover," M'Niras spat the word, "I didn't request it. You must have."

With a frown, Mira pulled out her PADD. "It was on the list I got of awards. Mine was not. Besides He is the one that did all the talking to the Romulans. I think you are mad your plan to have me tossed to the Gorn didn't work." She hissed under her breath, knowing only M'Niras could hear her. "I wonder what award they give out for causing the death of a star fleet captain? Should I ask Proll and General Kharon?"

"That will not be necessary, brat." He told her. Mira nodded, then walked to her crew.

"I want everyone to meet me in the Docking bay in 10 minutes." Mira told them, then walked out. Thank all that was holy this awards party was over.

{Docking bay, USS Chuck Norris}

Mira stood at attention, waiting for the crew to gather.

"Is everyone here?" Mira asked Montgomery at his nodded she smiled."Kronnelti and Lance front and center."

She smiled at Kronnelti. "Despite the fact that you seem to have the ability to tell people off, I wish you wouldn't. You are the best security chief I have ever worked with." She stepped forward, her hands going to his pips adding one pip. "But Lt. Commanders need to learn to control themselves a little more." She smirked at his surprise. "I here by promote you to Lt. commander with all the privileges that come with that rank.

"Lt. Commander Lance" she lowered her voice to only be heard by him. "I can't have my XO being the same rank as the other officers on the ship. Sadly this is that last raise in rank I can give you." She smiled as her hands went to his pips "I here by promote you to full commander with all the privileges that come with that rank."

K'ner joined in the applause...

Turning to the crew Mira rased her voice "dismissed and make ready to depart at zero seven hundred."

Being able to tell people off without worry is a curse he joked, after everything we've been through Awal says while looking around at everybody, this has to be the best damn crew and family.

Thank you Mira as he gives her a warriors shake.

Tonight we celebrate the four of us but first I think I am going to surprise Dianna with the new promotion.

Mira nodded with a smile as he ran off to tell his wife.

{ Sickbay }

Billingsley couldn't resist giving K'ner a ration for being so pretty and gussied up. K'ner shook it off, shaking her head.

"Get out of here. Go enjoy your time on the station while you can. You'll find your own commendation on file for deploying with us to retrieve the Captain and her party on the station."

Anya's mouth fell open, but at least she did shut up, per K'ner's plan to stem the flow of conversation. She finally realized she was staring and smiled. "Thank you. I was scared to death. To get eaten... to be infested with those eggs... to fail the mission..."

K'ner smiled herself. "I don't engage with amateurs. You earned your position, and the team needed you. Thank you for your dedication, to both the medical mission, and Hazard Squad. Now go, take advantage of the downtime, then we're back at it at 2 bells. Don't be late!"

Anya smiled, knowing she should just leave it be. The L-T wouldn't appreciate a hug, as much as she wanted to explode and do it anyway. With a nod she departed to go change out of her clinic garb and run a couple of errands on the station before they headed out to some more-official downtime, at least for the rest of the crew. She wondered if they'd actually make it there without mishap, a re-directed mission, or probably even be assaulted while there. She hadn't realized when she got assigned to the 'Norris that it was be this... exciting... she headed down the quiet corridor, whistling a tune.


Lt Betaras K'ner
Hazard Team Medic TL-B / CMO
USS Chuck Norris


Lieutenant Commander Awal Kronnelti
Chief of security and tactical
USS Chuck Norris


Captain Mira Rodale
CO USS Chuck Norris


Commander Kevin Lance
Executive Officer
USS Chuck Norris


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