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Road trip

Posted on Mon Mar 25th, 2024 @ 1:50am by Captain Mira Rodale & Commander Kevin Lance

Mission: Blood wine and vengeance
Location: USS Chuck Norris /Admiral's yacht
Timeline: Present

{Captain’s quarters}

Mira tried to lift the bag of weapons and then shook her head no. She couldn't lift it. She repacked the weapons with a curse, removing some from the bag. She had to be able to carry the darn thing and hike if necessary. Fine, clearly everything couldn't come with her. The bat'leth, the mek'leth, a few disruptors, her d'k tahg, a kur'leth was slipped into its hoister at her side while the mek'leth went in the hoister at her back. She had a kut'luch on her other side of her hip it was normally used by assassins, but it seemed fitting since people who stood in her way would die. The mevak went in her boot. She was dressed in black leather pants and vest. The Rasmehlier family crest was on the vest. A long leather trench coat slipped over all the weapons, making her look harmless. Little did they know! she thought. A few changes in clothes, something to sleep in... Her PADD. Her hand touched her commbadge, it was her lifeline. With a shrug, she put the commbadge on her jacket. It could always be left on the shuttle later.

Mira noticed a personal message and activated it. Odd, it was sent days ago from Kevin. She started to read. it said, " the DNA test left him confused and frightened, and he acted very poorly." Mira nodded, her heart about broke when she got to the part “I never wanted to be a father, and I am inadequately trained and equipped to successfully engage in such an endeavor. But if duty and honor require, I will do my best......" She shook her head and closed the message. She didn't have any plans to force him into anything. For all she knew, she would be trading herself for her son, then killing J'pok Okac the first chance she got. She didn't feel she could ask anyone else to risk their lives for her young son.

Tapping her commbadge, she said, "Montgomery, is my shuttle ready?"

=/\= Yes ma'am.....the Admiral's yacht has been assigned for your use.=/\= he answered her. He had given Lieutenant Commander Lance as much time as he felt comfortable with and could delay informing the Captain. =/\= Lieutenant Commander Lance is going with you and has left me in command. Will you be taking anyone else with you? =/\= Of course, they could take the USS Chuck Norris and follow her, but that seemed a bit extreme for a family that acquired a bag full of weapons. He was thinking that bag must weigh as much as she did! How would she even carry it? So, lost in thought, he didn't hear her answer to his question, or perhaps she didn't answer.

{Admiral's yacht}

Vaytoc bounded out of the turbolift on the Docking Ring level near the Admiral's yacht. His excitement was plainly evident to Mira would needing their shared telepathic link. "Road trip, buddy. Are you ready to find our little Kolar?" she asked him as they approached the yacht's docking hatch.

He snapped his jaws and sent an rather graphic image for ripping throats out. Mira raised an eyebrow yeah, he had his plan ready.

She started activate the docking hatch controls and entered the yacht.

"Welcome aboard, ma'am," a petty officer third-class wearing the short-sleeved engineering uniform, "Lieutenant Commander Lance is on the flight deck finishing systems check. We should be ready to be underway in five minutes."

"Thank you petty officer," Mira acknowledged, "You are dismissed of your duties. I will be using my own crew."

The petty officer looked uncomfortable. "You might want to talk to the Lieutenant Commander about that, ma'am."

Mira blinked she had thought she heard Montgomery wrong. How would Kevin even know she was going, and now she had to talk to him about dismissing the crew? What was going on?

She walked into the ship to tell everyone they needed to leave. She didn't have time for this. Mira took a step back at seeing Kevin at the controls. She frowned slightly. She hadn't told anyone about her plan.......well, no one from Starfleet. Did the Klingon rat her out?

Kevin was tapping out commands on the flight console and didn't notice that Mira was on the flight deck until Vaytoc padded up and rubbed up against Kevin in the pilot's chair. Kevin turned an carefully petted Vaytoc and smiled at Mira. "If you want to get settled, we break seal in three minutes," he announced.

Mira bit her lip " are on R&R. And I have to handle. How are you here?" She asked, very confused. she was trying to keep her people save not drag them in her troubles.

"Commander Montgomery was worried about you," Kevin replied, "Needing an armed shuttle and a bag full of weapons for a 'family emergency' seemed a bit odd to him, so he contacted me. As for R&R, I thought that we should spend some time together."

Damn Montgomery she hadn't even realized he followed her into her quarters until she had an arm full of weapons. "it's not that kind of trip, not that I would be apposed to taking that kind of trip with you but I am .....visiting Klingon family and it ..." Damn it "It's only going to be Vaytoc and me on this visit." Mira added lamely. She had to get him off the ship before he found out anything. otherwise he would feel duty bound to join her. She didn't want that. This was going to dangerous.

Kevin's smile faded. Whether it was the thought of having to deal with Klingons or the subtle rejection he was feeling from Mira it was hard to tell. He was really bad at explaining his feelings but hadn't she read the message that he had sent? Didn't she know that he was committed to her and to Kolar? Maybe the fact that she hadn't replied to him in the days since he had sent it was a clue.

He stopped petting Vaytoc and turned back to the console to hide his emotions. "I am afraid that I can't let you go alone, Captain," he replied with cool detachment, "The ship can't operate for long with a skeleton crew and as talented as Vaytoc is, I doubt that he understands warp field mechanics as well as the engineering chief assigned here. I will get you to wherever you want to go and once there, you can decide if you are going to face your 'family emergency' alone."

Mira shook her head as she closed her eyes but the tears spilled out. Her nerves were shot. She had very little sleep in the last four days. Vaytoc pranced back and forth then sent a message of them going to rip out throats to get the cub back.

Mira eyes widened then looked at Vaytoc had he sent that to just her or both of them? She started to hyperventilate. She couldn't breath, did the air get sucked out of the room?

"Starbase 364 Departure Control, this is USS Lionheart," Kevin intoned into the console mounted communicator, "Request permission to undock and proceed to station injection point."

=/\= Affirmative, Lionheart, you are clear to undock and proceed. =/\=

There was a pause, then the communicator came to life again, =/\= Admiral Proll says 'Good Hunting'. =/\=

Mira reached for the wall behind her and followed it out as she kept her eyes closed and struggling to breath. Mira needed to sit down before she black out.

The petty officer took her arm "Ma'am do you need medical?"

Mira managed to shake her head no. Then curled up in a chair.

Kevin hadn't responded to Vaytoc's messages, so he probably had gotten it. Why was he here?
He said he never wanted to be a dad. She couldn't let him get killed over this.

OK new plan she would let them take her to the nearest city then she would head out to her cousin house with Vaytoc maybe Tell them she would find her own way home after visiting........No she would say her brother in-law would take her back to the base. Everyone would stay safe then. She just couldn't lose him.

=/\= Captain? This is Lance. We have reached the station injection point. What course should I set? =/\=

Mira was seeing spots not a good sign as she tapped her commbadge " in grid 09, quad 68, block 27, sector 70." She told him. The home world of Qo'noS. Her voice was weaker then she had hoped it would sound.

{Flight Deck}

"Coordinates received and laid in. Engaging Warp 9," Kevin reported to Mira.

Qo'noS, Kevin thought, the last planet in the Galaxy that he wanted to visit. Klingons, an indifferent Mira, and a child with who his relationship was uncertain. It just kept getting better and better.

Mira had yet to catch her breath. She knew as soon as she passed out her body would take over in breathing normally. They were headed to her baby now Mira would get him back. Once she woke up this little episode would be over. It used to happen alot as a child. She refused to be that little girl. Vaytoc crawled onto her purring to relax her but darkness over took her.


Commander Mira Rodale
USS Chuck Norris


Lieutenant Commander Kevin Lance
Executive Officer
USS Chuck Norris


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