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Base meeting

Posted on Fri May 10th, 2024 @ 2:35am by Captain Mira Rodale

Mission: Starbase 364
Location: SB 364
Timeline: Present

{USS Chuck Norris}

Mira was finishing up her reports, so once she left with Kolar, she wouldn't have to come back for a while. She would still need to read reports from her quarters.

Mira smiled down at Kolar. He had blocks all over the place. So far, he couldn't stack them, but he loved knocking them down. Also, anything within reach was pulled to the floor.

"You, young man, are a mess." Mira told him as she stood up, picking him up as she walked to the door. "All right, let's go home." she kissed his cheek.

=/\= Fleet Admiral Proll to Captain Mira Rodale. Report to SB 364 briefing room =/\=
Mira rolled her eyes. Now what? He could not have even read the report. She had just sent it!

"Chin, can you take Kolar to either Awal, Zimia, or Kevin? I have a meeting ."

Chin smiled. "Sure, Captain, I'll find one of them and let you know who has him."

Mira nodded. "Send it to my PADD."

{SB 364, Briefing room}

Mira smiled at a few Captain's before grabbing a raktajino and sitting down. Maybe this had nothing to do with her report?

Fleet Admiral Proll stood up "its good to see you all again. I am going to play you all something very disturbing, but you all need to know what you are up against. I'll answer questions after the footage."

The lights dimmed, and the screen started to play. Mira had watched the video Kevin had put together that morning. She wasn't looking forward to sitting through that nightmare again, but after her ships footage finished, a few more played. The Aries had been attacked but managed to get away and was limping home as the meeting was taking place.

Sometime during the footage, Fleet Admiral Proll must have sat down because he stood again. "Captain Rodale, you had an up close and personal contact. How fast, are they?"

Mira stood up slowly. "I have had the misfortune of coming up against a lot of fast animals, but the Gorn is the fastest I’ve ever faced. The hatchlings are as large as I am. They are fast and deadly at newborns, or I should say newly hatched. They go for the throat, but they will take whatever they can get."
she took her seat quickly.

"If you fought them and lived, they couldn't be that bad." There were too many people in the room to see who had spoken. She didn't answer it.

Proll chuckled. "Perhaps you should watch this."

Mira's physical fight in the high council was played. It was fast bloody, and she was betting not one captain in this room had been in a fight like that.

Proll smiled. "I believe she is called a Dahar Master."

Mira cleared her throat. "I haven't taken the final test, but I was taught by one, sir."

Proll nodded. "I suggest that you all get familiar with the Gorn. Dismissed."

Mira took her cup and left quietly. She didn't want to talk to anyone right now.


Captain Mira Rodale
CO USS Chuck Norris


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