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Posted on Sun Jun 16th, 2024 @ 3:19am by Captain Mira Rodale & Lieutenant Commander Kevin Lance & Lieutenant Betaras K'ner

Mission: Cat in the box
Location: USS Chuck Norris
Timeline: Present

{Captain's Ready Room}

Breaking the kiss, Mira smiled as she looked up at Kevin, Her fingertips caressed Kevin's cheek. Then she froze as the ship's Klaxon sounded off.

"Oh crap," couldn't they catch a break? She tugged her clothes back in place and ran out the door with Kevin as the ship shook.

{Bridge, USS Chuck Norris }

Running into the room, Kevin steady her as the ship rocked to the left. Mira made it into the command chair. "Report?"

"We have Gorn, Captain." Montgomery reported.

"How many ship?" Mira asked

"Two as of now. Smaller ships. Approximately the size of a Klingon bird of prey."

Good odds, she thought. "Red alert, shields up, evasive maneuvers. Fire at will."

"Helm, put us between the Nocturne and the enemy," Kevin ordered.

"Shield are up, Captain," the duty tactical officer announced, "but the enemies weapons are not charged."

Mira turned in the Captain's conn, "Their weapons aren't energized?"

"Confirmed, Captain," Kevin said looking at the display over the tactical duty officer's shoulder, "Their shields are raised but their running weapons cold."

"Captain," Ensign Chin called from the communications station, "Nocturne is ordering us to stand down."

Kevin locked eyes with Mira. What the Void is going on, he thought.

Mira frowned. "Lovely, if ambassador M’Niras invites them over for a meal. I will be serving him up." Taking a few breaths, Mira nodded. "Hold firing for now. Drop us to yellow alert and keep shields up no matter what that insane Cat wants."

{ Ready Room, USS Chuck Norris }

K’ner looked around at the others on the Haz Team, their feet locked to the floor so they wouldn’t get tossed around.

“Gorn is all we know so far… standing by in case we need to respond or deploy. For now we hit the junctions we’ve identified as urgent to respond to keep them from critical areas, and crew. MOVE!”

They moved out in sub-teams to secure the ship… just in case…

{Captain's Ready Room}

“There’re under a flag of truce?” Mira asked incredulously.

“That is what I said, Mira,” Ambassador M’Niras replied over the viewscreen, “Have you gotten hard of hearing?”

“I just seems highly irregular, Ambassador,” Kevin rapidly interjected before Mira’s retort left her lips, “after all, the Gorn have been attacking Federation vessels. Ourselves included.”

Kevin wasn’t accustom to reading Caitian facial features but he had the distinct feeling that M’Niras was looking at him like a teacher about to scold an ignorant student. “The terms of the ceasefire between the Federation and the Hegemony is to respect each other’s territorial integrity. The engagements you are referring to all occurred in unclaimed territory. Most likely, the Gorns perceived you as the aggressor.”

Kevin was about to protest but M’Niras held up a paw, “I understand that matters can get muddled in deep space when martial egos and honor are on the line. That is why cooler heads must step in to sort out the messes created and stave off a much more deadly conflict.”

Mira's hands were clenched under the desk she sat at. "Why are they in Romulan space? The Gorn attacked the Romulans, the Klingons, and cargo ships filled with families. " She looked down at her PADD and frowned. "Why are we not on course to Romulus?" When the hell had they changed course?

Ambassador M’Niras just grinned. "Need to know information, and they are joining us on the talks. Now behave and threat our guests with respect. Power down your weapons. You're going to need you to lower your shields to beam over for dinner tonight. "

Mira frowned. "I have other plans for my evening. One meal with you was enough for me."

M'Niras demeanor changed instantly, and he started yelling at her in Caitian’s. Mira sat ramrod stiff, not even blinking an eye as he ranted. Once he looked like he was done Mira replied.

"When you're in a better mood, we will talk." Mira said politely before disconnecting him.

"By all that is holy, Kevin. What has he gotten us into?"

"You know better than me the workings of the diplomatic brain," Kevin replied dryly, "Although he did say at brunch that this was as much about keeping the Gorn out as it is about keeping the Romulans in."

Nodding her head slowly in agreement to what was said, then she sighed, " M'Niras... I don't trust him. I can't point out just what it is about him, but... The feeling is there."

She bit her lip , " It would be good to have the Romulans on our side in this since they could be dinner as well as we could if we don't join them. The like making friends with a wild, untamed, highly intelligent animal. They will keep us around until they get hungry." she shivered.

"The Gorn would want the federation and the Romulans out of this game they are playing to make it easier for them. Then the Gorn can attempt to destroy the Klingons. They are a strong opponent or ally. But if by some chance the Klingons are defeated, the Gorn could just make a move on another race. So their first move would be to do everything in their power to end the klingons. There has to be something that sparked this change. "

Mira picked up her PADD to see what she could find out "ah here it is.'The Gorn Hegemony were mourning the death of King Xrathis. His son, Crown Prince Slathis, ascended to the throne. One of his first acts was to re-enforce their border with the Klingons. Several skirmishes were reported between the two powers. The Klingons responded to the buildup by the Gorn by sending more ships of their own to the border.' Mira nodded as she read the report. "The Gorn would need more food to boost the amount of troops. " she sighed, then put the PADD down. "How do you think we should handle this?"

Kevin stroked his beard in contemplation. “The Gorn potentially represent an existential threat almost as great as the Borg,” he mused, “but they lack the strength of the Collective. The Gorn must divide to conquer. The Klingon Empire can likely count on the support of the Federation but the intentions of Romulans are always opaque. Should they side with the Gorn, the Gorn would be largely uncontested in the Beta Quadrant unless the Federation makes a significant investment of personnel and material.”

"The Romulans will only trust another Romulan. They have strict code on not trusting outsiders." she frowned. " I have gotten them into avdeal before. I was given a medal for it, but whatever I did to get them to work with me, I don't really remember. I was just as shocked as the Federation Ambassador had been when they agreed."

“I am no diplomat,” Kevin stated with a small measure of pride, “but from a military standpoint, we need to do whatever we must to ensure the Romulans actively oppose the Gorn. That will relieve pressure on the Klingon Empire and protect the interests of the Federation.”

Mira nodded. "Whatever we can do within our moral standards. Sleeping with them is beyond my moral capabilities. I don't think that would really get them to trust us. Showing up with the Gorn already makes it look like we are joining the Gorn. " she reached over and tapped her commbadge. "Captain to Montgomery, are the Gorns weapons still cold?"

=/\= Yes Captain.=/\=

Mira nodded. "Disengage weapons, but I want someone to continue to scan that ship if they engage weapons do so without waiting to get orders from me."

=/\= understood Captain =/\=


Captain Mira Rodale
CO USS Chuck Norris


Lt Betara K'ner
Hazard Team Medic TL-B / CMO
USS Chuck Norris


Lieutenant Commander Kevin Lance
Executive Officer
USS Chuck Norris


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