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Practical Matters

Posted on Thu Jun 13th, 2024 @ 10:21pm by Lieutenant Commander Kevin Lance & Captain Mira Rodale

Mission: Cat in the box
Location: Paarth Elion Three
Timeline: Current

{Briefing room}

=/\= “Lance to Captain Rodale. Would you meet me in your Ready Room? =/\=

Mira looked down at Kolar he was sound asleep. Her eyes meet Zimia "I'll be back soon."

Walking out she tapped her comm badge. "on my way."

{Ready Room}

Walking in Mira smiled as she tossed her long hair over her shoulder. "Has this room been cleaned?" She asked just to be sure. Or had he found something else?

Kevin turned toward Mira, his PADD in hand. He was struck at how, although the weight of the world seemly rested on her shoulders, Mira looked as if she didn’t have a care in the universe. His own expression was much more troubled. “I think we are good,” he said, “Montgomery’s team has been over the room three times, and I am not detecting any anomalous readings.”

He put his PADD into the cargo sleeve on his trousers and looked her in the eye with a serious expression. “How are you feeling?”

Mira bit her lip. The one thing she had always tried to do was be honest with Kevin about everything. Should she continue that path?

Mira blinked her dark blue eyes and looked away. Her shoulders slumped slightly. "Stressed. I changed my bedding after I had the force field put in my room. Just the idea of so many people on or near by bed.” she gave a little shrug, "it wasn't there when I changed the sheets. That means one of our new people had to have planted it. Luckily, nothing of... interest ever happens in that bed or I would be embarrassed. I read science reports to Kolar to put him to sleep. So whoever listened in, only heard me talking to Kolar and Vaytoc and reading a science report. Of course they know how crazy Zimia is talking to Kolar. If they had been smart they would have put one in here or the briefing room.” She shook her head. “Ok, what have you found out? How bad is it?”

“I told you about incident with Kolar’s teddy bear,” Kevin answered, “A thorough scan of the toy while Kolar was asleep found no foreign matter in it, lending strength to Shen’s assertation that the Andorian was retrieving rather than implanting a surveillance device. Perhaps because the Imperial Guard wasn’t getting anything useful?”

“I am concerned about the device found between the mattresses. I was working under the assumption that it was placed there during our last stay at Starbase 364 but if you changed the sheets after we departed,” Kevin shrugged, “it points to someone in our crew placing it. Not a pleasant thought."

“The device Zimia found was partially Klingon in origin, but I wouldn’t put it past the Romulans to have planted it. To your point, planting it in here or the command briefing room would have been a better choice to overhear critical decisions,” Kevin shook his head, “Maybe who ever planted it is really interested in your personal life.”

Mira choked "my personal life? " the thought of having perv wanting to know what happened in her bed wasn't comforting. That might make it worse she thought. But Kevin continued as Mira rested a hip on her desk.

“There are still more questions than answers,” he concluded, “I am working on a plan to plant some erroneous information through the device. We might be able to get whoever is listening to reveal themselves.”

Mira nodded "So that means we have to leave that device under my bed?" she gave a little sigh " Ok if that's what you think is best. I can read whatever to Kolar. He just likes the sound of my voice. " She thought about it for a moment "if it is someone on the ship then they could put new devices any place I normaly go." She frowned wondering if it was someone trying to find out if Kevin and her were really together? "Our quarters on the base might be bugged as well." And how long was this going on? her mind was now in spin mode.

"Klingon surveillance equipment is more utilitarian that sophisticated," Kevin opined, "We could like isolate it elsewhere, then feed it what we want. Zimia's conversations with Kolar. Your dramatic readings of science reports."

"As to other devices now that we know what we are looking for, it should be easier to find others."

Kevin paused before changing subjects. "I am more concerned," he said, "with how Ambassador M'Niras intends to use us during the negotiations with the Romulans. Ambassador Wyrick's opinion notwithstanding, my diplomatic skills mainly come down to luck and doing the right thing."

"That cat is insane at times." she rubbed her forehead with her fingertips then smirked.

"Or at least he make me insane at times. " She smiled up at Kevin. "Honesty he is going to put us in situations either one of us want to be in. We are ..... eye candy for him use as a distraction. He will more then likely never listen to anything I say about his safety and put ours in danger. I have talked to Kronnelti about him. He knows he is in charge of security not the Ambassador. I had planned on remaining on the ship but he blow that out of the water. " She tucked her arms around her. "I know one thing. I will be sleeping on this ship with Kolar. Not in assigned quarters on the planet."

"Deception," Kevin nodded, "Draw attention away from the Ambassador and give him the opportunity to see the other delegates in unguarded situations. We can do that." He paused momentarily, "There is another matter that I should like to discuss with you."

Mira stared at Kevin with wide, questioning eyes.

"Many of your acquaintances have tried to match you up with someone that they feel is appropriate," Kevin began awkwardly, "M'Niras, the Klingons, even Thor. I understand and respect why you reject their suggestions but for at least this mission, especially when we are off of this ship...I think...I think that we up."

"Pair up?" She blinked in a little confusion " I thought we have paired up." She smiled "you mean I can hold your arm or hand in public?" She grinned up at him a little teasingly. Kevin was a very reserved kind of man. She found it very difficult at times and other times very refreshing. She was willing to wait for how ever long it took to feel right and she was happy having him help her raise Kolar.

Kevin grimaced. This was hard enough without Mira teasing him. Normally, he didn't mind it when she teased him. It felt somehow reassuring when she did. But right now, he really wished that she would take what he was saying a little more seriously.

“Our commitment to each other isn’t evident to most people,” Kevin stated rapidly before he lost his nerve, “and I acknowledge my complicity in that perception…but it creates an opportunity in their minds that they can control or gain some advantage by matching you up with another of their choosing. We might be able to dissuade others from trying if we are more demonstrative of our relationship…including more public displays of affection and,” he blushed at this point, “we should probably share the same bed.

Mira lowered her head for a moment thinking how best to explain this then looked up at him her dark blue eyes meeting his with soft smile. "I know what I want. " she reached up and touched his arm. "You are welcome in my life and in my bed any time you want, but I don't want anyone forcing you to do it because you're worried about them trying to set me up with other men. I am strong enough to tell them no and any other colorful phrases." still smiling she added. "That being said, this relationship has been at your speed, and if you want to move it forward, then I am happy to. " She moved closer to kiss him. "I have no problem with showing you my affection even if someone else is around because its how I feel. I try to take my lead from you on what your comfortable with and not over step my bounds. I want you happy to."

"I don’t feel forced. I want this. It is something that I have been meaning to talk to you about for some time now," Kevin replied after receiving her kiss, "but I was waiting for the right time. We were on that extended mission to Paarth Elion Three, I nearly died, then we went to get Kolar. Afterwards, we ended up a million years in the past, got attacked by the Gorn, then were busy on the Starbase. Now, we get to play party games with the Romulans." He spread his arms in resignation. "It never seems to be the right time."

“I know that you are more than capable of taking care of yourself,” he continued, “but you aren’t alone in this fight. It is my duty to protect you as it is yours to protect me. Your enemies are mine and so shall it be until the end of my days.” And with that, he reached down, picking up Mira from behind her thighs to bring her lips on level with his own and gave her a passionate kiss. Maybe Shen was right. Maybe this wasn’t complicated at all.

Jeez every coherent thought when out of her head when Kevin kissed her. Her arms wrapped around his neck and she could have stayed there in that moment forever. Things were going to work out.


Captain Mira Rodale
CO USS Chuck Norris

Lieutenant Commander Kevin Lance
Executive Officer
USS Chuck Norris


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