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Bedtime Story

Posted on Mon Jun 17th, 2024 @ 4:33pm by Lieutenant Commander Kevin Lance
Edited on on Mon Jul 1st, 2024 @ 12:53am

Mission: Cat in the box
Location: USS Chuck Norris
Timeline: Current

{Executive Officer's Quarters, Deck 1}

Kolar had fallen asleep in Kevin’s arm as he read to the boy, “And once the Rescue was finished, there was Pooh…sitting on a branch… dangling his legs and there beside him were ten pots of honey.”

Although Kolar was asleep, Kevin kept reading to allow his son to fall deeper into sleep. And truth be told, Kevin was interested in how a self-proclaimed bear of very little brain would get out of his predicament.

“Quite the domestic scene,” a previously unseen voice spoke, “I must say that Q did an excellent job at genetic manipulation.”

Kevin tensed at the familiar voice as he looked in the direction of its source. In the shadow of the half light of his quarters, a humanoid figure in black, its face bathed in darkness, was visible. As he reached for his comm badge the man spoke again, “Don’t bother. I’m not really here.”

Kevin stayed his hand. The man in black hadn’t intruded on his life in well over six months. He hoped rather than believed that the man had lost interest in Kevin. But here he was once again.

“What do you want this time,” Kevin asked flatly, “If you hurt Mira or my son…”

“Relax, Commander. I have no designs on your child,” the man replied, “As to Captain Rodale, well, M’Niras has that base more than covered. No, I am here to impress upon you the importance of these negotiations.”

“The Ambassador has that base more than covered,” Kevin retorted, “as you pointed out”

Although he couldn’t see the man’s face, Kevin sensed a smirk in his tone, “Quite. And you were very perceptive on the threat that the Gorn pose not only to the Federation but the entire Alpha quadrant as well.”

“So, why disturb my son’s bedtime story?”

“We expect that Ambassador M’Niras and Captain Rodale will be very eloquent in their enticements to keep the Romulan’s engaged against the Gorns but the Star Empire is too cagey to let themselves be obligated for long. You know how important it is to keep them within the anti-Gorn coalition. If they prove to obstinate, they may need encouragement of a less diplomatic nature.”

“I won’t be your pawn,” Kevin stated flatly.

The shadow gave a shrug, “Your choice but M’Niras will have little compunction to order Captain Rodale to use every device in her arsenal to bring about a satisfactory conclusion to these negotiations. I would have thought that you would want to protect the mother of your child from anything unseemly.”

Kevin glared at the man but held his tongue.

“I hope it doesn’t come to that,” the man replied, “but hope is not a method. Keep an eye out for possibilities. I will be in touch.”


Lieutenant Commander Kevin Lance
Executive Officer
USS Chuck Norris


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