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Return to Duty

Posted on Thu May 23rd, 2024 @ 12:22pm by Lieutenant Commander Ech'am G'ginloss

Mission: Starbase 364
Location: Stargate 364
Timeline: Current

"Computer, begin log."

"It is with a filled stomach that I begin my journey once again on the Chuck Norris. The birth of family, the fights of glory, the welcoming of Klingon youth to the ranks of our order, and the battle prowess of my culture forced the Federation to give me leave. Every so often we are driven towards battle. Towards the inevitable frenzy of blood lust. It is sated in the pits of Torgas, the ceremonies of youth getting their first taste of the pits of adulthood. The federation has learned that these ceremonies are as much real as rigorous. It is not often that people other then kloingon take part in these ceremonies, but this time there was one. He calls himself Crastor. Invited only because he out drank a Klingon, something not easily done. Anyways, it comes time soon to check in with those on the bridge. As already I have gotten a side eye by someone of which I did not recognize. We will see what happens from here."

"Computer, publish this log and turn off"

LtCom Ech'am G'ginloss
USS Chuck Norris


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