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Posted on Wed Mar 13th, 2024 @ 3:27am by Captain Mira Rodale & Lieutenant Commander Kevin Lance

Mission: Thunderdome
Location: Paarth Elion Three
Timeline: Current

{Science Encampment}

Kevin brought over two plates of food to Mira and handed one of them to her. "Hardly a bacon cheeseburger and fries but its the best that we have." He settled down next to her.

"Your sudden outburst in Tumbleweed was unexpected," he started conversationally, "I hadn't realized how much all of this was getting to you. Can you keep it together until we rescue the science team? Do you need to go back to the ship?"

Mira had been settled down on a bench. Her Trill DNA mixed with gene therapy was in an upheaval.

She took the food with a smile. "Thank you. Did you consider that sudden? Their women are no more than slaves and I am a captain of a ship. A Starfleet officer. Pushing down years of training and survival instincts is a full-time job. The anger is real. That drink Rok gave out, I am sure, dulls the anger. Did you notice how he petted the women? I think that's another calming technique they use. Vaytoc was trying to use it on me, but I was so caught up in translating and finding out these scientists had brought this all on themselves that I hadn't realized." she closed her eyes, taking a deep breath, then slowly released it.

Kevin held up his hands in mock surrender, “Whoa, I didn’t say your reaction wasn’t justified, just sudden. Like going from thrusters to Warp 9 in spacedock. I am angry at the way they treated you too, but breaking cover like that was dangerous.”

Mira shook her head and continued, "To answer your question, yes, I can hold it together, but I can't bury so much of what I am. We will need to do a recon on this warlord's stronghold. If he has so many other leaders under his thumb, then he has some power and brains. We aren't going to just be able to walk in there and walk out with the scientists."

“I agree that we need a recon but perhaps I should lead it,” he offered, “You don’t have to be Kirk and lead from the front. As Captain, you should position yourself to maintain emotional detachment. Once we know where the scientist are, you can lead the assault if you wish.”

“Captain,” Lockhart interrupted, “The male scientist is coming around. I thought that you might have questions for him.”

Mira rubbed the back of her neck. it would seem all the tension was setting there lately. She nodded slowly. She had wanted to get the layout of the camp to make a better plan, but perhaps she did need to sit back and let him be the XO. After all, if she did his job, then the crew wouldn't respect him. "All right , " She brought her food with her as she stood. "Let's see how much damage these these eggheads have done

Kevin accompanied Mira to the encampment infirmary where they found K'ner. " Doctor Lee and his companion were left behind after the attack. The Elionians found them and kept them on a steady stream of narcotics because they didn't know how to treat them. I set the broken leg but need to get her up to the ship for a complete repair."

Mira closed her eyes to gather her thoughts. "Do to know how much damage you have done here? Did you even think of the prime directive when you were passing out all the off world information? How your companions are in a warlords hands. I need to know everything you have told these people and what they took with them."

"We never shared off world information or revealed or true nature," Dr Lee replied from the bed, "and we never violated the spirit of the Prime Directive. We helped alleviate the suffering of the Paarthians by assisting them in retaining the technology that they had achieved. As for what was taken, I have been unconscious since we were attacked but give me some time and I can check."

Doctor Lee's protestations seemed to have the ring of truth to Kevin. Nothing that he had seen here or in Tumbleweed looked anachronistic. He also thought about their conversation on the ship about wanting to step in and help within the values of the Paarthian culture.

Mira narrowed her eyes. "They are all calling you Feders."

"Tribal names are important," the Doctor replied, "and we had to call ourselves something. But there was no context for it beyond what we called ourselves.

Kevin was about to respond when Mira raised an eyebrow then held her hand up." I am not the one you have to answer to, but you can tell the Federation Council how you feel the spirit of the rules were followed. I am here to pull you out of this situation if at all possible. I need information to save the others. Why did they take them?"

"I honestly have no idea," the Doctor admitted, "Our relationship with the Grendaas were always equitable if rather strained. They usually visited twice a year to trade for food and technical expertise in repairing equipment. All of their stuff was pretty low tech so the mission leader saw little harm. And it allowed us to avoid the tithe."

"So what was different about this visit?" Kevin asked, "Aside from them attacking?"

The doctor considered the question. "It was at night, when we were all asleep. Usually they would only come in the hours of daylight for fear of the Elionians in the area."

"You were all asleep?" Kevin was stunned, "You didn't have a guard posted?"

"Well of course we did," the doctor replied in an exasperated voice, "We aren't Star Fleet but we aren't stupid. Professor Kelley had the watch, if I recall correctly, with several Paarthian males from Tumbleweed who worked for us." The doctor paused as a cloud crossed his orange features.

Mira pick up on his change of expression immediately, "What is it?" she asked.

"Professor Kelley has been attacking strangely lately," Doctor Lee recalled, "He was usually quite vocal in his opinion that we needed to do more to help the Paarthians but of late he has been much more withdrawn."

Kevin looked at Mira. "An inside job?" he asked.

Mira frowned. "If it is an inside job as you put it. Then they would have been told more Starfleet officers would be coming to rescue them, with maybe with bigger and better weapons. They could be waiting for us. I am wishing we picked green instead of being orange."

Kevin looked down as his sides. "Too short," he said, "and not enough limbs. But maybe we could ask Iwga for assistance. If the Grendaas are as aggressive against the Elionians, they might be willing to help."

Mira raised an eyebrow at him, saying 'too short', "I know you wouldn't dare suggest that I might be height challenged?" She smirked up at him.

Then nodded "Maybe We should talk to Igwa but we would have to give him something of value to risk his men to get our people back."


Lieutenant Commander Kevin Lance
Executive Officer
USS Chuck Norris


Commander Mira Rodale
USS Chuck Norris


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