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A late night talk

Posted on Fri Jul 19th, 2024 @ 9:39pm by Captain Mira Rodale

Mission: Starbase 364
Location: Starbase 364
Timeline: Present



Mira left to check things on the ship. Kevin has been really quiet since she had promoted him. Did M'Niras say something to him about the award? Her mind ran through a few possibilities. But, with Kevin, she was never really sure what he was thinking.

So lost in her thought she hadn't seen the man until he stepped slightly out of darkness. She couldn't really make out his face, but he was male and Vulcan?

"it is agreeable to see you again.
....Captain Mira Rodale."

Mira frowned as she narrowed her eyes, trying to see who it was. Clearly, he knew her, or at least her name. "Do I know you?" she asked softly.

"We met many years ago. You were on Starbase 10 at the time and had just met a Klingon Captain that you had become well acquainted with."

Mira tried to think back that long ago. She had just gotten out of the Academy and was 19, maybe 20, years old at that time. She still couldn't remember any Vulcans that stuck out in her mind. "That was a long time ago."

"Are you headed to your ship?" he asked her.

Mira nodded. She had gotten a report that she had a new Assistant Chief Security officer and that someone had been in her quarters. It hadn't been Zimia, because she had asked. Kevin had been with her, so she was going to check. Now that she thought about it, she should have brought Vaytoc with her.

"May I walk with you?" He asked, politely.

Mira nodded and started to walk again. That’s when she took notice of his all black uniform. Odd, she thought, and his face was fairly clear now. Still, she didn't remember him.

"Do you remember the incident with the Orions?" he asked her.

Mira stopped waking and frowned. "That was a very unpleasant time in my life. One I would rather not talk about." Mira's voice remained soft.

"I understand, but there seems to be additional problems with that incident."

Mira frowned. "And what problems would that be? "

"There were 12 women taken," he started to say, but Mira cut him off. "15 woman 12 were rescued." She told him. No one had ever found out what had happened to the 3 young women. She had been one of the 12 that they had found.

He nodded his head. "Out of the 12, only 5 are still accounted for."

"What do you mean only 5? What happened to the others?" she asked as she stopped walking.

"We don't know. They seemed to have disappeared. Has any of the women contacted you?" he asked her.

Mira frowned but shook her head no.

"Has anything strange happened lately?"

Mira smirked. "Just about everything in my life is crazy and strange, but I don't think any of that is connected to the Orions or star fleet officers disappearing. I assume they were all with Star fleet?"

He nodded. Mira was in sight of her ship now in the docking port. "And you are now safely to your ship Captain. Perhaps it would be wise not to wander around by yourself."

Mira raised an eyebrow at his parting words.

Captain Mira Rodale
CO USS Chuck Norris


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