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Settling in

Posted on Thu Apr 11th, 2024 @ 12:58pm by Lieutenant Commander Kevin Lance & Captain Mira Rodale

Mission: Blood wine and vengeance
Location: SB 364/ Family quarters
Timeline: Present

{Family quarters}

Mira frowned at the growl Vaytoc was giving off in the next room. Laying Kolar down in his crib, she walked out and froze.

"M'Niras," Mira said harshly. She was so shocked at seeing her guardian she didn't see Admiral Proll. He gave her a smile, trying to defuse the situation. "Welcome home Mira of should I say Lady Rasmehlier?"

Mira shook her head "No that would be Captain Rodale. What can I do for you, gentlemen?"

Proll smiled. "Your door was unlocked, and we thought to make sure everything was alright."

Vaytoc sneezed, letting her know he was lying. Her door was unlocked, but it wasn't why they were here. Yea, that door being unlocked was going to be a problem too now. One Kolar could crawl out, or someone could come in to take him."

Alright, the door wasn't locked to keep her in it was locked to keep her safe with Kevin. yea, that seemed far better.

Proll cleared his throat. "How was your trip?"

Mira nodded. "It went well. Thank you for the use of your ship."

"It went more then well! You're the head of a klingon house." Proll told her. "This shifts the balance in our favor."

Mira's face remand blank. This was one of the many reasons she hadn't wanted to get involved. "What is it that you wanted, Admiral? I have duties tomorrow, and I need my rest."

M'Niras laughed. "What no drinking party planned to celebrate?"

Mira's eyes flicked over M'Niras briefly. There had been a time she would have done anything for his approval. Now, she just didn't want to be in the same room with him. "Admiral?"

He nodded. "I wanted to let you know that Kharon is going to offer you the use of a klingon cloking device for your ship.

Mira raised an eyebrow at this news "Interesting I'll talk to my XO and chief of engineering to see what they think."
Mira knew the only reason why they were being given one was because she was the head of a klingon house.

M'Niras smirked, " Then you better talk to them quickly because its being installed right now. "

Mira nodded. as she watched both men leave, then locked to door. At the console, she clicked off who could enter. .....then ended up cutting it down to Kevin, herself Kronnelti, and Dianna.

She would have her open door policy on the ship.

A minute later, Kevin entered their quarters. His expression was one of concern. "I just saw the Admiral and the Ambassador leaving," he said, "Is everything okay?"

"I am not sure." she told him a little confused. "They said they stopped by to check on me and to let me know Kharon was going to offer a cloaking device. But after I said I would talk to you and Chief Walker about it first. They said it was already being installed. Vaytoc said they were lying about why they were here." She frowned, looking at the door as if it could give her more answers. "M'Niras kept watching your door." She shook her head to tired for Caitians mind games. "Maybe I am being paranoid."

"Just because you're paranoid," Kevin quipped, "doesn't mean everyone isn't out to get you. When I saw those two leaving, I feared the worst. Still, it is pretty bad."

Mira nodded. Feeling a headache coming on.

"I assume that it is a Klingon cloaking device being installed on the flagship of the head of a Great House," Kevin speculated, "so it technically is not a Star Fleet violation of the Treaty of Algeron. But I can't imagine that the Romulans are going to be all that happy about a cloaking device on Norris that they have no supervision of."

"That is true, but I would have liked to have the final say on what goes on in my ship. Gift is one thing just installing it is..... It's overstepping the line. I probably would think it was a gift if the Admiral had just come himself or called me in the office. but he didn't. "

"Then there are the technical considerations," he continued, "Lieutenant Walker is a good engineer, but I doubt that his course of study covered cloaking technology. So a reasonable person would conclude that we will need to add a Klingon or Romulan engineering specialist to our crew."

Mira raised an eyebrow, "Perhaps this is klingon supervision? I way to keep an eye on us? We won't be using it until Walker is confident it's installed correctly, and he can work on it."

Kevin didn't seem content with the miserable scenario he was painting so he continued on, "Regardless, this will make us even more of a target for Klingons wanting to challenge the House of Rasmehlier and for the Romulans who will have no choice but to consider us a greater threat than before."

"Then there is the matter of Star Fleet. If Admiral Proll delivered the news, it must have the blessing of the Federation council and the Star Fleet chief of staff. It could be merely at the behest of Chancellor Martok but could also mean that we are pawns in someone else's game." Although if he were a knight as the man in black had said, Mira's position would make her the queen.

"Damn it, they are pulling me into a situation I don't want to be in. We are leaving for the Shackleton Expanse in the morning..... Perhaps they feel that area is dangerous or could be, then we might need it? Or they could just be setting me up for something I have no idea. We are talking about an admiral of the base." She swirled her finger around the room." Mira frowned."Perhaps I should just go see General Kharon and just ask him?"

"Computer, where is General D'amish Kharon?" Mira asked

=/\=General D'amish Kharon is on deck 9 =/\=

Mira winced. "Klingon deck..." she snapped her fingers."That was why M'Niras brought up me drinking and out partying. To them, I won some great victory and would be celebrating. To me, I just got a ton of weight dump on my shoulders and managed to live through it."

She thought for a moment. "Well, we both know if he is down there drinking, he is going to want me to, and that leads to trouble. So I am not going. Somehow, that feels like I would be playing their game." Thinking the last time she went out to get drunk on a base, she had met Q. The next time she went on a shopping spree. Thank God she was being followed, and the security officer canceled just about everything she did.

Her dark blue eyes looked up at Kevin's "Suggestions?"

"You have two options as I see it," Kevin replied.

"First, you can comply with M'Niras and the Klingon's expectation that you will join General Kharon to celebrate your formal ascension as Lady Rasmehlier. If you do, I will have Kronnelti pull every security guard we have to form a honor guard worth of your new status and I will come along as your 'Lord Consort' or whatever they call your significant other. If things start to get too raucous, we will pull you out saying," he waved his hand about, "that duty and honor call you away to the Shackleton Expanse."

Mira didn't like the idea one bit. They would be surrounded by Klingons. If one of them got the bright idea to challenge Kevin for her hand...

"Or second," Kevin continued, "you can ignore the request and we ship out tonight. Montgomery did a good job of keeping the Norris ready in our absence and it shouldn't be too hard to discretely recall the crew."

"You are a better judge than I of the wisdom of ignoring General Kharon's invitation," he concluded.

Mira nodded, " I haven't been summoned to this party...... Yet." Mira's eyes slid over to Kolar's door. "it's just a patrol. Let's take him and go. It would be a good test for the crew to see how fast and quiet they can report in." She started to walk and then stopped. "The Klingon name for their lover is par'Mach. The most common and quickest way to get me out of a room full of Klingons would be to toss me over your shoulder." she laughed. "No explanation needed they would make their own up. Just in case you ever need to remove me from their company. "

Kevin gave Mira a sly smile, "I'll keep that in mind." Then in a more serious tone, "I'll set everything in motion."


Captain Mira Rodale
CO USS Chuck Norris


Lieutenant Commander Kevin Lance
Executive Officer
USS Chuck Norris


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