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Happliy Ever After

Posted on Sun Oct 20th, 2024 @ 11:15am by Commander Kevin Lance & Captain Mira Rodale

Mission: Deep freeze
Location: Matrix
Timeline: One Week After Leisure and Business

{Rasputin House, London, England, June 1815}

Mira has just returned from her morning constitutional through Hyde Park with her aunt Lela. Kolar had not been in attendance, much to her aunt's delight, for the first time since the meeting between herself and Lord Kevin. She suspected that he had travelled with his father to Portsmouth or been sent back to Castle Drury. Her aunt was happy that the little boy was gone. His despite being well-behaved as promised, Aunt Lela found his antics exhausting and his presence deterred many a man from trying to engage with Mira.

Mira could gain no information on the outcome of the affair d'honour between Lord Kevin and Mister Rodriguez. Kevin must have been preoccupied with naval business as she did not see him about town and Rodriguez, and his mother, had been absent from her uncle's house for three full days. Mira was initially fearful that both men had been killed but as she thought on the matter, she settled herself with the knowledge that Diego was too much of a coward to allow himself to be killed. Still, the complete absence of either was perplexing.

She removed her cloak and bonnet and was about to adjourn to the sitting room to read when the butler approached her. "Your uncle would like to see you in his study," he told her.

Mira's mood fell. Her uncle rarely asked her into his study and when he did so, it was invariably to give her bad news. She nodded her ascent to the butler and the man withdrew.

There were three men in the study when she entered. Her uncle, of course, his solicitor, Mister Fargreen, and a third whom she did not recognize standing in a corner. He was a slight man of middle years, not overly handsome with a receding hairline, dressed in a conservative manner that bespoke him not a slave to the most current fashion. Mira thought that this was another suitor from whom her father was seeking fortune. That he wasn't very old or ugly left Mira wondering what this one's character flaw would be.

"Have a seat, niece," her uncle commanded gruffly.

Mira was irritated by his usual highhandedness but settled into the unoccupied chair in front of her uncle's desk.

"Since you are unwilling to wed any of the eligible gentlemen that I have selected for you, I have no choice but to turn you out of my house," he announced.

Mira had been waiting for this. "Very well, Uncle. Good day to you." Now she was free. Most women would be crying. Willing to do whatever is needed to stay and be taken care of. She just had to make her way to her father's house. it was empty now but in her name. The lawyer her father had hired was a well-respected and honest man. She had been assured that all was taken care of.

"Not so fast," her uncle interrupted, "You still haven't reached the age of your majority."

Mira paused. That was true. She wouldn't receive control of her inheritance for a number of years yet and even then there were restrictions on what she could and couldn't do. Her brother-in-law still hadn't arrived from Baden and she hadn't received a letter back from him. It had been only a week since she had been able to post a letter herself and it was doubtful that he had even received it yet. If she had the protection of her brother-in-law's household, she wouldn't have cared about her estate. But until then she was depended on her uncle, her guardian, for support. Her mind raced. Perhaps she could impose upon a friend or find a situation as a governess.

"You intend to turn me out without money or prospects," she responded icily.

"Your guardianship has transferred to another," her uncle replied.


The third man stepped forward and said, "The identity of the person for whom I am factor must, for the moment, remain anonymous."

"And you are?" Mira asked with an imperious tone.

Unflustered, the man replied, "Lady Mira, I am Andrew Martin, esquire. I represent my employer's interests and by extension, your own in this matter."

"Yes. Yes," her uncle waved a hand in the air, "Enough of the pleasantries. Mira you have until the end of the day to remove yourself and your things from my house. I will have nothing further to do with you." He turned his attention to Mister Martin. "And you may depart immediately lest I turn the dogs upon you."

Mister Martin smirked but held any indication of contempt from his voice, "As you wish, sir." To Mira, he gave a genuine if somewhat ingratiating smile and said, "I have a carriage and will await you outside, Lady Mira."

Mira nodded. Not at all sure of what she should do. They really expected her to just go off with a stranger? It looked that way.

Kolar's little plan of changing into boys' clothing and taking off was looking rather good right now. She could live off the land and make her way across the water.... no? Maybe. First, she would have to see what this new situation all entailed.

As a worse thought came to her mind.

Oh, by all that is holy, her new guardian had better not be one of the Rodriguez's Mira closed her eyes for a moment or worse. Perhaps there was worse. Then, she went upstairs to pack. She was never coming back here even if your aunt was on deaths bed.

It only took a few moments to put her things in her chest. Then she looked around the room. Nothing else was from her father. Taking ahold of the chest, she pulled it out of the room and took great delight in hearing it hit each and every one of the steps as she went down the staircase. Halfway down, she let it go.

Her eyes widened in surprise at the loud noise it made. Perhaps she should have let it loose at the top of the stairs.

It wasn't full. So the weight was manageable. Her uncle came out glaring at her. Picking up on of the handles she dragged it out the door. Mira was truly done with this side of the family.

Mister Martin looked rather surprised to see her so quickly.

"I do hope I haven't kept you waiting."

"They didn't help you with the luggage?" he looked back at the door. "Is there more?"

Mira smiled "No Sir this was all that was mine here. I believe we could both lift it. There is no sense in hurting yourself." she waited for him to take the other side.

"There is no need," he said as he snapped his fingers and a footman jumped down from the back of a coach parked outside of Rasputin house. There was no coat of arms on the door so Mira surmised that it had been rented for this occasion. The footman easily lifted her trunk and secured it to the back of the coach before helping Mira into the vehicle.

Once she was comfortably seated, Mister Martin rapped on the roof of the coach and it gently began moving.

"So, Mister Martin," Mira inquired, "What is it that my new guardian wants of me?" Her tone was light and airy but she was secretly dreading the answer. Plans for escape were continuing to form in the back of her mind.

"Very little," Mister Martin replied, "The specific instructions are that you are to be set up in a household of your own and allowed to engage with any that you chose. I will see to the management of your estate for the time being but a generous allowance is afforded to you, beyond the cost of the household, on a monthly basis. As to suitors, I am empowered to act as gatekeeper but the choice of whom you allow to court is left to you."

It was a very liberal arrangement for a young woman, quite a near to freedom as any guardianship might allow but there had to be a catch. "A was is the price of such consideration," said asked suspiciously.

"There is but one provision that you are asked to fulfill," Mister Martin continued, "There is a young child that will for the time being be without the comfort of parents. My client asks that you would oversee the child for an indeterminate period of time."

"As a governess?"

"More like a guardian for the child whilst the parents are in absentia," Mister Martin continued, "You would be empowered to make decisions for the child with all funding being provided by my client. You would be allowed to chose the residence for you and the child, either here in London, at the family's country estate, or wherever else in England you deem best. The only stipulation is that the child may not be removed from England. If you intention is to return to Germany, your guardianship of the child would be terminated.

Mira relaxed slightly at the terms of the agreement. She hadn't wanted to return to Germany. Staying here had been her first choice and to take care of a child.... She closed her eyes. It wouldn't be Kolar, but.....

"I accept those terms, Mister Martin. I have had enough of London and my uncle, so if this child is young, I believe the family's country estate would be the best place to raise a child. " She was quiet for a moment, then remembered he was also her gatekeeper. "As to suitors," she shook her head, having enough of the barbaric men her uncle had sent her way. "If I can't find a love match marriage, then I will remain single."

It was truthful, and as much as she was willing to open up to a complete stranger.

"It shall be as you wish, Lady," Mister Martin acknowledged and with his business complete, he fell into silence.

Mira looked out the window of the coach. They traveled along the eastern then northern edge of Hyde Park before turning into a quiet respectable street in the Paddington district. Not as grand as Grovsenor Square or pretentious as the neighborhood that Rasputin house was located, she quite approved of the selection made by Mister Martin's client.

The solicitor excused himself to ensure that all was in readiness while Mira remained in the coach. She occupied her time watching the children playing in the small park across the street, wondering if her ward was among them. She was so preoccupied with the task, it was a surprise when the door opened and Mister Martin stuck his head in.

"We are ready when you are, Lady" he announced.

He helped her down from the coach and she was barely on the ground when a delighted child cried, "Miss Mira!" and Kolar descended the steps to wrap his arms around her while Mary beamed happily from the door.

Mira was overwhelmed with happiness she squatted down, hugging him tightly "Oh I never thought I would see you again." Mira's voice broke fighting tears.

Kolar whispered in her ear. "We saved you from the bad people!"

Mira nodded. "You did. You are my knight in shining armor."

Kolar giggled. "You will stay?"

Mira nodded. "For as long as your father will let me."

She stood up, taking his hand, then hugged Mary.

Mary wiped a tear from her eye. "Oh, it is good to have ye home. We have been worried about you. Kolar has told us some stories."

Kolar tugged on her sleeve, showing a bruise.

"It is good to be back, Mary." Mira told her.

Mary frowned. "You look like you lost some weight, too." Mary shook her head. "tch tch. I have a meal in the oven. It will be ready shortly. "

{Castle Drury, December 1815}

The coach carrying Lord Commodore Kevin Lance pulled into the courtyard of Castle Drury on a rainy and blustery afternoon in early December. With the signing of the second Treaty of Paris, his squadron had received orders to suspend their blockade of the French ports bordering the Bay of Biscay and return to Portsmouth. Kevin was certain that he would be put ashore again, perhaps for good this time seeing as Napoleon was unlikely to make a second escape from his new exile on Saint Helene.

He knew that he should have remained with his squadron but felt the need to visit Castle Drury as soon as possible. He had left the next senior Captain in charge of shepherding the squadron to Portsmouth while he commandeered the mail packet that had brought the orders to return him to Exeter and from their he had hired a coach to bring him home.

He shook the rain from his greatcoat and handed it with his hat to a surprised Haldersen, then marched in the direction of the library. As he hoped, Mira was sitting in a chair, reading.

The room was a blaze with light and a fire blazed in the fireplace combining to give the library a warm and cheerful air. Mira looked up from her book at his entrance but didn't seemed surprised to see him. Kevin stood just inside the doorway, just looking at her. She was as beautiful as the day he first saw her, almost nine months ago as she stood dripping rain in the hallway much as he was now doing in the library. There was one change, however. She displayed a spotted pattern emanating from her temples along the side of her face and down her neck, so similar to Merri's but at the same time unique to Mira.

"Mister Lance," she said, "It is good to see you again."

"And you too Miss Rodale," he answered.

"You look cold and wet," she continued, "Do come and sit by the fire before you catch your death of cold."

He did as he was bidden and sat in a high backed chair facing the fireplace. Mira sat in the chair next to his and studied his countenance as he warmed his hands. They were silent for a good three minutes before Mira asked, "How did you arrange it?"

"I beg your pardon?"

"Getting my uncle to relinquish guardianship of my estate?" she pressed, "I was in doubt at first as to why he would turn me out and give it over to another. Until I was greeted by Kolar at Perseus House in London. I hadn't thought that you would have shown me such a kindness but it couldn't have been anyone else. So I ask you again. How did you arrange it."

It hadn't be a terrible effective disguise so Kevin wasn't surprised that Mira had seen through it. "During our meeting at your uncle's house in London, you let slip that he was in some difficulties regarding gambling debts and that he intended to profit off your marriage. Mister Rodriguez confirmed that much at our...meeting later that week. Armed with the knowledge, it wasn't very difficult to find those to whom he owned money and purchase the debt from them. Indeed, Mister Martin said that they were quite eager to be rid of debt's that they had assumed were unlikely to be paid."

Mira's brows knitted in concern. "That must have been expensive," she guessed.

Kevin shrugged. "It was," he admitted, "but the copper mine was still attractive enough to allow me to sell a minority interest and that, along with prize money invested in the funds, was enough to buy up all his debts. I then had Martin present the offer forgive the entire sum in exchange for transferring guardianship of you and your estate to me. Your uncle was reluctant at first, I suspect because he thought that he and your aunt could get you to accept the proposal from Mister Rodriguez, but after our meeting he was in no shape to continue his suit.

"You didn't kill him?" Mira asked in some alarm.

"No but I did draw first blood," Kevin replied, "and I was able to elicit a promise to stop courting you. I doubted that would he keep that promise long but I only needed him to absent himself for a week or two. Once Mister Rodriguez had withdrawn, your uncle as very happy to accept the arrangement.

"I don't understand why, but I thank you. My life would have been quite different if you had not taken me under your protection," Mira told him.

"Don't mention it," Kevin turned away from her gaze, "I was bullied and abused as a child and cannot abide those that would use their position of authority to harm others. You are a beautiful and intelligent woman. You deserve the unfettered use of your reason to determine that which is best for you."

Mira was much affected by his speech. To cover her emotion, she quickly said, "Kolar has been amazing while you have been away, but he misses you." It was then she caught him studying her spots. She had forgotten all about covering them up when Kolar started to get self-conscious about his own spots asking if he could cover them as she did. So she had forgone the makeup.

"I missed him as well," Kevin admitted, "but I am unable to spend more than a night here before I must return to my squadron. We will arrive in Portsmouth by the end of the week, weather permitting, then I will need to report to the Admiralty in London. I should be very grateful if you would attend Kolar to London for my return."

"Consider it done," Mira promised.

"Thank you," Kevin replied, "Then I suppose that there is only one more question. You have your independence. What do you intend to do now that I am returned?"

Mira blushed, the man never made things easy. "My plans are to continue to take care of Kolar. Until you wish me to leave." She met his look and gave a soft smile.

That was what he was hoping to hear. "That would please me greatly," he returned her smile, "but I wouldn't want you to be Kolar's governess. I want you to be his mother."

Mira looked a little confused by that. "His mother?" What was he trying to tell her without telling her anything again at all? He could talk circles around her sometimes, but he hadn't asked her to....well, to do anything but be Kolar's mother. So she could not put ideas in her head. She gave a nod in consent. She would love to be the boy's mom. But did that mean he was going to remain in the service of England, or was he leading up to something more?

For a women so intelligent and well-read, Kevin thought, she could be endearingly obtuse. "Yes, Kolar's mother," he said teasingly, "And there is only one way to legally achieve that."

He turned in his chair and leaned in towards her as he took her hands in his. "Mira Rodale will you consent to be my wife? If you would have me, I am certain that your guardian will approve."

Mira's smile was quick in coming. "If you are sure my guardian would give you his consent. Then, I would happily give you my consent. I don't think we will have a problem convincing Kolar."

"Is Miss Mira really going to be my mama?" Kolar asked.

Kevin and Mira turned in surprise. Neither had heard the boy enter.

"Would you like me to be your mama?" Mira asked.

The boy nodded his head vigorously. Mira laughed and said, "Yes."

"Yea!" Kolar exclaimed, "Now you can kiss!"

Mira laughed, seeing Kolar jumping up and down, so she turned to Kevin leaning in for a kiss. "Should we kiss Mister Lance? Kolar does seems to think that would be a good idea to seal the deal."

"Mira, have been dreaming of your kiss for seven months," Kevin confessed, "If we do not kiss, I think I shall explode." And with that declaration, he closed the final inches between them and brushed his lips against hers.


Commander Kevin Lance
Executive Officer
USS Chuck Norris


Captain Mira Rodale
CO USS Chuck Norris


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