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Home sweet home

Posted on Tue Jul 16th, 2024 @ 4:02pm by Captain Mira Rodale & Commander Kevin Lance

Mission: Starbase 364
Location: Family's quarters
Timeline: Present


The walk to their quarters was quiet until they entered. Vaytoc looked around and gave a sneeze.

"Someone has been here." Mira told Kevin, and he handed her Kolar.

Kolar kept squirming, wanting down. "Play!"

"In a minute, little guy. Daddy is checking to make sure it is OK." Mira told him. Her voice was soothing.

When Kevin came back, he nodded. "Perhaps they were removing something?"

Mira frowned but nodded. Putting Kolar down, he ran to his room to get a toy.

"Kevin, I had the oddest meeting with a councilor." Mira took a seat on the couch, making herself comfortable. "The woman said she was my new counselor, and then she started to twist things that had happened. When I questioned her on her facts, the transmission was terminated. There isn't a record of her being with Star Fleet. I don’t know what to make of it."

"That is odd," Kevin replied. Shadow was clandestine and irregular but he had always been truthful with Kevin. "What did you she her name was?"

"Doctor Kori Sheva"

Kevin made a mental note to ask Shadow about this counsellor the next time he popped in unannounced. "Do you think that M'Niras would know anything about her? Or Admiral Proll?"

"Perhaps," Mira frowned. "She asked me how I felt about people I am involved with Dieing. She tried to make it out like Saeihr and I were a couple, and I had suicidal thoughts after killing so many Romulans. Nothing like that is in any reports because it's not true."

Yeah, Shadow never tried implying that with me, Kevin thought. He wondered if whatever organization Shadow worked for would purposely ruin Mira with worry and self-doubt. But, hadn't Shadow said that protecting Mira was important? Kevin shook his head. He couldn't make sense of the limited information that was available.

"The Klingons and Romulans have secret agendas," he postulated, "Why not the Federation?"

Mira nodded. "They probably do. For all I know, it could be my brother Von."

You know," Kevin's brows knitted in concentration, "I don't think that I know anything about your family."

Mira's eyes widened. "I guess I don't talk about him too much. He is older than I am, he is a joined Trill, so his last name is Lox. That is his Simboint's name. The last time I saw him, we were on DS9, and he tried to kill me by turning off the Holodeck deck while I was climbing. He is also happy to work with anyone to destroy the federation."

“Your brother is anti-Federation?” Kevin asked with raised eyebrows, “How did that happen?"

"Lox is a very old Simboint. I met him once when I was younger. When he was in another host. "I had an instant dislike for him." Later, I found out that my brother had become his host. I was worried. " She bit her lip, trying to come up with the right words. "On Trill, it is a great honor to be joined. Some people will be good at joining. We can blend and enrich each other's lives. Rodale and I have become friends. But there are others that are weak minded, and when they join its the Simboint that is in control. Lox is in competition control he likes power and wealth. Whatever they have to do to obtain that, they will. " She lowered her head for a moment, then thought she might as well just tell him it all.

"When I was on DS15, he and the Romulans had teamed up, and he helped the Romulans infiltrate the Vulcan delegates. Vaytoc can smell the difference between the two. He likes Vulcan but not Romulans." she gave a little shrug.

"We stopped that plot, but...he was also friends with the Orions and had them attack the passenger cruise that Kolar and I were on. You know what happened later. then after I was rescued, I found out he was all but erased me from Trill records. The Star fleet records he couldn't touch. Then he added the Zaj in attack DS9. He always seems to get away from justice."

"I knew your life was complicated," Kevin replied with barely concealed awe, "but the magnitude is quiet impressive."

Mira laughed, "More like crazy. But that seems to be my life."

"Well," Kevin asked, "What do we do? Track down this doctor? Try to find your brother? Steal the Admiral's yacht?"

"Well, the doctor said she would be on the base. Rodriguez checked for me, and she isn't there. I don't think she was a doctor at all. Don't with the questions she asked. I think she might have been hoping I would let something slip, but the whole conversation seemed odd. As to my brother, " She tossed her hands up, "I have no idea what he is up to. My guess is that he is working with the Gorn. If so, it would explain the poisoning. Being Trill, he would know how I would react to those berries, but this is all guesswork. it could be someone else."

"Enemies from without," Kevin observed, "Enemies from within. Just another day in the life of Captain Mira Rodale."

Mira nodded with a slight frown.


Lieutenant Commander Kevin Lance
Executive Officer
USS Chuck Norris


Captain Mira Rodale
CO USS Chuck Norris


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