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Picnicking Earth Style

Posted on Thu Jul 18th, 2024 @ 3:02am by Captain Mira Rodale & Commander Kevin Lance & Lieutenant Commander Awal Kronnelti & Lieutenant Tracey Walker Jr
Edited on on Thu Aug 1st, 2024 @ 3:13am

Mission: Starbase 364
Location: Starbase 364
Timeline: Current

{Recreation Module, Starbase 364}

Kevin finished his inspection of the preparations for the family picnic he had planned. Everything met his standards and now the only thing to do was wait for the invitees to arrive.

"Thank you Ensign Mariten. Everything looks perfect," Kevin praised the Yeoman.

"Thank you, sir," Zimia replied.

"Will you be joining us?" Kevin asked.

"I'll help with both kids. Once Venus and Kolar are together they love to run around." She smiled at the area.

"Plenty of room for that," Kevin said surveying the area that Zimia had selected. It was a flat area underneath a stand of trees that provided ample shade from the artificial sunlight but beyond were emerald fields of grass that extended in all directions. Kevin continued, "The children will be happy to have Auntie Zimia to play with."

Zimia smiled. "Thank you. I do have alot of fun with the kids."

Mira walked in with Kolar. "this is beautiful." She took Kolar's shoes and socks off. He giggled as he feet touched the grass. Then he ran to his daddy.

Kevin squatted down and held his arm out to his son. As Kolar ran into his open embrace, Kevin roll onto his back, as if the boy’s momentum had bowled him over. Kolar exclaimed sequels of joyous delight as the two wrestled on the grass.

Both Awal & Dianna showed up with Venus, her eyes went wide just to wiggle out of her mothers arms. Dianna put Venus down and she took off chasing Kolar with laughs and giggles.

This is a nice place. said Awal. Dianna stood next to Zimia & Mira, this place is beautiful.

Mira nodded, taking a seat on one of the large blankets. Mira looked to Dianna. "Most bases and ships have a place like this for its crew. " She gave little shrug. "Our ship doesn't, but it was meant to destroy the Borg not really for families to live on, but I plan to make the ship more family orientated. I started with our quarters and the cargo bay."

I think everyone will like it. Said Dianna

Awal sat down beside his wife and asked Kevin how he's doing since being out of sickbay.

"Very well, thank you,” Kevin replied, “The doctor says that physical therapy has gone well and released me to full duties again. I am looking forward to being able to rebuild strength in that leg not that I am no longer fettered.” He pulled a contained out of one of the many wicker baskets that were arranged around the center of the blankets.

Trace and Geneva arrived, and found a blanket to spread out on. They chatted quietly for a few minutes before the two of them were giggling. Trace got up and walked over to the XO.

As he approached, he looked down at the Commander's leg, then nodded. "Hurts like a bitch, don't it?" He said, speaking about the Gorn poison.

“I really couldn’t say,” Kevin replied, “The doctor kept me unconscious most of the surgery and they got me into surgery a lot faster than they able to with you. Still, not an experience that I am eager to repeat.” He nodded toward where Geneva was talking with Dianna, “How is that going?”

Trace grinned in spite of himself. "Really, really well." He said, looking toward Geneva. "After my...incident with the Gorn, I realized that life is short and you have to take what joy you can. Once I got out of my own way, there she was, waiting for me." He said, trailing off into thought. "How about you and the Captain?" He asked, his eyebrows waggling.

Kevin looked in Mira's direction and smiled, "Our relationship is proceeding in a very satisfactory manner."

Awal unwrapped his bandage, your not the only one that got tagged he said as he shows Kevin the scar. K'ner wanted to make sure I wasn't carrying any Gorn eggs.

Mira shivered at the talk of being infected with Gorn eggs. "Well, besides being poisoned, I came out unscathed. Probably just by pure luck. We were horribly outnumbered. " She picked up a chicken strip and bit into it.

"Hey now," Kevin scolded, "I didn't order Ensign Mariten to prepare this lovely picnic lunch on this beautiful simulated afternoon under a cloudless artificial sky so we could all work through our collective trauma. I wanted us to enjoy the company of friends and family to remind us of what is worth fighting for."

He leaned in towards Mira for a kiss but at the last moment he diverted to take a bite out of her chicken strip.

Kolar must have seen his Dada take a bit of his mama's food. She had a surprised look on her face, so he ran up, grabbed his mama's hand and took the rest of it, and giggled, "My chicon."

Mira laughed "hey my chicken!" he just laughed and ran off. She smirked at Kevin. "See what you started? And I missed out on kiss to." Taking a hold of his shirt, she pulled him in for kiss him.

Awal & Dianna started eating some fruit as Kolar came running by holding the chicken strip.

he stopped as he saw Kevin & Mira kissing. My mommy kiss, my mommy kiss as he attempted to pull her from kevin.

Dianna laughed then placed a kiss on Awal's cheek

Mira picked Kolar up and rolled with him. Once she had him under her, she started tickling him. "Oh yea well, my baby, and I am going to get your belly."

Kolar laughed "no mama no.... my belly!"

Kevin smiled as Kolar shrieked under Mira's attack. Why can't life always be like this, he thought as he dished up a plate of food for his son.

Laughing, Mira rolled back to a sitting position and set Kolar right next to his Dad. "it is time to eat, then you can play some more."

When Kolar tried to get away, she just gave him the "no. it's time to eat. Then we play." he gave a little pout until she saw the food dada put on his plate."Mmmm yummy"

"This is a perfect afternoon. I am so glad you thought of this." Mira told Kevin.

"I am happy that you approve," he replied, "We could all use the downtime."

Dianna had brought a picnic basket with some sandwiches, snacks and a couple of drinks for everyone.

Venus sat between her parents and was handed a ham n cheese sandwich cut into 4, she enjoys her sandwiches said Zimia.

She looks over at Mira and asked is there something you two would want after starfleet?

I know it's not easy to raise Kolar nor Venus on the ship but if given the opportunity to leave starfleet would you?

Mira smiled. "I think right now we are both happy in Star Fleet. Happy with our careers. Raising Kolar was a surprise, but It has added to my life, and I am happy Kevin wants to be a part of it. "

"And I have no idea what I would do outside of Star Fleet," Kevin joined in, "I have lived aboard starships for so long I really don't know anything else."

I always get worried about Awal when he has to go off on long missions. As she's saying this Dianna holds onto his arm and snuggles into him.

But Zimia always tells me that he is the best security officer on the ship, Kevin is the best navigator along with combat.

Sorry she said I went off track there. Oh I forgot I brought this as she pulls out a Frisbee.

What history says about this is people would throw this to other people or dogs.

Kevin looked at the flattened disc with curiosity. "How does it work?" he asked.

Um they say to throw it like this as she tosses it using her wrist, the Frisbee glides through the air spinning to it's destination.

Mira's mind went to, that could be made into a weapon. She smiled. "A kids game to improve their reaction times, but our's are too young." Mira had found the blue leave salad and added that to her plate. "I want to add a climbing wall for the kids on the ship. I caught Kolar climbing on my shelves the other day. So he needs something to challenge him."

Zimia nodded. "But wouldn't that be dangerous?"

"No," Mira shook her head." He would need someone with him. All you would need to do is catch him or give advice on where to put his hands and feet. My father started me at this age."

They continued discussing family and plans for the future as they ate the picnic lunch and after they had eaten their fill, Dianna started an impromptu game of 'Frisbee'.

Kevin was able to easily pick up the the proper method of throwing the disc despite the fact that it was very different than a thrusterball. The trouble was that Mira kept intercepting tosses intended for him, laughing all the time.

Finally, after the fourth time, Kevin said, "That is enough of that!" and picked Mira up over his shoulder. She continued laughing and shrieking in mock terror...until she realized where he was taking her.

"You wouldn't dare," she said.

"Oh yes I would!," was Kevin's reply as he carried here towards the water's edge.

Still laughing she ordered Kevin to put her down. Kevin pointed out that she wasn't in uniform. He marched onto the boat and when he reached the end, he deftly tossed Mira into the water.

Or at least that was what he had planned.

He was able to remove her from his shoulder and toss her into the water but Mira was able to grab hold of his shirt, pulling him off balance, causing Kevin to fall into the water beside her.

"Mama, Dada wet!" Kolar told Zimia with delight.


Captain Mira Rodale
CO USS Chuck Norris


Lieutenant Awal Kronnelti
Chief of security and tactical
USS Chuck Norris


Lieutenant Commander Kevin Lance
Executive Officer
USS Chuck Norris


Lieutenant Tracey "Trace" Walker
Chief Engineer
USS Chuck Norris


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Comments (1)

By Captain Mira Rodale on Fri Jul 19th, 2024 @ 2:16am

Lol bath time!