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Posted on Fri May 10th, 2024 @ 1:07am by Commander Kevin Lance & Captain Mira Rodale & Lieutenant Commander Awal Kronnelti & Lieutenant Betaras K'ner

Mission: Starbase 364
Location: Chuck Norris/Starbase364
Timeline: Current

{USS Chuck Norris}

It took the Chuck Norris a couple of days to approach docking at Starbase 364.

It seemed most of the crew were crowding the few portholes that opened a view to the starbase approach. K'ner wasn't sure if they were actually that fascinated with the base, the docking, the plethora of ships in the area, or, more likely, they were anticipating getting out of the can and getting more acquainted with their new home base.

K'ner could see the medical staff were just as anxious, but the duty nurses were standing their posts. She wondered if that was a leftover from Durzo's time, or if she herself had made an impression on them in her short time as acting CMO. It occurred to her, not for the first time, that no one seemed to be in a hurry to get a new one assigned.

Shaking off that train of unproductive thought, she called her sickbay team together to go over the trimmed down roster while they were docked. With no further questions, she released them all, except Billingsly, and backed away from the stampede out the door.

Looking over at Anya she said, "Keeping up your training?"

Billingsly smiled, "Yes chief. You're not getting rid of me that easily."

K'ner nodded. "We'll see... we'll see. Put on the soft alerts and let's go hit the barracks. Hazard Team has a rotation so we're ready to respond, even on down time."

Anya chuckled softly. "Of course you are."

K'ner stopped, looking sternly at her. "WE are..."

Anya's eyes got big, then she nodded, not sure if it was a second or much longer. "We... are..."

Her resultant smile warmed K'ner as they resumed their walk, but she didn't let it show. New recruits were rare, and didn't always finish the pipeline to make the grade. The kid had heart, and for now, that was all she needed of her.


Kronnelti was checking diagnostics on the weapons system and trying to keep himself busy.

It was also quiet as if nobody wanted to talk.

Ok, I'm not the only one, so I'll ask it, What could we have done differently? Asked Kronnelti

Mira bit her lip. "We got out played and out maneuvered" Mira frowned. "I planned on a meet and greet. Then, because I trusted I got sent back in time. Everyone went above and beyond what I could have imagined. When making my plans to return home, I only counted on one ship. No one counted on the Gorn at all, and I have a feeling they are going to be trouble. We need to study them."

Kevin nodded in agreement. He had forwarded the copy of the fight in Lucin's cave to Mira but didn't know if she had viewed it yet. In the days since viewing it himself, he had racked his brain for something that he should have done differently but aside from arming the haz team with heavier weapons, unwarranted given what they had know at the time, he couldn't come up with anything. It did little to assauge his feelings of guilt.

"I will have the Science section coordinate with the Starbase for all of the information that they have on the Gorn," Kevin responded.

Mira nodded, "It would be good to come up with fighting skills against them. I have never fought with one before."


Lt Betaras K'ner
Hazard Team Medic TL-B / Acting CMO
USS Chuck Norris


Captain Mira Rodale
CO USS Chuck Norris


Lieutenant Commander Kevin Lance
Executive Officer
USS Chuck Norris


Lieutenant Awal Kronnelti
Chief of Security and Tactical
USS Chuck Norris


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