And so it starts
Posted on Wed Feb 12th, 2025 @ 4:38am by Captain Mira Rodale & Lieutenant Commander Awal Kronnelti & Lieutenant Betaras K'ner
The days of our lives
Location: Beta Antares/IKS Knoktor
Timeline: Present
{Observation deck, Beta Antares}
Mira had been walking quickly to arrive to her destination. She had a few things she needed to get done and as soon as possible. Transportation being at the top of her list.
Rounding the corner, Mira frowned slowing her speed as she walked. OH CRAP.
Isbethal? Of all the people Mira thought she would meet here, the assassin wasn't one of them and she had her crew with her! Not the whole crew, but not really the clandestine, one on one meeting she normally had with Isbethal.
K'ner and Awal walked in from another Corridor and was joining them as well. It would seem someone assigned to babysitting her had let them know as well.
Mira looked around for Kevin, but didn't see him.
Isbethal seemed a little surprised at the group joining them, but Mira could tell the moment Isbethal mind started to calculate and plan. A slow toothy smiled came to her lips.
Mira frowned at that smiled. it didn’t bode well for anyone when she smiled like that.
“Captain Isbethal d’ghoc.” Mira Greeting her with a nod of her head.
Isbethal nodded, as well. “Captain Mira Rodale. We have business to Discuss, privately.”
Awal growled lightly at the same time K'ner did...
Mira looked back at K’ner and Awal. Yeah, they aren’t going anywhere. “Sorry but I already told them about finding the missing woman and my possible problem with the Orions. So did you find out anything?”
Isbethal frowned but nodded. “You’re needed. We have a ……side mission that requires you in order to proceed.”
Mira narrowed her eyes. Is this the mission that temporal agent told her about? Wasn’t Kevin supposed to be called away on a mission first before this one took place? Maybe it wasn’t. “Where?”
“Orion space.” Isbethal told her.
Mira closed her eyes and shook her head no. “that would be insane to deliver myself right unto their hands. You know they are looking for me. Look Isbethal, I don’t do those kind of missions anymore. I have a family. I want to find those woman, but not at the price of losing my family. My son and daughter come first. Kevin wouldn’t like any of this.” She stated a fact.
“You’re still needed. You will be hidden right under their noses. they will not know its you. Thor will be with your kids. Zimia, Dianna and Venus, too. They will all be safe.”
Mira frowned, she had a date with Kevin tonight. Her Kids, she was going to introduce to Thor. Running off on a mission wasn’t going to work.
“No.” Mira told her before walking away.
Isbethal frowned then Vaasha handed her a PADD. “All of them, then.”
Vaasha nodded.
Mira turned to Awal as they walked back down the condor. It couldn’t be the right mission. Kevin was still on the base. “I am getting us transportation to Earth.” For the first time ever, she was looking forward to spending time playing in the snow. That was the last thing she remembered.
{IKS Knoktor}
Awal and K’ner was the first two awake, speaking in quiet tones. Mira was still asleep laying on her side as was Vaytoc and Spike. They were in a cargo bay of a ship.
Awal tapped his commbadge nothing. “dampening field is up. We are on a Klingon ship and it's moving.”
K'ner nodded. "Expected as much." She turned to the Captain, checking her pulse once again but watching for any twitches or body language that she might wake up swinging. "At least she's getting some sleep now, but boy when she wakes up," she said with a grim smile and stepped back, just out of reach, watching Awal examine the room.
One moment Vaytoc was sound a sleep. Next he was on his paws in a crouching position over Mira sleeping body and looking around the room . He hissed his displeasure then relax slightly seeing there was no one to kill at the moment.
He nudged Mira a few times with his nose until she stiffened signaling she was awake and taking in the information. She rolled over to look around the room. “Crap” getting into a sitting position her hand went to her head. It hurt even more then the blasted hangover had.
She inhaled “Klingons took us?” That didn’t seem right. Isbethal! The woman didn’t take kindly to being told no. “I am going to end up killing one of my favorite assassins.” She growled as she got to her feet. “any idea how long we have been out?” she asked the others in the room.
Roughly 2 hours. Said Awal
Why do they want you so badly? he asked Mira
Mira frowned. “Isbethal or the Orions?” Mira asked as she looked around for a way out.
What side mission did Isbethal need her for? “I was the Communications officer, I handled Intel, code breaking, programming, translations and the pilot. “She shrugged “if distractions were needed, then I handled that too.” Mira said, half distracted as she focused on an escape plan.
Running her hand over the wall, she reached down to her boot and pulled out a knife. Prying the almost invisible panel with her knife, Mira grinned as she started to pull the system apart.
“WOAH! Captain I can…” One of the Haz team started to say before sparks shot out and the door opened.
Mira grinned. “That is going to take them hours to fix."
Looking around the door, she frowned. "It should have been guarded." She huffed, “Isbethal knew we would get out and is waiting for us to find her.”
Mira nodded. “We find her and see what half-asses plan she dragged us into.” Mira told them, “Try not to killed anyone here … yet. At least until we find out what is going on.”
K'ner nodded at her teammates. "We're fine with subdual."
Mira looked down at Vaytoc and Spike. “hunt Isbethal.” She told them before they ran out the door.
Lt Betaras K'ner
Hazard Team Combat Medic TL-B / CMO
USS Chuck Norris
Captain Mira Rodale
CO USS Chuck Norris
Lieutenant Commander Awal Kronnelti
Chief of Security & Tac
USS Chuck Norris