Days to come
Posted on Sun Feb 9th, 2025 @ 10:30pm by Captain Mira Rodale & Lieutenant Commander Awal Kronnelti & Lieutenant Betaras K'ner
The days of our lives
Location: Starbase
Timeline: Present
{USS AKIRA, VIPs quarters.}
Morning invaded Mira's life far too early for her liking. She rubbed her forehead thinking she should not have drank as much as she had at the captain's table last night. But, as the night went on, things had gotten worse, so hence the whiskey. Once they had left, the evening had improved.
Kevin and her had walked in the arboretum hand in hand, kissed under the stars, and then they headed home for the rest of their evening. She snuggled into Kevin’s arms just a few more moments before they had to start their day.
It was early morning and they had arrived at the base station.
“Good morning, sweetheart.” She Murmured softly as she rested her cheek against his chest.
{Beta Antares}
Mira has sent Zimia ahead to her family's assigned quarters on the base. She then went to her planned meeting with the engineers about putting the USS Chuck Norris in for repairs.
Mira nodded to the Beta Antares Chief engineer, Lt Commander Rocko, and handed him a PADD with all the needed repairs and upgrades she wanted.
The look on the engineer's face when they started to look over her list for the ship was humorous. She really did feel bad about the damage that had been done, but there was nothing she could do about it. Mira gave them a smile. “While you're fixing things, I would like these upgrades as well.” She told them firmly.
Rocko looked at her then looked back at the PADD.
“You want all of this in that little ship?” he asked her carefully.
Mira nodded, “yes, of course I do. I wouldn’t have spent all the time plotting all of the dimensions and equipment if I didn’t. Right now, we have a war ship. Designed for short missions. While we do have short missions, some are not. I want all the comfort of the large vessels on this ship. We have families living on board. I want comfort as well.”
The engineer frowned, “OK. Let me see what I can do.”
Mira shook her head no. “I want all of these upgrades make it happen.”
“And where do you plan to put the holodeck?” Rocko frowned.
Mira grinned pulling up the schematics for the ship on his planning console. She pointed to the briefing room it was already doubling as a briefing room and a playroom, but she wanted to be able to get more out of it than that. “Holoroom.”
He nodded. “And the second holodeck or more precisely holoroom? he ask he asked her
“ Cargo Bay 2. It’s doubling as a gym, but I think we can get more out of it. The crew does need some activities, training areas recreation area. The equipment gets in the way when we need to use it as a cargo bay but if it was a holobay.” She stopped when he nodded seeing the interest in his eyes.
“I see, you’ve modified the captains quarters and the executive officers quarters into one apartment.” He nodded.
Mira smiled “but, I would like to get a second apartment. We have another family that could use the room. I know the ship wasn’t designed for families but that’s what we have on it now. So it needs to fit the crew. Possibly more apartments.” Mira had counted 3 other areas if wall were moved it could work.
The chief engineer nodded he could understand that. More family friendly and high tech atmosphere. “Alright, do you plan on having a full crew?” if he was going to enlarge areas space would need to come from some place.
Mira wasn't sure. They had lost a lot of crew in the last two missions. They were going to get the reputations of being the death ship assignment. Maybe they could do without a few crewmen. That would give them an extra room to extend some walls to make room for quarters.
“A few less.” She gave a shrug then pointed to the lower deck. “The barracks could use some more comfort.” She had slept there a few times. “Better mattresses and storage. Upgrade the lockers. And in the armory, don’t remove the chest. It’s mine.” She gave a little sigh. “Because of the kids I had to move it to the armory.”
He nodded. “If I close off this door by the transporter, I could open up a door inside your quarters to the armory. With a hand printed lock to add security.”
Mira nodded. In emergency Awol could still easily get the weapons. He had access to her quarters as did Montgomery.
“Good plan.” She told him. “The office in my quarters needs some improvements I want that to be the Captain’s ready room and change what was the Captain’s quarters to my XO’S office. Add a large holoscreen on this wall.” Mira wasn’t sure what Kevin used it for, but he did access the one on the secondary bridge a lot.
She waited as the engineering team looked over the plans. There had been an extensive wish list from all her department chiefs. Movie theater, sports arena, arboretum, even the kids had added playground and pool. That was when she knew she needed a holodeck. But a holoroom would work. Of course, people would be assigned times to use the two holorooms, she thought with a smirk. Oh well, nothing was perfect. Of course, if they lost power, will they would have two empty rooms.
Rocko cleared his throat to get her attention. “How long do we have?”
“I put the crew in for extended leave. After what we have all been through. We all need the time to heal. I am not sure what my Chief engineer will want, so I am leaving it up to him. Most of the crew and I are going on vacation.” When she said that, she frowned thinking of transportation. Crap, it almost gave her a panic attack. She pushed the visions of the ship being attacked, them being taken prisoner or crashing some place and being stranded filled her mind. She took a deep breath. Kevin would be with them and they would all be safe.
“Sorry what did you say?” Mira asked fighting the little blushed of embarrassment.
“I think we got everything, Captain Rodale. Even the little Herb garden in the pink little girl’s room?” He looked a little puzzle.
She laughed. “Yes, well the kids wanted a pink and blue ship with flowers on it. Got them to compromise with a few other things.”
“Well, thank the gods for that. Not sure how I could get that request by command. So In lieu of portals you want holo screens added to the rooms. That would make the rooms appear more open. Interesting. Of course, when in combat situations all the extras would be automatically powered off. I see some highly Challenging request, but I don’t see a reason it couldn’t be done.”
Mira smiled. “Thank you. Oh and some time, while we are gone, The IKS Harbinger Will arrive. I NEED these changes made.”
It was a D7 Cruiser, with warp 9 capabilities and able to fit a crew of 430. Huge, she new but after looking at the other ships in the Rasmehlier’s small fleet, it was the smallest one available with warp 9, weapons and the protection, she wanted to traveling on her business trip with the high command.
“Your joking right?” One of the men asked.
“Nope. no joke. As Head of the house Rasmehlier, I need to take this ship on my business trips and I am not having my family” Namely Kevin. “Uncomfortable. GUT it, clean it and put everything a human would want to use the ship. NO targs and I want comfort in every room. With four apartments for families.” Just incase the crew stated coming with her.
“Klingon, clean and comfortable?” Rocko chuckled. “You don’t ask for much. I noticed you have a Klingon cloaking device on the Norris.”
Mira nodded. “I need that to work without harm to my ship or crew. It will only be used in extreme emergencies and only in the Shackleton Expanse.”
Rocko nodded “Now I understand what the argument was about.”
Mira’s brows scrunched. “What argument?”
“The Romulans said that they developed a cloaking device far more suited to the Defiant then the Klingons have and they thought you should be using theirs, while the Klingon ambassador said that the head of a Klingon house didn’t need the protection of a Romulan device.” He told her amused.
Mira said a very un-lady like curse. “whatever! I am not sticking around for them to decide. Put whatever you can get to work.” She shook her head as she walked away.
Three of the Haz Team were there, making Mira smirk. “Did you 3 get stuck with baby….. I mean Captain sitting job?”
They chuckled. "It's like you won't even know we're here... much..." said one.
"I just like to watch you twist somebody up when they continue to underestimate you," said the other.
“fine, I just need to find out about transportation and destination plans.”
“The Thunderbird just docked.” Nod told her.
Mira raised an eyebrow. The Thunderbird was one of Thor’s ships. Interesting ,Mira thought.
Then her commbadge went off.
=/\= Captain Rodale, please report to the observation deck.=/\=
Mira frowned who would want her there? She tapped her commbadge “On my way.”
She heard her escort fall in behind... just barely...
Awal has spent the better day of his time in the security room, sitting at his desk looking at the padds, one of them just left by K'ner.
"This isn't going to be smooth... nor uneventful... is it?"
Awal shook his head, barely looking up. "Of course not!"
K'ner left Awal to his planning, and growling. She needed to check in with the last of the medical team after they'd secured the sensitive equipment, then the Haz Team and the monitoring they had set up.
Captain Mira Rodale
CO USS Chuck Norris
Lieutenant Commander Awal Kronnelti
Chief of security and tactical
USS Chuck Norris
Lt Betaras K'ner
Hazard Team Combat Medic TL-B / CMO
USS Chuck Norris