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Something Borrowed

Posted on Sun Mar 24th, 2024 @ 7:24pm by Commander Kevin Lance

Mission: Blood wine and vengeance
Location: USS Chuck Norris
Timeline: Current

{Executive Officer’s Quarters}

Kevin was fairly certain that he knew what the second officer was going to tell him when asked, “What is it that you needed to day.”

“The Captain asked me to get her the fastest shuttle available and loaded every single weapon she owns into a transit bag,” Montgomery replied, “She mentioned a family emergency but I think she is going to kill someone.”

Oh she is definitely going to kill someone, Kevin thought. Out loud he said, “What have you been able to procure?”

“I have checked with the Starbase and the other assigned ships,” Montgomery answered, “The only ships that fit the requirements is an Ambassador’s shuttle or the Admiral’s yacht. The Ambassador is on a mission but the yacht is available.”

Kevin thought about the capabilities of the Admiral’s yacht. Fast, long-ranged and well-armed should they get into a scrape. “Push hard on the Admiral’s Chief of Staff for that yacht. Call the Admiral if you need to.”

“Will do,”

“I will be going with the Captain,” Kevin continued, “so you will be in command while I am going. Try not to let the kiddies run amok.”

Montgomery smiled, “I will do my best to keep the hatches on.”

“Contact me as soon as you get that yacht,” Kevin continued, “I want to run a full pre-flight systems check but the Captain is going to break seal as soon as she is aboard. I need you to buy me some time.”

“Aye, aye XO,”

“Good man,” Kevin responded. Montgomery went up a couple of points in his mind.

“Dismissed,” Kevin turned to throw a few things in his transit bag. He would need some Klingon weapons, a disruptor and a d'k tahg, if he was going to work covertly.


Lieutenant Commander Kevin Lance
Executive Officer
USS Chuck Norris


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