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Coming home

Posted on Tue Apr 9th, 2024 @ 4:27pm by Captain Mira Rodale
Edited on on Wed Apr 10th, 2024 @ 1:17am

Mission: Blood wine and vengeance
Location: Admiral's yacht
Timeline: Present

{Admiral's yacht}

Kolar was a little devil… but with a halo she amended. He was also so much fun. As soon as Mira put him down on the floor, he was off and into something. Her weapons were going to have to be locked up. She could see a lot of changes were going to have to be made.

As they reached the base, Mira looked out the view port. She could see the USS Chuck Norris in the docking port and smiled. For some odd reason, she had expected it to be gone. Silly, she realized that now, but it is what it was.

She sent one message off to Kronnelti to let him know everything was fine. She hadn't started a war, and her son was going to be living with them now. She couldn't wait for Kronnelti to meet his nephew. Turning away from the view port, Mira frowned. Now, where was Kolar? Vaytoc was dragging Kolar back in the room by his pant leg. Kolar was laughing at the whole thing, having fun.

Mira had a vague memory of herself getting into the Jeffery tubes on a base her family had been on. She was 4 or 5, maybe. Her family had been really upset they couldn't find her. She looked down at Kolar. Yeah, she was going to have to find a way to keep track of him. He was proving to be too much… like her.


Walking out of the ship, Kevin had her weapon bag and Kolar. While Mira had both duffel bags, they were lighter.
"I got confirmation our new assignment for quarters. They are still on the same deck just a few doors down. Tanom wanted to be on the Klingon decks, so she was given a two bedroom there."

Kevin nodded "Good, let's go find them."

Tanom was walking behind them. Keeping an eye on everyone. It would seem she still expected trouble. Perhaps Mira was being too naive to think her troubles with the houses that had been against her were over?

{Family quarters}

"Wow, this is very nice." It had a glassed off fireplace. There was even a crib set up in the middle bedroom. "looks like this one is Kolar's." She looked around at the room, wondering who had gotten all the toys.

There were even baby supplies. "This had to be Zimia and Dianna's doing."

Seeing her things in one of the rooms, she dropped her clothing bag down and took Kevin's bag to the other room. It looked the same to her, so she dropped his bag there. "Both rooms look about the same to me, but if you have a preference, take that room." She smiled. Kolar was crawling around, so she picked him up to take him to see his room.

Then she sat down on the floor to watch him. Her PADD started beeping with incoming messages. Taking the PADD oUT, she looked at the new assignment.

"We have patrol duties in the Shackleton Expanse in the morning." Mira smiled." I guess it's back to work."


Captain Mira Rodale
CO USS Chuck Norris


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