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The Final Thrust

Posted on Sun Oct 20th, 2024 @ 7:23pm by Commander Kevin Lance

Mission: Deep freeze
Location: Matrix
Timeline: Current

{Aboard Chuck Norris}

“By your own admission,” Kronnelti pointed out, “The Indefatigable is better armed than we are. We should call in other craft before we attack.”

“I know what I said,” Kevin answered as he looked at the Royalist ship on the screen, “But our enemy is here and backup is too far away.”

“Very well," Kronnelti said, “What is your plan?”

“Their course will take them close to a gaseous anomaly over here,” Kevin pointed on the subsector map, “We can hide our electronic signature and gain a positional advantage.”

“An ambush,” Kronnelti nodded in appreciation, “I will ensure that all weapons systems are fully operational.”

“You do that,” Kevin acknowledged absently as he worked on plotting a course to get the Chuck Norris into position.

{Four Hours Later}

“Flight Conn, bring us slowly into their baffles,” Kevin ordered from the captain’s chair.

“Aye Captain,” the woman at the helm replied. Her hands operated over the controls to turn Kevin’s command into action.

The Royalist ship, like all space craft with an aft engine emitter design, was blind to anything in its baffles, the narrow cone extending from the rear of the vessel. It was a testament to the overconfidence of the Royalist captain that they did not have any picket shuttles deployed. Not surprising given that they were so deep in Royalist space but an unpardonable sin for any lone vessel, no matter how powerful.

Once the Norris was hidden in the Indefatigable’s baffles, Kevin order the helmsman to close the distance between the two ships. They sailed closer to the enemy and when they were within the effective range of their weapon systems, Kevin directed a turn out of the baffles and they opened fire on the Royalist ship.

Beams, missiles and kinetic projectiles lanced out from the Chuck Norris to strike the flank of the Indefatigable. Explosions blossomed on the hull of the Royalist ship and the Norris wheeled away to avoid the enemy’s return fire. But it was only partially successful.

Once surprise of the initial salvo wore off, the enemy turned in their direction and began firing. Beams, missiles and slugs slammed into the Chuck Norris, causing the ship to rock violently from the impact and explosions.

“Reinforce aft shields!” Kevin commanded, “Bring us about to fire on them from behind!”

The woman at the helm acknowledge the order and the ship banked hard to port. Kevin’s attention switched back and forth between the tactical display on the arm of his conn and the main viewscreen. When the enemy ship came into the full arc of their frontal weaponry, Kevin ordered, “Fire quantum missiles. Phasers fire at will.”

Missiles shot out from the Chuck Norris as the enemy’s weapons continued to pound the rebel ship. The Indefatigable’s close in weapons systems prematurely detonated many of the missiles but several found their target. The illumination from the enemy ship’s engine emitters flickered momentarily before going dark.

“We’ve disabled their main drive” Kronnelti announced. Without the large drive, the Royalist would be limited to using small maneuvering thrusters to position themselves. They were like a wounded gazelle on the savanna. But with their weapon complement, they were still a very deadly opponent.

“Bring us around to strafe them,” Kevin ordered. The ship banked in response. The Norris’ gunners continued their unrelenting fire as did the Royalist ship. Explosions rocked the bridge and the flight control panel blew up in a blast of sparks that knocked the helmsman out of her seat.

“Helm at my command,” Kevin ordered and he grabbed a joystick that emerged from the right armrest of his captain’s chair. The display on his left reconfigured itself to allow Kevin to further control his ship.

The main viewscreen went white with explosions on both ships as the Chuck Norris flew past the Indefatigable and Kevin coaxed his ship into an inverted dive. The noise of explosions that had been reverberating through the ship subsided, leaving an eerie silence. He didn’t hear the sounds of his own ship firing. A moment later, Kronnelti provided an explanation.

“Fire Control Systems off line.” the tactical officer reported, “and there are hull breeches in the crew quarters.”

Kevin’s blood ran cold. He tapped the intercom and called out, “Kevin to Mira,”

There was no response.

Kevin tried again. The intercom crackled but instead of Mira, he recognized the voice of Kronnelti’s wife. “Mira’s gone,” she said, her voice full of distress, “I am so sorry, Kevin.”

Kevin’s throat tighten up. I couldn’t trust himself not to crack so he cut off the intercom. “Computer, find Mira Rodale,” he demanded.

“Mira Rodale is no longer on the ship,” the computer replied ask more explosions rocked the ship.

Without weapons, the prudent course of action would be to withdraw. But Kevin was in no mood to be prudent. The Royalist had taken Mira’s mind from him and now they had taken her body and soul. He banked the Norris to bring the Indefatigable in front of her.

He wasn’t going to let them take Mira away from him without paying the price. He accelerated towards the Royalist ship. “All power to the forward shields!” he screamed.

Kronnelti’s eyes grew wide as he realized what Kevin intended. He grabbed hold of the arms of the tactical conn’s chair as the Royalist ship grew big in the main viewscreen.

Kevin expertly guided the ship through the enemy fire, pushing the engines to their fullest velocity. His careful adjustments to their course was rewarded by a sudden impact that threw the crew forward in the chairs as a blinding white light consumed the entire bridge.

{BS Neva Control Room}

“The energy output is excellent,” the hooded figure commented approvingly, “This race seems to thrive on conflict.”

“It is so,” the second agreed, “Shall we proceed with full cultivation?”


{Ducal Bedroom}

Kevin awoke with a start, his body bathed in sweat. His dreams had been of death in a battle in space.

He got out of the bed that he was sharing with a woman with short black hair and plodded to the broad window. The sun was beginning to rise and was casting long shadows as a carryall with a harvester was climbing to the sky.

Kevin poured himself a glass of water from a covered pitched on a table near the huge window. He took a long drink as he look out the window to the vast desert that spread out from the settlement.


Commander Kevin Lance
Executive Officer
USS Chuck Norris


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