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First watch/back to the shit

Posted on Sat Mar 16th, 2024 @ 4:20pm by Captain Mira Rodale & Lieutenant Commander Kevin Lance & Lieutenant Awal Kronnelti & Lieutenant Betaras K'ner & Lieutenant T'Pralik

Mission: Thunderdome
Location: Science encampment
Timeline: Current

{Science Encampment, Paarth Elion Three}

Nightfall came and Kronnelti took post back in the barn window facing the location of where the pickup will be.

"Captain it's all clear, security can bring them back to the pick up area," he said.

"Alright everyone that's going. It looks clear, safe travels." Mira told them.

Mira would have preferred the first watch because it didn't break up her sleep, but since Kronnelti volunteered, she was betting he couldn't sleep right now.

Mira sighed as she moved her backpack to make it her pillow. Vaytoc settled in behind her. The warmth he generated felt good against her back.

With everything that had gone on today, she was both emotionally and physically drained. So getting to sleep shouldn't be that much of a problem. Carrying around all the extra weight the gene therapy put on her was difficult. She would be happy then they had got back to the base to have all of this removed.

Vaytoc settled in closer, putting his head on her hip. She was sure that whenever it was her turn, someone would wake her. With a few breathing techniques, Mira was out. She hadn't been asleep long before there was a commotion outside and gun fire in the distance. "Crap," she said as she jumped up and grabbed a weapon.

{The Transportation Site, a few kilometers away from camp}

The attackers come out of nowhere. The perfectly cloudless sky and full moon meant that there were few shadows, and the trees on the edges of the path seemed less menacing than when the crew had first come. When the returning crew and two scientists reached the canyon, everything had seemed normal. They were less than 500 meters from the small clearing where they beamed in, when a loud explosion erupted behind them.

T'Pralik turned around, to see hundreds of tons of rock from the sides of the canyon fall down, creating an impenetrable wall. At the tops of the cliffs, a dozen small heads appeared, each with what seemed like enough firepower to destroy a small town.

As the crew began to realise their predicament, one of the attackers shot out another rocket from their rocket launcher, destroying the cliff faces right on the designated transportation site.

To those who were military-minded, it was clear that it was a textbook ambush.

{at the camp}

Kronnelti yells down to Mira and Kevin. "AMBUSH!"

"Son of targ, can't anything be easy? I am beginning to really hate this world." Mira took off running with Vaytoc at her side. Had they seen the transporter? How was the ship going to respond? She could see the area was blocked ahead. "Vaytoc, stay close." he sniffed the air, sending the whereabouts of the enemy.

Kronnelti jumped down and took off after Mira, with his phaser rifle he spots one about to toss the rock he aimed and let off a shot that stunned him.

Kronnelti then attached two prongs at the end of the barrel, he charged another coming out and what looked to have tazed her.

"We have to find a way to get to them!" he yells.

Mira got to the area and started climbing the rubble. She fired a few times knocking the attackers out.

The science team's truck pulled up at the base of the rubble. Kevin jumped out and saw Mira climbing and fighting her way to the top. "Rogar, Walker, provide covering fire. Lockhart with me." Kevin sprinted to the opposite end of the rubble and began climbing followed by Lockhart.

The Paarthian ambushers were too preoccupied with shooting at Mira and Kronnelti while ducking the covering fire from Trace that they failed to notice Kevin and Lockhart circling around to their flank.

Now wanting to use the grenades, he took the ones he had on him and yelled back to Mira and everyone else to get to cover as he puts his thumb on the scanner to activate it.

He throws the grenade into the attackers. He gets down behind cover when a loud crackling sound along with a very bright light emanates from it, forcing the attackers to retreat.

Kevin crested the rise on the attacker's flank. He pulled out Kronnelti's phaser and took aim at the closest Paarthian. His thumb on the scanner, he pressed the trigger. But nothing happened. Fortunately, none of the attackers were made aware of Kevin's presence by the failed attack. Sticking the phaser in a cargo pocket, he pulled the mace off of his back and advanced on the first attacker.

Not wanting to kill the Paarthian, Kevin swung the mace at the attacker's back rather than his head. The sudden impact dropped the his opponent but Kevin hit him again to ensure that he stayed down.

Down below, T'Pralik stood frozen in panic. A cloud of smoke from the dozens of shots being fired near her rose, and harsh moonlight shone on her face, making it impossible to see. She tried with all her willpower to move, to crouch down, dive into the shelter of one of the bushes, but she couldn't. It was like she was being held in chains by some devilish deity. She tried to breathe, in, out, in, out, but her throat felt constricted.

Mira got to the top and saw the counselor just standing frozen. She could send Vaytoc to knock her under cover, but more than likely, the woman would just freak out and run the wrong way. Mira rolled herself down the inside of the rock slide, protecting her head and face the best she could. When she reached the bottom, she tackled the counselor, rolling them both behind a rock. "Stay down." Mira yelled over the noise. Vaytoc was up in a tree.

Kevin and Lockhart continued down the line of attackers. He was reluctant to kill their attackers but lacking an effective way to stun the Paarthians, he was forced to smite them with mace and pistol shot. At least Lockhart's phaser worked and he was able to stun the attackers closer to Mira.

Mira kept shooting. "Counselor, are you already? Are you hit?" Mira shook her head, she had only seen one other person this frozen with fear. "You and I are going to have some Holodeck training counselor, once we get back to the base. Just think of it as conditioning therapy." Mira told her, hitting the next target. Really, if they let these guys go, they will be nipping at their heels the whole time they are down here.

Kevin, pistol shots spent, was clearing the way with mighty sweeps of his mace. Lockhart too was using an iron sword as the two advanced. "Captain!" Kevin shouted, " Are you alright?"

Mira smiled at hearing Kevin's voice. "We are fine. I have the counselor, I think she is in shock." Mira yelled out. If she didn't have the counselor, Mira would have changed positioned before now. They were closing in on her. Several bullets hit way too close to her head, so she ducked down.

Several advanced on Mira and the counselor but before they could get to them, Kronnelti tossed a few more grenades, stopping their attack and turning them away back where the Paarthians came from.

Once everybody was in the clear he got everyone to regroup, "y'all ok? He asked anybody hit?"

Mira pulled the counselor up as she got up. "We are good. K'ner, you're needed."

K'ner let go of the body in her hand and looked around for any movement. Hearing the Capt, she climbed down one section that wasn't too unstable and approached.

Mira handed the counselor off to K'ner. "Did we get at least the two wounded beamed up before all hell broke loose?" Mira looked around but didn't see them.

"I don't see Doctor Lee or Crewman M'Baatu here but without a way to communicate with the ship we can't be certain," Kevin observed, "We should wait until dawn to be sure."

K'ner guided the confused T'Pralik over to others that had taken some injuries. She worked through each, keeping an eye on the counselor as she did so, then returned to her to go over her again to ensure she had no less-obvious injuries... other than her psyche. She nods at the Capt when she glances her way, assuring her things are under control.

Keeping an ear tuned to the nearby conversation, K'ner quietly spoke to T'Pralik as she straightened up the counselor's clothing, in an attempt to change her path of focus, away from the recent trauma. "It's interesting you kept your freckles after the bio-manipulation. It must be a prevalent trait in your family, or perhaps just the females."

Weakly, T'Pralik responded "I wouldn't know. Never met them. But I'd assume so."

Nodding, K'ner looks in her eyes, watching her body language with her peripheral vision... gauging her mental stability, hoping she's returned to a firmer stance and ready to re-engage, at least with movement. K'ner remembers seeing her once, completely focused on something the counsellor seemed to enjoy doing, as much as you can tell in a Vulcan.

With that thought K'ner rummages in her bag and comes up with a cake of soap she'd packed from the encampment, and holds it out to T'Pralik.

T'Pralik stared at the soap bar blankly, then suddenly she realised, almost as if a part of her was coming back. She nodded affectionately to K'ner, conveying emotions no words could describe. Slowly pulling herself away, she set herself into a corner, and took out a small carving knife she'd forgotten was in her pocket. Quietly, she began to chip away pieces, and as K'ner had hoped, forgetting a little about what had just happened.

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Lieutenant Commander Kevin Lance
Executive Officer
USS Chuck Norris


Lieutenant Awal Kronnelti
Chief of security and tactical
USS Chuck Norris


Lt Betaras K'ner
Haz Team Combat Medic A-TL / Acting CMO
USS Chuck Norris


Commander Mira Rodale
USS Chuck Norris


Lieutenant T'Pralik
USS Chuck Norris


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